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Dongliu Primary School selected as paper-cutting inheritance base

On June 6, teachers and students from Dongliu Primary School demonstrated their paper-cutting works in the exhibition hall on campus. Dongliu Primary School has been selected as the heritance base of paper-cutting, a non-material cultural heritage in Jiangdong District

Low-carbon life in communities

On June 4, in a community in Jiangdong District, an activity themed as "Low-carbon Life Entering Communities" was carried out, where environmental protection volunteers publicizing in various forms the creation of a "low-carbon community"

Lawyer Development & Research Center established

On June 5, Ningbo Lawyer Development & Research Center was established in Zhejiang Wanli University, which serves as an innovative attempt of developing the joint training pattern for lawyers between judicial administration and colleges.

At present, there are 124 law firms and 1414 lawyers in Ningbo. The "scale, brand and specialization" construction of the bar has achieved stage success with the establishment of the 19 legal professional committees in the fields of maritime affairs and marine trade, international investment and financing and corporate mergers and acquisitions.

"Despite the achievements in building legal talent teams, there is still a lack of high-end lawyers. For instance, there are almost no lawyers engaged in the services for listed companies in Ningbo." said Tong Quankang, President of Ningbo Bar Association, "The 12th Five-year Plan makes it clear to make over 100 companies listed, which poses a great demand for the development and introduction of related lawyer talents. At present, the enterprises have to consult lawyers in such developed cities as Beijing and Shanghai when meeting legal problems in their process of getting listed on market. We should accord top priority to the development of lawyers and the bar."

The establishment of the center, based on the resource platform and talent developing mechanism of the university, will greatly promote the development of lawyer talents training

Flight to Seoul to be restored

It is learned from Ningbo Lishe International Airport that from June 22 on, Ningbo will restore the charted flights to Seoul with round-trips twice a week. The journey will take two hours.

The flight will adopt Boeing 737-800 provided by the low-cost JINAIR. The flight is scheduled to take off from Ningbo at 17:30 and arrive in Seoul at 20:30 local time, and take off from Seoul at 15:30 local time and arrive in Ningbo at 16:30 Beijing time. As there is a one-hour time difference, the journey actually takes two hours.

The restoration of the flight makes it more convenient for Ningbo tourists to visit South Korea, while the low-cost flight makes it possible to reduce the travelling expenses. Previously, there was a charted flight to Seoul by China Eastern in 2007, but it was cancelled in 2008 due to global financial crisis.

Besides, from June on, three new flights will be provided by China Eastern: Ningbo – Xi'an – Yinchuan, Ningbo – Zhengzhou, and Ningbo – Xiamen. A new flight will be provided by Chengdu Airlines: Ningbo – Changsha – Chendu. Capital Airlines and Tianjin Airlines will both open a new flight: Ningbo – Jinan – Hohhot. This will bring great convenience to Ningbo travelers for their summer traveling

Fenghua Park of Ningbo High-tech Zone inaugurated

On June 4, Ningbo High-tech Zone and Fenghua Municipal Government signed the strategic cooperative agreement to build the Fenghua Park of Ningbo High-tech Zone in order to make full play of the radiation role of the zone in the principle of "brand sharing, information exchanging and industry interaction". Vice-mayor Chen Zhongchao attended the signing ceremony.

This has been the third outer-park of Ningbo High-tech Zone. Since 2010, the zone has signed agreement with Jiangbei District Government and Yuyao Municipal Government to set parks in Jiangbei and Yuyao. Since then, a series of scientific and technological cooperation and exchange activities have been carried out to realize the cross-regional transfer of innovative elements.

It is learned that the Fenghua Park is located in Shangqiao New Community of Xiwu Street in Fenghua City, where there are convenient traffic conditions, excellent industrial basis and complete supporting facilities. The total planned area will reach 6000 acres, with 1500 acres planned as Shangqiao Economic Development Zone. 23 projects were signed with a total investment of three billion yuan.

In the opening ceremony, the two parties signed the agreement for the settlement of seven industrial projects and the cooperation of three counterpart projects.

As the key area for innovative elements in Ningbo, the High-tech Zone has attracted over 200 R & D institutions, public technological platforms and innovative services organizations, as well as over 40,000 innovative talents, with 16 being members of the national or provincial "1000 Talents Plan". According to related experts, the building of cross-regional parks will play a significant role in strengthening the radiation and docking of innovative resources and promoting the industrial transformation and upgrading.


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