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The meteorological department of the first Meiyu Cheng rainstorm one night bursts of four early warning

Week, Ningbo, almost every day, rain, temperature is not high, but feeling muggy

Yesterday, Ningbo Jiangdong Road, the people rode in the rain hurry

  MOD, Ningbo first rainy season after a little bit fierce. The day, the the Yongcheng constant rain, but also harder and harder. 7:52 last night, the Ningbo Municipal Meteorological Observatory issued an emergency blue rainstorm warning; last night, 8:34, and raised to orange rainstorm warning; 10:07 last night, Ningbo Meteorological Station turn orange rainstorm warning changed to red rainstorm warning; subsequent Land and Resources Bureau of Ningbo City and Ningbo Municipal Bureau of Meteorology issued jointly by the Geological meteorological disasters level warning.

  □ reporter Pan Huimin photographer lofty

  Ningbo City weather:

  Today overcast with showers, local in the shower 22 ℃ ~ 27 ℃

  Tomorrow, overcast with showers 22 ° C ~ 27 ℃

  The first rainy season to visit, give us a "played rough"

  In our impression, the rainy season is procrastination rain. Under the next stop, stop under extremely gentle, lingering. Unfortunately, this year, Ningbo Meiyu period is a bit "atypical". The first rainy season to visit, give you "played rough". The rain poured down, a bit like a summer rainstorm.

  7:52 last night, the Ningbo Municipal Meteorological Observatory issued an emergency blue rainstorm warning signal; 8:34 last night, Ningbo observatory warning signals raised to orange rainstorm warning; last night, 10:07, Ningbo Meteorological Station turn orange rainstorm warning changed The red rainstorm warning.

  Subsequently, the Land and Resources Bureau of Ningbo City and Ningbo City Meteorological Bureau jointly issued a geological meteorological disasters level warning: Ningbo Cixi, Yuyao, Xiangshan, Beilun, Fenghua in some areas has more than 50 mm precipitation in 12 hours, individual towns to reach more than 100 mm, the above areas of heavy precipitation will continue, and could easily lead to landslides and other geological disasters. Expected that the possibility of the next 12 hours, Cixi, Yuyao mountain geological disasters (3).The public to do the prevention of geological disasters, and draw attention to their safety.

  This week, almost every day, rain, temperature is not high, but boring

  By the depression trough, today Ningbo showers. Office on Monday, the rain could have clogging up everyone's way to work, everyone should pay attention to traffic safety. Driving out should be noted that the road water and traffic congestion. The Huangmei season and everyone rain this week, Ningbo public every day and with showers accompanied by a.

  Ningbo region overcast with showers, local showers southeast wind 3, the maximum temperature of 27 ° C (yesterday, the highest 23.9 ° C), minimum temperature of 22 ° C (minimum 21.9 ° C). Into the rainy season, Ningbo will be short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms, high winds and lightning and other weather disasters. According to 7 days weather forecast this week, Ningbo, almost every day showers. The temperature is not too high, but overall felt a little stuffy. This will adversely affect the production, the public should pay attention to prevention.

Source oriental news

Robot playing Taiji

A team of robots developed by the Engineering College were rehearsing for a national competition June 12. The robots were all developed by a research team headed by Dr. Zhong Qiubo.

Q1 energy consumption per unit of GDP drops 5.9%

Ningbo's energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) dropped 5.9 percent year on year in the first quarter of this year, said Ningbo Energy Conservation Office on June 11. Among which, energy consumption per unit of added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size jumped 6.2 percent against the same period of last year, making it the best performance in recent years.  
In the first quarter of this year, the added value of industrial enterprises above the designated size increased 2.8 percent while its total energy consumption dropped 3.6 percent. “The fact reflected the determination of Ningbo to adjust its industrial structure”, said Lin Keyu, Director of Ningbo Energy Conservation Office. Industrial energy conservation is of vital importance for Ningbo to finish its obligatory target for saving energies in the circumstance that industrial energy consumption accounts for three fourths of its total.  
In face with the severe situation of restricted resources and the larger percentage of heavy industries, Ningbo authority has made great efforts in the monitoring, supervising and early warning of energy conservation. To be specific, it has improved three integrated mechanisms including the responsibility mechanism, the system of veto by one note and the administrative accountability system. It has also implemented three projects ranging from industrial structure, techniques and management. In addition, it has adopted legal, economic and administrative means to urge every sector to give prominence to energy conservation.    
The adjustment and upgrading of industrial structure is the key to energy conservation. Along with the quickened pace in developing strategic emerging industries and reforming traditional industries, Ningbo will add more force to close down backward production facilities and equipments, put restriction on the production and export of resource products and products whose production is energy intensive or highly polluting and improve the efficiency on energy allocation. At the same time, Ningbo will also build up and improve the incentive and restraining mechanism for the close down of highly-polluting and highly-energy consuming industries, and enlarge the implementation area for differential electricity pricing system as well as improve the mechanism to close down backward production capability.     
  To set up a long-term mechanism enabling enterprises to increase investment on energy conservation, Ningbo will intensify the popularization and appliance of new energy-saving technologies, equipments and products while centering on the ten energy-saving projects including the transformation of steady boilers and kilns, the upgrading of energy system and so on.
  According to the special plan for energy conservation in the 12th five year period, to the year 2015, over 6600 enterprises above the designated size must fulfill its energy-saving goals and 114 key energy consumption enterprises should save 2.23 mln tons of standard coal. Ningbo should also finish 1,000 transformation projects adopting energy-saving technologies to save 1 mln tons of standard coal each year, carry out 1,000 auditing projects of clean production, and close down backward production capability in 14 highly-polluting and highly-energy consuming industries in order to reduce 0.3 mln tons of standard coal each year.  

Vietnam: largest source place of rice for Ningbo

The import of rice from Vietnam has overridden that from Thailand and Vietnam became the largest rice exporter in Ningbo, despite the fact that rice from Thailand once accounted for over 90 percent of the total imported volume of the city. 
Statistics shows that Ningbo Entry-exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau accepted 15 times of rice inspection appliances, involving 5,080 tones of rice worth of 2.49 mln dollars till the end of May. Among which 9 times are rice from Vietnam, having 4,400 tones worth of 1.74 mln dollars. These three figures soared by 8 times, 28 times and 24 times respectively and accounted for 60.0 percent, 86.6 percent and 69.9 percent of the total figures respectively.  
The flood last year curtailed the output of rice in Thailand. In addition, the exchange rate and the intervention measures Thailand government adopted made the rice price higher than other exporters, leaving it incompetent with the price of Vietnam rice. Moreover, the rising of China’s price level made Vietnam rice even popular in China. Statistics showed that China had become the largest importer of Vietnam rice, with the export volume rising by 4.4 times and export value 4 times, reported by a Vietnam newspaper.  

Job fair for creative talents to be held

A job fair in want of creative talents is scheduled to be held at Hefeng Creative Square on June 16. A total of 360 middle-and-high ranking positions are available, each with an annual pay of over 100,000 yuan.  
It is learned that the job fair has attracted 49 companies, ranging from real estate field (construction and engineering industries), machinofacture field (electromechanical industry, heavy industry), tourism field (hotel industry and catering industry), internet field (e-commerce), textiles industry, and financial investment to the trading sector (import and export), communication field (transportation and logistics), automobile industry (motorcycle industry) as well as IT industry etc.


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