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Affected farmland is still a vast expanse of

Source 2012-6-20 11:42:15 Ningbo Evening News
  Ao village in cicheng a collapse of the village with bamboo is set labeling to alert the villagers. Reporter Tang Yan photo
  The days of torrential rain caused by the hard-hit Jiangbei District Cicheng, Yuyao City. Yesterday, the rain stopped, the reporter again went Cicheng, Yuyao visited found that there are still large tracts of farmland soaked in water, disaster recovery work carried out was relatively smooth, people's basic life has largely returned to normal.
  10 o'clock yesterday morning, set the warning thing - a pit next to the ao Village, Jiangbei Cicheng several villagers of villages a mountain road collapse pits around the trees at the big bamboo. "This is after the collapse of yesterday's torrential rain washed thorough repair work needs sunny byspecialized construction team to complete only the first here Weidang together to prevent the villagers are not careful Caikong village director Qian rights told reporters. Floods in the village the previous day later on the back over the day early in the morning in the village on the organization of 12 staff, divided into four groups to help the villagers to carry out the sediment, litter cleanup, and a comprehensive investigation of the resulting security risks point. can be repaired immediately repaired, the repair can not set the warning signs and contact a dedicated construction team as soon as possible to arrange a time to repair. As of noon, the cleanup work has been basically completed, the villagers were busy drying wet objects in the flood, have returned to normal daily life.

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Retail price war from under the net to hit the Internet

Ningbo Daily | Source 2012-6-20 9:04:02
  Media network beginning from June 18 to promote "match-ups known as the domestic electricity supplier price war.
  That morning, the members of the Miss Liu to open the computer to enjoy the "wealthy Feast" promotion by the electricity supplier. "A few days ago I grabbed the red envelope of the Lynx today specifically to use up on the 18th anniversary day of the Jingdong Mall, the majority of cosmetics in the promotion." Miss Liu said "red", "promotion" It is the day the substance of the electricity supplier price war.
  With the rise of e-commerce, the electricity supplier strike fierce price war. In April this year, Suning Tesco first "rebellion", the following month time, including nine platforms of Amazon China, Lynx, Jingdong Mall, Tencent, Dangdang, Kuba, easy to hearing and the new eggs, etc. manufacturers have joined the fighting, the electricity supplier companies began to close combat. Jingdong Mall the day before yesterday anniversary day, this war into a stalemate. Response to Jingdong anniversary a few days ago Lynx high-profile announcement to invest 40 million yuan red envelopes of cash, real money user feedback, announced on the evening of the 17th to recover investment and 10 million yuan, the red envelope Lynx audience on the 18th, which will electric supplier industry, World War II to a climax.
  Electric providers fighting to bring the greatest benefits to consumers. Monitoring from a scouring shopping search shows that China's top 10 electronic business platform has been fully joined the price war, the recent increase in total number of bargains more than 50%. Fancy a few days ago a pair of jeans priced at 199 yuan, the anniversary day, 99 yuan, but also use a 5 yuan Lynx red envelope, a total of more than 100 yuan cheaper. "Miss Liu for the successful network share happy.

Read more: Retail price war from under the net to...

"Terry" peripheral Ningbo the next two days, with showers

Ningbo Daily | Source 2012-6-20 8:59:13
  "Terry" peripheral managing the impact of the city. Yesterday afternoon, the municipal meteorological observatory has therefore issued a tropical storm news.
  Monitoring of the meteorological department, No. 5 tropical storm this year, "Terry" generated in the South China Sea at 23 o'clock on the the 17th, yesterday 8:00 to strengthen a strong tropical storm. To 3 pm yesterday afternoon, the center has been moved to the sea located in the city's southwest, about 1250 km. The meteorological department is expected to, "Terry" The center will be 15 kilometers per hour speed moves northeastward across the Taiwan Strait this evening and tomorrow to enter the southern Zhejiang coast. By its outer circulation of the impact of showers this afternoon and tomorrow morning the city Yin, southern rainfall is moderate, locally heavy rain. Ningbo, south of the sea tonight to tomorrow 7-9 easterly, the northern coast of the sea wind 6-8 tomorrow, the Ningbo external sea wind up 8-10. Please note that the operational safety at sea.
  Ningbo Daily reporter Wang amount of Di correspondent Tu Xiaoping
  Three-day weather forecast today's weather index
  On the 20th cloudy afternoon with showers southeast wind 2-3, temperature 22 ~ 28 ℃
  21 showers overcast to cloudy, east to northeasterly 4, the temperature 22 ~ 29 ℃
  22 overcast with showers, three southeast wind, temperature 23 ~ 27 ℃
  Dress index of 2, suitable for wearing short-sleeved shirt
  UV Index 2, the weak intensity

Read more: "Terry" peripheral Ningbo the next two...

Zhenhai middle school entrance examination admission line for 563.5 points

Source 2012-6-20 9:10:16 Southeast Business
  Ningbo City, the test results announced yesterday afternoon. According to Ningbo Municipal Education Examination Center of the person concerned, Ningbo city S & P high is expected to start on June 22 program admission scores. Last night, the the Zhenhai secondary school admission standards have been delineated, which the school entrance examination entry score of 563.5 points; rural junior high quality engineering minimum entry score of 554.5 points.  
  It is understood that last year, Zhenhai middle school entrance examination entry score of 575 points, the quality of rural junior engineering course score of 565.5 points. Therefore, this year's entry score 10 pay lower than last year. Zhenhai District Education Bureau staff analysis that scores lower than last year, mainly due to the difficulty of the math test, science and other subjects in this year improved.
  So, Ningbo City, the general high admission standards is not a corresponding lower it? According to Ningbo Municipal Education Bureau under the general person in charge of analysis, despite the current Ningbo City Puggaard also have not been designated entry score, but from the point of view the the Zhenhai secondary admission standards, this year, Ningbo city general high admission standards should be lower than last year, the fundamental reason is mathematics, science and other disciplines difficulty to improve from last week, the candidates Gufen generally lower than last year's level, we can predict this trend.

Read more: Zhenhai middle school entrance...

Refined oil or a "losing streak" Ningbo oil prices drop, "rang

Source 2012-6-20 9:05:27

The picture shows the car queuing refueling scene. (Xu Chang)
  Refined oil will decline and the atmosphere is getting stronger
  Bulk e-commerce platform, Treasure Island data show that as of June 15, Brent dtd, Cinta, Dubai crude oil average price per barrel to $ 100.067 $ 104.305, during the last 22 days the average price of a barrel fell 3.26 percent, compared with the June 7 benchmark price. The rate of change of the three negative trend to further expand this week, will meet the 4% node.
  At the same time, the market bearish atmosphere is also increasing. Traders to price adjustment in implementation, the inventory is low, moderate replenishment basic complement the library is completed, is in the digestion stage. Refinery shipments come to an end, gradually approaching the negative with the rate of change, gasoline and diesel prices will quickly turn around to enter the decline in the channel. "Zhuo record information, an analyst at that.

Read more: Refined oil or a "losing streak"...


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