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Moon Lake West a building program from unapproved

Source 2012-6-21 9:21:59 City Express

  90-year-old Yuan, and just for the elderly in his early years living in the Western Sky Street in Moon Lake, the old man shot two albums on Moon Lake. Earlier on the lake areas, historic buildings stretching into a film.

Later, the Moon Lake Eastern transformed into urban green space.

Status of the Western District of Moon Lake
  Ningbo emergency brake on the lake Western reconstruction program behind tracking
  Reporter Han Yu Ting Cheng Xiaolong
  Moon Lake Central and Western District, Ningbo people are proud of a city card, Ningbo existing area of the largest and the oldest Street area, more than 1,300 years of history.
  However, over the past two years, here are suffering from a disaster - and everywhere in demolition, site everywhere. A wide range of Moon Lake, the Western transformation in full swing.
  Bottom-up ripper the oppositions of the historic district, causing the attention of the relevant departments in Ningbo.
  Recently, Ningbo emergency brake design by International Design Group of Boston, Moon Lake Western reform program, the Municipal Planning Bureau, said the demolition too much, not good for the protection and development of Moon Lake's West End.
  Ningbo is an emergency stop on the lake Western reconstruction program behind, exactly how to weigh and consider? Moon Lake West is what kind of situation? Moon Lake's West End transformation program had baked?
  Once said that "the sword to save the Pingyao dead Paul Zhouzhuang" way to protect China's ancient city of strong cry of "ancient city" Guardian - Tongji University, Ruan Professor on several occasions visited the Moon Lake, and had written to the then Mayor of Ningbo City, Contributors to Ningbo local newspaper, it is recommended to retain the Tianyi Pavilion surrounding historical buildings.
  Years later, when the reporter interviewed again, Professor Ruan, and talked about the Moon Lake, the first sentence is, "I know now been demolished." Tone, revealing the infinite regret and frustration.
  Domestic ancient city expert Professor Ruan

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The sad woman drinking into the early morning on the highway to the end of life

Source 2012-6-21 9:23:42 Ningbo Evening News
  The day before yesterday morning, one as young as 21-year-old woman in the Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Expressway crash alienate life. According to the woman friend reflect, the woman may be due to heart depressed and commit suicide.
  Around 4:00 the day before yesterday, the high-speed traffic police command center received a lorry driver alarm: It was across the highway was knocked down and seriously injured! The traffic police rushed to the scene of the accident and contacted the ambulance. But the traffic police to the scene found a bloody young woman lying in a pool of blood, the hands and feet to make off, has no vital signs.
  The scene, several young men onlookers, alas, they are friends of the deceased. They told the traffic police, the deceased called Mandy, 21 years old this year. Mandy a bad mood, drinking into the wee hours, crying and trouble to call her ex-boyfriend and two other friends called to listen to her tell that her unfortunate life experience and a period of painful feelings and experiences. Talking, painful, she is running for the door, along the trail edge of the village, crazy to break in on the highway. The friend kept chase, and see her across the highway and then exhumation. A heavy goods vehicle passing her with open arms facing the vehicle, and thus ended his young life on the fast track.
  The police summoned to Mandy's ex-boyfriend to inquiries. The ex-boyfriend said he did not even Mandy's full name is not clear, just know Mandy individual named "Renee", Guizhou. Mandy in the Ninghai a bar work, is a wine salesman.
  Ex-boyfriend to the police reflect the character Mandy is a bit extreme, has a great relationship with her family. Mandy has gone through many of their peers never experienced the pain: she was very young, his parents divorced. 10-year-old father sold to someone else. When she was a little naive, then a person out of work ...
  All sorts of misfortune, Mandy is not the first tim

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"High-rich handsome micro letter approached female students rape jailed for eight and a half years

Source 2012-6-21 9:24:35 Southeast Business  
  - "That the encounter rich handsome plan has a big pervert," the follow-up
  Manager of an auto parts company, through the micro-letter "Find nearby" feature in the vicinity of Higher Education Park approached female students, has raped. Yesterday, the man Yinzhou the court for rape sentenced to 8 years and 6 months.
  32-year-old Jo is a the Yinzhou native, who lives near the Higher Education Park. Spare time, he often used the mobile phone micro-letters "Find nearby" feature accosted near the female college students. To catch the words, he managed to girls about out, and then taken to a nearby Yinzhou Park rape. Jo is the last time after committing the crime, the victimization of female college students found Jo shot rape her QQ space Pornographic, extremely afraid, select the alarm. Alarm girls only know the network name of Jo, in order to catch him, the police gained access to a micro letter. They registered a feminine screen name, plus Jo is a friend, and then about him to meet a university entrance. When Jo excitedly went to an appointment, was caught by the police.
  Afterwards, Jo has a total account of the six cases of rape, involving seven female college students. Police found Jo's account of the victim, but only three people are willing to report rape, the fact that Jo was identified only 3.
  Southeast Business Daily reporter Hu Shan correspondent Clement

Traffickers trading handover, street quarrel abducted girl passersby for help

Source 2012-6-21 9:24:07 Ningbo Evening News
  "If these two girls in a timely manner passers assistance, public enthusiasm reached out a helping hand, they really may fall into the claws." Yesterday, Haishu South Gate police station with just the detection of trafficking in girls case.
  On the morning of June 16, Liu Ting life of the streets. A middle-aged men and women suddenly a quarrel in the street. "28,000 yuan, how do you only give $ 10,000, the two children I can not let you take away." Middle-aged woman so the man said. The man said: "You look at them will not look like, can be worth so much money?" Two more noisy and more fierce, two fifteen-year-old girl standing on the edge of them is the face of horror.

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Brave air-conditioning work should be rewarded!

Source Ningbo Evening News 2012-6-20 11:42:53

Yesterday, LUO smiling, told reporters at his residence. Reporter Tang Yan photo
  Regarding the reported 10 m altitude in the newspaper about Sichuan and Air Conditioning Engineering LUO adventure to save people, to become the focus of attention of the public. Yesterday afternoon, the reporter learned that the LUO where the company decided to be commended; Civilization Haishu District has proposed to the street offices to recommend him for Haishu District, the first candidates for the moral model; Haishu District Samaritan Award Foundation is also concerned about his deeds .
  Colleagues Jianjun adventure to save people: he is not surprised
  "I only know through newspapers yesterday morning, was not surprised." Said Yang Jianjun, as colleagues of the LUO 10 years, he was very clear Chu Luorong the man.
  In the eyes of the Yang Jianjun, LUO is a helpful colleagues, and get along with. "He was a very low-key high-profile work very, very capable, thin, not tall, what difficult and perilous living have taken the initiative to grab at the head who at home have an urgent matter, he would be happy to help . "
  Manager of the company Lvsheng Fang: decided to reward good employees LUO
  LUO is our company's older employees, but also the technical backbone of the company, usually is always very dedicated, willing to work hard, very honest, "the manager of Ningbo People's Air Conditioning Electrical Installation Co., Ltd. Lvsheng Fang said he and staff newspaper learned that things are LUO proud.
  "We have decided to reward him for his good, so that the company's employees to learn from him." Lvsheng Fang said, not the size of their company, 20 employees, however come award amount is limited, but a few thousand dollars is the minimum.
  "I hope the authorities can also pay attention to the reward for such heroic acts, to highlight righteousness." Lv.
  Haishu District Civilization: It is recommended to recommend an exemplary candidate for the district morality
  LUO's deeds aroused the concern of the Haishu District government departments.

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