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The cycle of romance unemployed older women left out of the "double loss"

Source 2012-6-20 9:09:40 Ningbo Evening News

  This day and age, never missing and the "remainder" on the topic. In the eyes of ordinary people, this part of the population is highly educated, high wages and high demand on behalf of them the sum of "Literature", "petty bourgeoisie" linked, even if the event of marriage is not forthcoming, but their life is still wonderful.
  However, not all of the "remainder" are unlucky in the workplace pride. Quietly around us such a "double surplus" groups, they are not only paying job, and go quite rough in the situation on the road, what is more love to give up their jobs when they had chosen that person has left own lopsided.
  One and all for love to wander
  Work the feelings of two vast

Read more: The cycle of romance unemployed older...

Love love the European Cup five fans of the glass the same location drunk driving was arrested

Source 2012-6-20 9:10:54 Southeast Business
  Yesterday morning, the Spain vs Croatia, Italy vs. Ireland, the European Cup group stage last a life and death battle. Many fans drink wine and watch the game, it touches on so cool, but the the Jiangdong traffic police are not quite happy, Tiantong Road rainbow under the overpass, and actually seized a series of 5 cases of drunk driving and more than drunk driving, are related to the European Cup related .  
  To buy food and wine were seized en route
  36-year-old husband live in the district in the vicinity of the Tiantong Road. Yesterday morning, he alone waited at the TV next to the side to watch the game while drinking. Drink six small bottle of beer, he found no snacks, taking advantage of the end of the first half of the rest time, he would like to go out to buy lo.
  The area near the stores are closed, but walk to the wholesale vegetable market in Ningbo City, about 20 minutes.
  "Slow walk back and forth, or car go, anyway, so late, certainly not the traffic police." Take chances, to the Mr. driving a car out the door.
  May he gladly opened to the rainbow under the overpass, Tiantong Road, was stopped by traffic police, the results of the test found that the alcohol content 137mg/100ml, has exceeded the 80mg/100ml the drunk driving standard a.
  Drunk driving will miss this wonderful game

Read more: Love love the European Cup five fans...

Grilled bamboo shoots stuck esophagus risk as esophageal

Source 2012-6-20 9:11:24 Southeast Business
  Turned out to be a false alarm, found the initiator, we can rest assured! "Yesterday, at the City Hospital Department of Gastroenterology, learned that his mother was a grilled bamboo shoots stuck in the esophagus, the eldest son of the lady Wu long to Shu tone.
  20 days ago, the 86-year-old Miss lady suddenly could not eat, what to eat spit what, even saliva could not drink into. Originally thought indigestion, take some medicine, but two weeks later still no trace of improvement.
  The frantic son quickly took his mother to a community hospital for tests, the results of the doctors told him, Miss lady is not optimistic condition may be suffered from esophageal cancer or gastric cancer.
  This result is a spooked.
  Yesterday, Miss lady's son came to the First Hospital of Ningbo City with her medical treatment. Doctors admissions that something unusual was its comprehensive inspection showed that Miss lady body all right, but in her esophagus, one of about three centimeters and a width of 2 cm of the foreign body. The doctors took a look, was actually a grilled bamboo shoots.
  It turned out that a month ago, Wu lady eating a bowl of roasted shoots. Older, the teeth also are "laid off" in your mouth and bite fixed, believe it, "AIDS slipped down her throat, may also never expected to swallow shoots a card in her esophagus. Reporter Tan Chuan correspondent Yu Shui white

For sister college early morning robbery of single women

Source 2012-6-20 9:11:06 Southeast Business
  At 1:00 on the 16th more than 28-year-old white-foot store to walk home from work. Unexpectedly, the way a young man trailing.
  White one walked, looking down at the phone, not aware of the risk of a step-by-step approximation.
  About 1:53, when the two come to the bus schedule of three street near Cai rushed suddenly from behind a black bag snatched the white shoulders, and quickly fled toward the Moon Lake Park.
  "Robbery" Bai Mouli that cry, and followed in the pursuit. Park at this time a dark, scrambling man has long since disappeared in the line of sight.
  At this time, the police station on the lake patrol stone master just patrolling in the vicinity. Hear the cries of the stone master, he immediately rode the electric car chase.
  A few minutes later, the Moon Lake police station received a white alarm arrived on the scene. Moon Lake Park, a few export-surrounded, to search for the suspect's presence in the park.
  Quickly, under a tree in the park, the police found a white in a black bag inside the mobile phone, a small amount of cash and bank cards are.
  The police judge, the suspects should be in the vicinity. Sure enough, picked up the package less than 10 meters from a bush, the suspect is lying on their sides hiding inside.
  Under questioning, the man surnamed Cai, 23 years old, Fujian. According to Cai account of his sister is at university, he had to come out to work to earn tuition for the sister. Very little income, he thought of scrambling.
  This answer makes listening to very bad.
  Reporter correspondent Lu Qi Wen Huang Lingling Tu righteousness

Trapped in the elevator boy cry to help his mother down the stairs out the trash

Source 2012-6-20 9:12:38 Ningbo Evening News
  Schilling live in Jiangbei Hongtang the Huijia new garden plot. Her home on the 10th floor. Around 18:00 the day before yesterday, she sent a living: a 12-year-old son down the stairs out the trash. Such as she swept up the kitchen, living room, my son did not return. But she did not think that the child slipped out of the play. At this moment, live in 3rd floor of the Lao Du hurried knock on her house door, told her that children were trapped in the elevator, he heard cries for help came to the door.
  She quickly ran to the floor, and heard his son trapped in the elevator is constantly called upon. Her side talking to his son, stable emotions of the son, while residential property to call. Property staff said the maintenance staff for a while to. Can wait for her third contact, property staff told her "maintenance personnel have been to, said the building elevator no problem. "The children obviously also locked up in the elevator, the elevator how could it?" She asked anxiously. Soon, property staff and elevator maintenance personnel rushed to the scene, the child finally predicament.
  "I live in a nearby building, I heard the elevator failed soon after driven past the property staff did not tell me to say it to the elevator which floor a problem, I went to the first floor of the test, found that the elevator up and down the arrow is moving, thought the elevator right, that should look at the elevator is normal movements. "Yesterday morning, the elevator maintenance personnel face to face with Ms. Lin explained the reasons for being late and apologized," Excuse me, is I work carefully enough, this thing is a lesson for me. "
  Schilling said that the son later told her, trapped, press the button of the elevator calls, but have not seen the reaction, suddenly thought of a set of content in the TV series "children" Xia Donghai trapped in the elevator ", summer East China Sea is the only successful escape, rely on shouting his school shouted. Live in the 3rd floor Lao Du's wife said she first heard the children shouting in the elevator for help, "the boy did not cry, I let him not be afraid, and asked where he lives, and then let my husband ran upstairs to find his mother. "


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