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A TCM culture center opens in Ningbo

Five years ago Mingbeitang TCM Museum opened in Ningbo. The other day, Mingbeitang TCM Clinic opened, another base for the traditional Chinese medicine culture.

Mingbeitang TCM Museum, opened five years ago, is established by Mingbeitang Traditional Chinese Medicine Company. The museum has collection of portraits of famous doctors, documentation,ancient prescriptions, painting works, calligraphic works, rare traditional Chinese medicines utensils for traditional Chinese medicine and ancient books of classics of traditional Chinese medicine. They are treasures of the traditional Chinese culture.

Mingbeitang TCM Clinic is at 209, Baofeng Road, Yinzhou.

TCM=Traditional Chinese Medicine

Zhenhai devoted to the improvement of ecological environment

Zhenhai Power Plant recently started the denitrating program, Zhenhai Petrol Refining and Chemical Company started the No.1 desulfurization and denitration program, and Zhejiang Zhenhai United Power Plant started the oil-to-gas innovating program. With these programs, Zhenhai is working to reduce the emission of sulfur dioside and nitrogen dioxide to respectively 5.5% and 3% this year.

"Because of the special industrial structure, Zhenhai District is confronted with a great pressures of environment pollution and the people are much concerned with the environment improvement," said Xue Weihai, Secretary of Zhenhai District Party Committee. Following the principles set by the Ningbo Congress of Party Representatives that attach great importance to the ecological environment, Zhenhai District gives priority to ecological improvement. It has scheduled 37 key projects of 7 categories, into which the district this year will put over 3 billion yuan.

The air quality is the biggest issue for the people in Zhenhai. This year, the district will continue the implement of the "clean air action". With such measures as relocating the coal wharfs, and improving the spray equipment, the district is working vigorously to control coal dust pollution to the goal that in two years the coal dust pollution will drop by 90%. In the meanwhile, the district is taking measures to control organic waste gases to reduce the pollutants emission. This year, the district will eliminate 88 coal-fueled boilers in the No Highly Polluting Fuel Areas.

Since the pollution control in the key industries is an important part of environment improvement, the district this year will rectify 31 fine chemical enterprises. By such measures as eliminating, renovating, relocating and closing down backward technologies and facilities, the district expects to promote the transformation and upgrading of fine chemical enterprises. Renovation will be made in the acid cleaning technology of the 44 enterprises of fastening products. It will set up a special acid cleaning center. The district will complete the renovation of the 11 electroplating enterprises and transform and upgrade the industry.

Since the infrastructural facilities are the foundation for ecological improvement, the district this year will re-organize the resources of Zhenhai Power Plant of Zheneng Company and Zhenhai Petrol Refining and Chemical Company, making a unified plan for a new energy center, raising the efficiency of energy use and promoting energy saving and discharge reduction. The waste water treatment programs of North Ningbo Sewage Treatment Plant are going on in an accelerated way.

Ningbo Industrial Designing Association promoting brand building

Ningbo Industrial Designing Association was founded in 2007. Since then it has organized several symposiums including "Bauhaus China Symposium 2007" and "IF Symposium of China Award 2009. It has also encouraged several enterprises to join in national-level designing contests. So far, 18 products of 3 enterprises have won the IF Design Award and Red Dot Award. 22 products of 10 enterprises have won the Red Star Award of China. The activities the association organizes have brought good opportunities for the industrial enterprises, making brands of industrial design more competitive in the world

A new joint stock commercial bank opens in Ningbo

On March 27, Ningbo Branch of Evergrowing Bank opened in Ningbo international banking service center. With it, Ningbo has 60 banks.

Reportedly, Evergrowing Bank is a national joint stock commercial bank, with its headquarters in Yantai, Shandong Province. The bank has won such honors as "National Demonstrative Unit for Financial Support to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises", "China Top Ten Competitive Banks", and "Top Ten Commercial Banks for Supporting Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. The bank has 120 branches in China. The Ningbo Branch is its 11th first-level branch

Battery powered cleaning vehicles on duty

The first batch of 13 dynamic battery cleaning vehicles was officially put into use in Haishu District on March 20. It is learned that these vehicles will be used on ten major streets in the district


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