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Seven highway tolls to be canceled

Twenty-nine highway tolls and 30 toll stations in Zhejiang Province will be canceled on May 1, according to an official statement. In addition, 11 highway toll stations will stop charging extra road fees. Seven highway toll stations in Ningbo will be canceled, said an official from Ningbo Highway Administration bureau last Sunday.

According to Zhejiang transportation authorities, from 2005 to 2011, 78 highway toll stations had been canceled (including 46 toll stations of second-class highways financed by government loans). Last June, the Ministry of Transport, together with four other State departments, launched a nationwide campaign to eradicate unreasonable and over-extended toll charges. In the wake of the campaign, Zhejiang Province stopped 62 highway toll collectors from seven cities in Zhejiang. Twenty-nine items of fees and 30 toll stations have been canceled. Eleven highway toll stations stopped charging extra road fees. The move is expected to reduce 320 million yuan in highway tolls.

Ningbo to go to Hangzhou International Cartoon & Animation Festival

According to Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Television, News and Press, during the May Day holidays, Ningbo will organize some cultural enterprises to participate in China Yiwu Cultural Products Trade Fair and China International Cartoon & Animation Festival so as to promote the cultural products and the cartoon and animation enterprises of Ningbo.

From April 28 to May 3, the 8th China International Cartoon & Animation Festival will open in Hangzhou. Yinzhou National Cartoon and Animation Park, Institute of Cartoon and Animation of Ningbo University, Minhe Huifenghechang Cultural Industrial Park and 10 key cartoon companies like Minhe, Libite Media and Ningbo Shangfang Television Animation Co., Ltd. will participate in the fair for the International Cartoon Trade Fair and Summit Forum of Cartoon and Animation. It is reported that China International Cartoon & Animation Festival is the largest and most influential festival of the kind in China. Last year, it has participants from over 50 countries regions and over 2 million visitors. The contracts signed on the fair value over 10 billion yuan.

In 2011, Ningbo produced cartoon and animation products of 11,873 minutes, for which the city ranks No.7 in China and No.2 in Zhejiang

Ningbo has a good situation for construction industry

According to Ningbo Housing Construction Committee, in the first quarter of this year, Ningbo has had a good start for the construction industry. the gross output of the constructions reaches 37.67 billion yuan, ranking the 3rd in Zhejiang. The year-on-year growth reaches 35.2%, 20 points higher that the average of Zhejiang, ranking the 1st in Zhejiang.

Statistics show that the contracts signed in the first quarter this year value some 249.09 billion yuan, 55.1 billion yuan more than the previous year, with the year-on-year growth reaching 28.4%. The coverage area totals 13,739 square meters, with the year-on-year growth reaching 30.4%. The construction projects that Ningbo undertakes in other provinces value 11.37 billion yuan, 3.24 billion yuan more than the previous year, increased by 39.9% above the same period of the previous year.

Project presentation conference for Ningbo Cultural Square held

On the afternoon of April 26, the project presentation conference for Ningbo Cultural Square was held in Shangrila Hotel. Over 100 people home and abroad attended the conference.

Reportedly, Ningbo Cultural Square is a project that has functionality of both cultural consumption and commerce. As a platform for business invitation, it promises to be a great project for Ningbo public culture, playing a leading role in the development of the cultural industries and in the public services for the people.

In 2010, Poly Theatre, CGV Movie City, Lego Education, Yule Bay of the World Expo, Langham Place Hotel Hong Kong, and China National Sports Group came to Ningbo and settled in Ningbo Cultural Square.

Tiantong Temple and Asoka Temple to open for free

On April 17, Yinzhou District Tourism Administration announced that from the 26th this month on, the Tiantong Scenic Spot and Asoka Temple will open for free. From the same day on, the entrance fee of 20 yuan will be paid for the Forest Park in Tiantong Scenic Spot.

Many citizens well received the announcement.

Reportedly, since 2011 the Tiantong Scenic Spot opened, its entrance fee has been a much concerned issue among the public. From September 29, 2011, the entrance fee is 50 yuan. One should pay 50 yuan as entrance fee for the Scenic Spot and he has to pay another 10 yuan if he wants to enter Tiantong Temple. This has causes many complaints from pilgrims and tourists.

According to the new regulation by Yinzhou District Tourism Administration, there will be no more entrance fee for the Tiantong Scenic Spot, Tiantong Temple and Asoka Temple from April 26 on.

For this free service, Yinzhou District Government will annually pay 8 million yuan. An authority of Yinzhou Tourism Administration said, the free entry to the temples will benefit the people and will help improve the quality of the places of interest of Tiantong Temple and Asoka Temple. In the time to come, Yinzhou will attract more tourists by such measures as free entrance fee or low entrance fee. In the meanwhile, it will improve the conditions of the scenic spots and improve the supporting facilities, so as to have a healthy and sustainable development of the tourism industry.


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