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This mackerel weighing 85 kg

Source 2012-6-19 9:15:59 Southeast Business
Two nights ago, forests, aquatic market, a mackerel really let the public was shocked. Fish over 1.6 meters in length, weight about 85 kg.
  Mr. Fu of the masters of this super mackerel do aquatic business for 30 years. In the evening of June 17, he saw someone in the aquaculture market the sale of this mackerel, immediately spend 4,000 yuan to buy it.
  "We eat mackerel generally 0.5 kg to 1 kg weight, such a large Spanish mackerel was the first time to see." Mr. Fu said that the fishermen caught fish was an acquaintance, and he more than 4000 yuan bought it. Back to the store and one said that mackerel is a full 85 kg.
  It is understood that the fish the fishermen in the afternoon of June 17 capture in Xiangshan.
  Yesterday morning, many people came up to buy expensive fish. "The highest out of 1.2 million, I did not sell." Mr. Fu said that he intends to wait another two days, if the right price to sell. But he also left to the family and friends bites share.
  Such a large Spanish mackerel is really rare? To this end, the reporter interviewed the Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Ningbo City, WU Xiong-fei. Him, mackerel growth is relatively fast, such a large Spanish mackerel, although relatively rare in the market, but is quite common in the sea area. But now closed seasons, and Xiangshan are Spanish mackerel, blue dot "Xiangshan national aquatic germplasm resources protection zone", the fishermen should be protected Ningbo mackerel resources.
  Related Links
  Spanish mackerel, also known as the the cero fish, the common name 鱍 fish, bamboo sharks, Minnan said soil Tuo fish, the JAC region that high fish Ma, Shandong region known as the Spanish mackerel. The body is long and narrow, blue-black head and body back. There are several on the side column of blue-black round spots, angular stab in the abdomen white, after the dorsal and anal fins. Remote migration in summer and autumn often in groups. Mackerel thorn less meat and more body fat, and "Pickled" burning delicious exception for "smoked fish", also salted available, is to go well with rice dishes.
  Reporter Yang Jiang

Landslides and water caused many traffic disruption

Under should be North Road and Dongyuan overpass interchange, serious water yesterday. 徐佳伟 photo
  Yesterday, the city's road collapse or water, urban roads, water impact and traffic accidents increased capacity decreased, the morning rush hour than usual, extending about half an hour.
  As of press time reporter in Yuyao, Beilun, Cixi various sections has not yet reopened to normal traffic, also need 2-3 days. As the heavy rain will soon want to punctual for duty, had to leave early workers in urban areas.
  Reporter Wu Ming Jing Xu Ye correspondent Chu Huiqiang Chen Xuan the Mingguang Zhou Jinen Feng Qifeng blood for the water toward the
  Nearly two meters beneath the sections of the deepest water
  As of 16:30 yesterday, Yuyao, Beilun, Cixi, Yinzhou collapse sections.
  Yuyao: Hu River Line 38K +050 at the mountain body collapse of more than 100 cubic, leading to traffic disruption; charge of second-tier 12K +800 at the collapse of about 20 parties, vehicles, single pass; Yongjian line 3 scattered small landslides, fallen trees, causing traffic disruption. Beilun: a new baiyang line 13K +400 at the left side, the occurrence of landslides, killing the sidewalk and a roadway impassable. Normal traffic is expected to take 2-3 days. Cixi: Temple MA line 11K +970--12K +000 section of cave, about 30 meters.
  In addition to landslides, roads and water lead to traffic disruption lot. Jiangbei District, within four railway, high speed wear serious water sections Jiangbei Ci Pu railway line of the deepest wear sections of water nearly two meters. Jiangbei District, Highway: 4 sections, due to rainfall greatly to the surrounding river water level is higher than the outlet water level, causing the river water intrusion, water is temporarily unable to discharge.
  The Beilun coastal midline 2K200-300, 329 State Road 213K +800 to 214K water bridge near the road water is more serious. 329 State Road, Hangzhou, Cixi Shen Line 163K +800 Voeux Road in water 1 meter above 164K to +700 at the main lane of water 60 cm.
  To reporters press time, the highway department is still actively to reopen the above sections.
  The reporter learned that heavy rain had no effect on the highway bus and train running. Civil aviation, there are two flights affected by heavy rain delay.
  A general decline in the capacity of urban trunk
  City area, Haishu does not appear a large area of deep water area, potholed water beach traffic caused by a certain influence. Of Zhongshan Xilu Ze Man Road to pines road overpass to the Women and Children Hospital sections, Liu Ting, He Cheng Lu, Tian Tong North Road, south to north, the Yongfeng west to east and so a wider range of traffic queues.
  Jiangbei aspects of the New River Bridge, Jiefang Bridge, Yongfeng bridge surrounding roads, Renmin Road, Daqing South Road, peach Pui To Road, Ash Road, the thoroughfare road, entrance gates road are the different degrees of vehicle queues. In addition, the road closure by the North Central, West, the Xie near roads more difficult.
  Rainy mess to stop blocking traffic to be off the
  The heavy rains come, the road is difficult to open, the view is obstructed, the owners of emotions are also affected, driving the "mess" up. Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Police statistics show that accident 130 from 7:00 to 9:30 yesterday morning, the urban area, the usual time an increase of over 30. Part of the increase is mostly scratch accident, rear-end accidents, especially car rear-end-based.
  To make matters worse, the rain after the accident, regardless of the accident, the majority of owners tend to sitting in the car waiting for the traffic police to deal with accidents, which further exacerbate road congestion. To this end, the traffic police department reminded the public that, once confirmed minor property damage accidents, as soon as possible in accordance with the "fast the Department Kuaiche" way, or the owners of the traffic police will impose a fine of 200 yuan. In addition, the rainy days there are many owners an excuse indiscriminate parking, especially the center of city commerce are concentrated. The traffic police department also said that if parking is causing obstruction to traffic, will quickly off the trailer.

Source Ningbo Evening News 2012-6-19 10:52:52

These places are easy to water, it is best to choose road bypass

Since the flood season, the city began to enter the rainy season. City urban, there are some sections of easy water, and reporters to the urban management department has combed the public to be careful when passing through these sections in the rainy weather, or pay attention to detour.
  The youngest area easy to water the sections to see the right red dot marked.

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Lishe International Airport general manager of the leading fly first thing sent a letter of apology

BEIJING, Ningbo, May 13 recent users in the online posting, about the encounter of the afternoon in the Ningbo airport own in May. The friends said that day, because of the weather, the Hainan Airlines HU7197 flights taking off in the plan at night by the air traffic control but failed to take off on time. Another Hainan Airlines HU7297 flight plan departure time is 21:00. This should be in accordance with the principle of "first come, first served" under the conditions allowed to take off after the the HU7197 times flight departure to fly. The HU7297 flights because of "heavyweight" passenger before HU7197 flights take off. Users in the post, the decision of the Ningbo airport so that the leaders first "flying", saying he suffered a "leadership privileges. Immediately after the release of posts triggered a strong concern for users.
  Lishe International Airport general manager of China Building Special BEIJING, released a letter of apology reads as follows:
  Letter of apology
  Dear passengers, you and the media friends:
  Hello, everyone!
  First of all, I as the general manager of the Ningbo Airport, May 8 the large area of Ningbo to Beijing flight delays, and the subsequent mismanagement problems, resulting in passenger travel inconvenience and dissatisfaction of the public, in good faith to apology.
  For what happened on May 8 and subsequent online discussions, we have conducted a careful investigation to verify that our main problem is: First, the disposal of flight delays plans imperfect,

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In the mountain transformation plan released along the way to show the city four themes

Zone A
  Airport Road to the Wangjing Road, the total length of 2.4 kilometers surrounding mainly residential area, Xitang River Hill Road, a street, a river echoes. Will create the theme of "Green Water" street, in the Xitang river hydrophilic space in the mountain street space will be taking an integrated design, as from the west into the city center area, rich Watertown featuring green urban corridor.
  Area B
  Wangjing Road and Jiefang Road, 0.9 km total length, this section of the region by the most representative of the city, the largest concentration of historical and cultural resources historical urban section, along with the history of Moon Lake, Tianning Tower, Drum Tower monuments. So here will be playing

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