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Grads with doctor degrees compete for village officials

The recruitment of college graduates to serve as village officials has come to an end recently. According to statistics released by the Organization Department of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Human Resources and Social Security Bureau on March 5, two candidates with Ph.D have applied for the positions in rural area. This is the first time to see Phd candidates to apply for village positions.

According to statistics, a total of 6,000 people have applied for positions in villages, among which 910 people choose to participate in the merit-based hiring and 5023 in the public selection. Much to the amazement of the examiners, many candidates are graduates from well-know universities with high degrees. There are 348 candidates from universities of 211 Projects and 985 Projects who choose to attend the merit-based selection. 493 candidates are honored graduates on provincial level or honored students in their schools, including 118 with master degrees and two with PhDs.

It is learned that Ningbo plans to employ 200,000 students-turned village officials, including 50 by merit-based selection and 230 by open selection. Besides, 20 candidates will join in the "Go West University Student Volunteer Service Plan" organized by the CYL Central Committee and " University Student Volunteer Service in Underdeveloped Areas Plan" launched by Zhejiang Province

Ningbo sees property market revival on Feb

On Feburary, one year after the implementation of the property purchase restriction, Ningbo property market unexpectedly saw signs of revival. Statistics show 450 transactions of commodity housing in the central urban area and 700 transactions of second-hand housing were reported last month, indicating a significant increase over the previous month. Insiders believe that the trading volume is still at historic lows compared with the same period in previous years, so the revival is nothing but a sign of temporary increased demand.

According statistics of Nantian Real Estate Agency, they completed 235 second-hand housing transactions, with 213 residential housing transactions in February. However, the monthly transaction volume had been under 100 in the previous six consecutive months. Similarly, another real estate agency, Yong Wang, said they completed 213 second-hand housing transactions in February, a substantial increase by 178 sets over the previous month. Among the total transaction volume, 208 sets are residential houses. 21 century Real Estate reported 300 transactions, nearly three times of the volume in January.

While second-hand housing market turns hot, the market of commodity housing also get active. Qinglin Bay Residential Area was undoubtedly the best-selling real estate, and on February, 150 buyers have signed purchase contracts with the developer.

According to statistical analysis, the revival of property market since February is driven by the sale of "school district housing" or houses with good primary schools nearby. More importantly, the rigid demand leads to the revival. Nantian Real Estate said 144 out of the total 213 transactions are first homes. Statistics from Yong Wang real estate show that more than 100 second-hand houses they sold are units under 90 square meters and priced under 1 million yuan. Driven by rigid demand, all newly-sold houses are small units with 80 square meters in area.

In addition, demand to improve housing condition contributes to the recent revival of the property market. Zhong Weimin, a sales director from Rongan Property Co., Ltd., believes a large number of the hold buyers are those who wish to improve their housing conditions.

Yinzhou promoting construction of the new town

According to Yinzhou Urban Investment Company, the company this year is contracted for 39 government funded projects, with the total investment this year exceeding 2 billion yuan.

Of the 39 projects, 25 are public works (including 12 on-going ones and 13 new ones).

The investment in the traffic projects reaches 750 million yuan. The investment in the 14 housing projects reaches 1.25 billion yuan.

Reportedly, in 2011 Yinzhou Urban Investment Company completed 13 government-funded projects, with the actual investment totaling 820 million yuan.

Volunteer program launched on March 4

On March 4, the National Volunteer Day, Ningbo Youth League and Ningbo Volunteers Association officially launched a volunteer program in honor of Lei Feng, the late soldier of the People's Liberation Army. The program, which lasts to this December, offers various free services to the elderly, children, migrant workers, disabled and other needy people.

On march 4, more than 300 volunteers took their oath in the rain in a public square in Beilun district, showing their determination to learn from Lei Feng and revive the spirit of Lei Feng.

On the opening ceremony, Ningbo Youth League and Ningbo Volunteers Association opened six new volunteer bases in Beilun District. Meanwhile, they awarded prizes to six excellent volunteer teams in Ningbo.

After the ceremony, the volunteers began to offer services in areas like financial consultation, legal advice, and medical care. More volunteers choose to work in residential areas and on campus.

The organizers said the volunteer program will last to this December and they call for more citizens to participate in the volunteer works.


Ningbo honored national model city of "two supports"

On February 27, a meeting was held in Great Hall of the People in Beijing to commending model units and individuals of the "two supports" (those that make great contribution to the solidarity between the military and the government and between the military and civilians). Before the meeting, Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, President of P.R.C and Chairmen of the Central Military Commission, met with the all the attendants.

Wen Jiabao, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Prime Minister of the State Council, spoke at the meeting. Xi Jinping, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, Vice President of P.R.C and Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with the attendants and attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Ningbo was honored as a "National Model City of ‘Two Supports'", the sixth time it won the honor since 1994. At the meeting, Xiangshan County, for successively the fourth time, was entitled "National Model County of the "Two Supports".

In recent years, the party committees and governments of all levels of Ningbo have always persisted on supporting the national defense and army and worked actively to explore the way for strengthening the solidarity between the military and the government and between the military and civilians.  In doing so, the city has mobilized all grass-roots units of towns, communities, villages, government departments and private enterprises and so on for the work of the two supports. At present, the city over 80 "pairs of the army and civilian unit" and 70% of them have been honored as advanced units


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