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New primary school students enrolled

May 13 is the first day for the uniform acceptance registration of new students for the public primary schools in the in Haishu District, Jiangdong District, Jiangbei District and Yinzhou High-tech Park. This year is the first year of the implementation of "zero choice" policy for primary school acceptance

Children's Library opened in Ningbo

The opening ceremony of Ningbo Young Pioneers Library, or Children's Library, was held at Ningbo University Zone Library on Wednesday. The vice mayor, Chen Yijun, attended the ceremony and extended congratulations.

Jointly set up by Ningbo Commission of Communist Young League,the Municipal Bureau of Education, and Ningbo Commission of Young Pioneers, the library aims to provide a space where children can engage with books. With its collection of children's books, the library offers circulation, processing, statistical, reference and consultation services.

In addition, Ningbo plans to launch a project to set up more book clubs on and out of campus. According to the plan, 100 reading rooms, 200 book corners, and 500 book shelves will be set in schools for migrant children through sponsorship and donations. At present, the project has started in Yinzhou District.

The Young Pioneers Library will cooperate with Ningbo University Zone library, and set up long-term book donation stands, calling for public book donation. The books collected will be used for a reading promotion program.

City to launch crackdown on traffic violations

Ningbo has launched a campaign to crack down traffic violations, said the Traffic Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau last Friday.

The campaign, lasting to the end of this September, aims to curb and combat the traffic violations as follows: speeding, overloading, overcrowding, fatigue driving, drunk driving, failing to give way when necessary, driving without a license, driving a type of vehicle for which a license has not been issued, the illegal modification of vehicles, illegal highway parking, large passenger buses failing to pay fines.

The campaign will target locations with heavy traffic, high accidents. A major overhaul will be carried out in large companies; shipping companies including passenger shipping and hazardous goods transport; and companies with serious traffic violations, safety hazards or traffic fatalities. Vehicles to be overhauled include large passenger vehicles, large-scale engineering vehicles, hazardous goods transport vehicles, and school buses.

City falls short for e-commerce talents

Over the last week, Ningbo Electronic Commerce Association unveiled a research report on the market demand for e-commerce personnel and the current talent training content in universities. The research shows Ningbo falls short of better trained and more capable e-commerce personnel. The most acute shortages were for personals majoring in e-commerce marketing and operation.

Many colleges and universities of Ningbo offer degrees in e-commerce. Both Ningbo University and Ningbo Institute of Technology of Zhejiang University offer e-commerce programs. Zhejiang Wanli University even set up an e-commerce department for undergraduates. Ningbo University of Technology recently opened an advanced e-commerce class. However, the city is still facing shortage of e-commerce talents, especially those professionals in both commerce and electronics. The research also reveals that many Ningbo companies reported lack of four types of e-commerce professionals. The first type, also the most urgently needed, is talent of marketing management and operation, accounting for about 42 percent of the total demand. The second type is technical personnel in e-commerce information system construction, management, and maintenance, accounting for 23 percent of the total demand. The other two types are professionals of management and comprehensive administration (warehousing, logistics management, customer service).

To ease the talent shortage, Ningbo Electronic Commerce Association plans to launch a series of training programs in cooperation with Ningbo Qige Vocational Training School. The programs will provide training on necessary skills needed for e-commerce operations like graphic design and image processing. Besides, members of the Electronic Commerce Association are entitled to get free training on "design of print ads in e-commerce", a training course scheduled to last from June to December.

The association also plans to cooperate with universities, companies and training institutions by offering online training and customized training. Its recent plans include an online cloud storage personnel training base and a related online course. The Association also plans to hold an e-commerce job fair in Zhejiang Wanli University this June

"Ningbo experience" in social management confirmed

According to a meeting on a special supervision of social management innovation, with the efforts made since the last year, Ningbo has made notable achievements in the innovation of social management and this pilot experiment results in good experience for the whole country in social management. Wang Jianbo, Member of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Secretary-general of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee, attended and spoke at the meeting.

Since the last year, following the general requirements of "comprehensive piloting and projectizing management", Ningbo has attached strategic importance to the piloting of innovating social management. With careful planning and scientific organization, the city has taken active steps to build a new social administrative system and this guaranteed the scientific development and social stability and harmony.

At the meeting, Wang Jinbo made a report of the work of social management Ningbo did in "improving social management pattern", "improving people's livelihood", "promoting efficiency of social management", and "maintaining social stability".

The "experience of Ningbo" was spoken highly by the supervision group, which concluded that in the innovation of social management, Ningbo has done a "pioneering, valuable work with distinct features"


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