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Celebrating the Spring Festival

On January 24, the drum team of a community in Haishu District was performing on the street for the residents in the community as a form of celebrating activity for the Spring Festival.

First snow in the Year of Dragon

Ningbo witnessed the first snow in the Year of Dragon on the second day of the first lunar month. At about nine in the morning, snowflakes began to fall down and it became heavier near noon. Although the snow was somewhat gentle, the atmosphere of the festival became thicker. According to the weather forecast released by Ningbo Meteorological Observatory at 11 o'clock, today it will be cloudy with snow sometimes, and at night it will be overcast to cloudy. Tomorrow it will be cloudy to clear. The maximum temperature of tomorrow will be 6 degrees and the minimum temperature will be minus 3 degrees, frozen

Quantities increased while prices dropped for festival food basket

For the first three days of the Spring Festival period, despite the bad weather condition, the festival food basket maintained a smooth transportation, and the sales increased while prices dropped.

On the morning of January 25, there is a busy scene in Ningbo Vegetable Wholesale Market. Suburban vegetable farmers from Jiangbei District and Zhenhai District brought in such seasonal vegetables as green vegetables, spinach and lettuce. Meanwhile, over 100 tons of such vegetables as lamp pepper, bean, leek, pea and aubergine, are also carried to the market by trunks from places outside Ningbo. According to statistics, the turnover of the vegetable wholesales amounted to 283 tons on January 25, increased by 1.8 times compared with the day before. And the average wholesale price for vegetables is 3.63 yuan per kilo, down by 25.6% over the day before and down by 2.9% over the same period last year.

In Ningbo Aquatic Products Market, the seafood from the East Sea arrived before the Spring Festival Eve and the frozen fish stock become the main products. Besides the local aquatic products, such as hairtail, pomfret, eel, swimming crab, little clubs fish, small yellow croaker, sepia and squid, imported salmon, tuna, squid and pomfret, etc. from Norway, the United States and Japan can also be seen in the market. According to statistics, since the Spring Festival Eve, the turnover of aquatic products has reached 580 tons. The average wholesale price on the 25th is 28.37 yuan per kilo, down by 13.4% over the period before the festival.

Since the Spring Festival Eve, the total sale of pork reached 225 tons in the urban district, an increase of 3.1% over the same period last year. The average wholesale price of pork on the 25th is 23.73 yuan per kilo, down by 0.9% over the period before the festival. In Ningbo Meat, Poultry and Egg Wholesale Market, about 330,000 live chickens were sold, an increase of 85% over the same period last year, while the sale of eggs reached 222 tons, almost the same as that of last year. The wholesale price for live chicken and egg are 13.18 yuan per kilo and 7.48 yuan per kilo respectively, down by 3.7% and 20.3% respectively over the same period last year.


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