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Irish Artist Rory Perrott Exhibition Title 'On the Surface'

Irish Artist Rory Perrott 
Exhibition Title 'On the Surface'

Yinzhou University District Library from the 2nd of
April 2012 until the 12th of April 2012
For more info contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Library address: No.928 South Qianhu Road, Ningbo    钱湖南路928号
Library Telephone: 0574-88126500 
The title of the exhibition is 'On the Surface'
The exhibition runs from the 2nd to 12th of April and is open from 8.30am to 8.30pm daily.
Admission is free.
Introduction to Artist.
Rory Perrott is a graduate of Limerick School of Art and Design, Limerick, Ireland and of Crawford College of Art, Cork, Ireland.
Since graduating from university in 2001 Rory has been exhibiting his work in group and solo exhibitions in Ireland, the U.S.A and very recently China. As well as working as an artist over the last decade Rory has also worked in furniture design, graphic and media design and also as an artist in the Irish film industry.
This exhibition is Rory's second China exhibition having recently exhibited in Shanghai as part of Ireland Week. Ireland Week is a festival of Irish cultural events which finishes on St.Patrick's Day, Ireland's national day of celebration which is known all over the world.
Rory has been working in his home studio on Yinzhou, Ningbo since March of 2011 and the paintings here represent the many interests that
have inspired the artist over the course of the year. This exhibition comprises of a selection of oil paintings and mixed media works. Some of the chosen subjects are based on scenes here in Ningbo and some are are scenes from the artist's home country. The choice of title for this exhibition describes not only the subject matter but also a much broader theme, that being the physical nature of the paint, painting materials and the painting process. All these elements are deliberately visible to different extents in a process which is designed to engage the viewer in a visual and conscious

Peach blossom in Tengtou Village

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老外醉在桃花林   Peach blossom in Tengtou Village

奉化萧王庙的万亩桃花开了。昨天,奉化萧王庙街道林家村桃花山上游人如织,还吸引了一群老外在桃花林放飞风筝。这些老外来自德国、英国、美国等欧美国家,都在宁波工作生活,此次慕名到林家村赏桃花,被这漫山桃花所陶醉。另悉,今年奉化桃花节将于4月6日开幕。   记者 刘波


Google translation: Please provide better translation if and when available

The Fenghua xiaowangmiao the mu peach is open. Yesterday, Fenghua xiaowangmiao street Linjiacun peach mountains full of tourists has also attracted a group of foreigners flying kites in the Peach Grove. These foreigners from Germany, Britain, the United States and other western countries, in Ningbo working life, this attracted to Linjiacun reward peach, revel was Manshan peach. In another development, Fenghua TaoHuaJie this year will be held in April 6 opening. Reporter Bo


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