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Editors of famous net media visited Ningbo

On May 21 and 22, a delegate of editors of famous net media for a program "private economy in Zhejiang" came to Ningbo. The delegate consists of editors of over 20 famous net media including People's Daily On-line, CNTV, Website of China Daily, Sina, and Zhejiang On-line. They came to some enterprises in Ningbo to learn about the private economy in Ningbo.

Since China adopted the reform and opening up policy, following pioneering spirit, private enterprises of Ningbo have witnessed rapid development and are now the largest dynamo to the economy of the city and the largest source of employment and the source of income growth of the people. According to Zhang Yan, Vice Secretary General of Ningbo Municipal Government and spokesman of Ningbo Municipal Government, private economy has become an important part for the stable and fast economic growth of Ningbo. The private economy contributes about 70% in the GDP, about 76% in tax, about 54% in export, and 87% in employment. The private economy is also playing an important role in promoting industrial transformation, opening and improving the living conditions of the society.

After their visit in Ningbo, the editors will, in form of articles, photos, audios and videos, make concentrated report of the measures and policies that Ningbo takes to promote private economy so as to display the achievements Ningbo has made in the structural transformation, innovation, opening and harmonious development of the private economy of Ningbo.

Green credit in favor of 667 energy saving and discharge reduction projects

According to Ningbo Office of China Banking Regulatory Commission, since the last year, the banks in Ningbo have adhered to the conception of "green credit" to promote energy saving and discharge reduction in enterprises. By the end of April in this year, 7 large banks in Ningbo have granted loans to 667 energy saving and discharge reduction projects, 82 ones in this year. The loans add up to 13.082 billion yuan, up by 16.2% this year. 10 enterprises were squeezed of 121 million yuan for they were not up to the environment standard.

At present most of banks in Ningbo have "green" credit granting policies, and procedures, which aim to strengthen the credit granting administration and improve the mechanism of "green credit".

A related person of Ningbo Office of China Banking Regulatory Commission said that from now on, the city will guide banks to stick to the conception of green credit and to strengthen the coordination with local departments so as to adopt workable measures for environment protection promote energy saving and discharge reduction and guard against credit risks

A garden party highlighting traditional Chinese culture

Residents and visitors in Haishu District were enjoying a garden party highlighting traditional Chinese culture last Sunday. The party featured a traditional handy craft show and traditional games and performances, adding a lot of fun to the long weekend.

River greenbelt rehabilitated

On the morning of April 11, Ningbo Inland River Office sent workers to rehabilitate the seriously damaged aquatic plants floating island on Beidou River and plant more aquatic plants on the river.


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