Copyright 2024 - Ningbo Life / Ningbo Expat

Assistance station looking for homeless people on streets

Recently, staff of Ningbo Assistance Station went to all corners of the towns and districts to look for vagrants and beggars, and tried to persuade those homeless people to celebrate the Spring Festival in the assistance station.

According to Hang Hongying, the Deputy-director of Ningbo Assistance Station, a lot has been done to help those who stayed temporarily in the station to go back home to celebrate the Spring Festival with their families. Up to now, the station has managed to buy railway tickets for all but six people who cannot name their home address. The station is now making every endeavor to help the remaining six to contact their families. Besides, the New Year’s Eve dinner has been arranged for them so that they can still enjoy a happy and peaceful new year in case that their families could not be found. Besides, staff of the station went to all towns and districts to look for vagrants and beggars at streets, and tried to persuade them to go to the station to celebrate the Spring Festival. However, as most of the homeless were unwilling to go to the station, the staff could only distribute them some materials for warmth and left them the phone number just in case. It is said that during the Spring Festival holiday, three groups of staff will go to persuade the vagrants and beggars on streets to go to stay in the station. In days of rainy and snowy weather and frozen weather, there will be more patrols on streets

Traffic police on alert for the coming rainy and snowy weather

To deal with the impact of the coming rainy and snowy weather on traffic, the traffic police sector of Ningbo has made careful arrangements and preparations to guarantee the traffic security during the Spring Festival period.

From today on, every day there will be over half of the traffic police force participating in the road management and strengthening inspections of some dangerous road sectors. In the meanwhile, close attention will be paid to the weather and road conditions. A number of traffic signs have been prepared so that in case of emergencies some mountain roads will be closed to traffic immediately.

To deal with the impact of the bad weather condition on the motorway traffic, Ningbo City Motorway Brigade launched the emergency plan to ease the traffic by taking such measures as intermittent release, segmented release and policecar-guided passage.

The traffic police also warned the citizens to maintain a safe speed and definitely avoid speeding while driving in a bad weather

Ningbo city leaders visiting veteran comrades

Just before the Spring Festival, five groups of related government officials led by city leaders Wang Huizhong, Liu Qi, Wang Yong, Wang Jianbo, Zhuwei, Cheng Yuechong and Wang Renzhou, went to visit old comrades Xiang Bingyan, Ye Chengyuan, Chen Yong, Zhang Liyi, Wang Xuezheng, Zhang Yongxiang, Fu Qingxiang, Song Ruifu and Xu Jizi, etc. They visited the sick and hospitalized veteran comrades and Red Army soldiers. They extended great respect and cordial greetings to the veteran comrades and wished them a happy Spring Festival, good health and longevity and a happy family.

At every stop, Wang Huizhong and Liu Qi paid the old comrades the New Year's call on behalf of the municipal party committee and municipal government. They inquired in detail about their health and living conditions, extended the Spring Festival regards and best wishes to them, briefly informed them of the last year's economic and social development situation and the next year's working objectives, and expressed gratitude to the veteran comrades for their contributions to the city's reform, development and stability. Wang Huizhong and Liu Qi also listened carefully to their views and suggestions to the work of the municipal party committee and municipal government, and hoped that they would continue to show their care and support for the work. The veteran comrades showed their gratitude to the leaders for the party committee and government's care for them, and expressed their sincere pleasure for the achievements in Ningbo's economic and social development.

Earlier, the related officials from the Organization Department and the Bureau of Retired Veteran Cadres of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee visited in groups 16 retired cadres (whose administrative level was over 14), family members of the late Red Army veterans, and some retired cadres with special living difficulties, and brought them care and greetings from the municipal party committee and municipal government

Passenger flow receded temporarily from yesterday

Although the weather forecast said it would snow in most parts of Hubei, Anhui, Jiangxi and Zhejiang Province, the road transport in Ningbo on January 21 was not affected. According to the related public transportation departments, today all the passenger coaches started service as usual, and the general situation on road will depend on the scope and degree of the snow.

As today is the Lunar New Year's Eve, and the majority of long-distance passengers had already been on their return journey, the passenger flow begins to recede. Statistics from Ningbo Spring Festival Travel Office show that yesterday the major transport windows sent 108,600 passengers, including 42,000 passengers sent by Ningbo East Railway Station and 580,000 passengers by the top five coach stations. The passenger flow of today mainly consists of passengers to such short-distance destinations as Shanghai and Hangzhou

An urgent notice for snow and frost

On the evening of January 19, Ningbo Government Office issued an urgent notice to require all the departments in all levels in Ningbo to get fully prepared for the coming snow and ice storms and to ensure the people's normal production and living orders.

It is required that all the related departments should pay great attention in terms of thought, work, personnel and measures. The monitoring and early warning system should be strengthened,  close attention should be paid to the weather change and dynamic disaster situation and the predetermined plans should be launched timely if necessary.

Firstly, investigation should be enhanced, and great priority should be given to the security of people’s lives and properties. Specifically speaking, some endangered buildings and areas should be searched and the necessary reinforcement work should be carried out timely. Close attention should also be paid to the living condition of people in such key areas as the Seniors' Homes. Crop protection against cold and freezing conditions and agricultural disaster prevention work in greenhouses and other facilities should be carried out. The security investigation in crowded areas and the cold rain and snow prevention work should be strengthened.

Secondly, early preparation to guarantee the normal operation of various public facilities should be made. Great attention should be paid to such life-related facilities as water supply, electricity, gas and transport. Great importance should be attached to prevention work and safe production. Focuses should be put on the safety production of industrial and mining enterprises, high-rise buildings and construction sites for major projects. In the meanwhile, close attention should be paid to the fire safety of all crowded areas. The security management for the facilities in tourist attractions should be enhanced to provide timely tips for travelers and prevent visitors from travelling in bad weather. Health departments should organize the preparation of medical assistance to meet people’s needs for emergency medical treatment.

Thirdly, supplies should be guaranteed to ensure the normal order of production and life for urban and rural people. Such departments as trade, grain, prices and industry and business should carefully organize the supply of coal, electricity and oil, and the market supply of grain and oil, meat, eggs, vegetables and milk. The related departments should intensify the supervision and hold down the prices scientifically to meet the demand of the market.

The notice also required that all government departments should strengthen the duty system, arrange the shift work efficiently, implement the 24-hour duty system and leadership duty system, and submit information timely and accurately.


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