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This year's college enrollment process to determine all

Source 2012-6-21 9:11:31 Ningbo Evening News
  Reporters learned yesterday from the Ministry of Education and the Examination Yuan, the college enrollment process in our province have all been identified. For the first time an increase in the number of Zhejiang college entrance examination this year for the past three years, the enrollment plan has been announced to the public, nearly 12,000 more than last year, plus admission, some institutions increase the provincial plan based on the circumstances of the students, this year the province The college admission rate will be flat with last year.
  The classification of partial admission, enrollment scheduling
  Arts and sciences in three tranches admitted.
  The first batch of national key universities and by the approval included in the batch of undergraduate higher education specialties. Score announced around June 23, available online in the staging table and rank No. query that night; at 8:30 on June 26 to June 27, 17:30 voluntary reporting; the first batch ahead of the institutions of traditional volunteer in the July 9 admission to 12th, the second half of parallel voluntary institutions admitted July 14 -21.
  The second batch for the general undergraduate colleges and universities (including independent colleges, private colleges), undergraduate. Announced on the evening of July 16, the score line, online results piecewise table queries; July 17, 8:30-17:30 fill early admission to institutions of traditional volunteer; 17:30 fill 8:30-25 July 24 parallel to the volunteer. July 27 - August 7, the second batch of institutions in admission.
  The third installment of as vocational (specialist) professional institutions. Released the third installment of scores on the evening of August 2, available online results segmented table query, August 3 8:30-17:30 fill early admission to institutions of traditional volunteer; 8:30-11 Day 17, August 10: 30 completing the parallel voluntary. The third installment of institutions admitted on August 13 -24 days.

Read more: This year's college enrollment process...

Yongcheng physical gold repurchase yesterday "gate"

Source 2012-6-21 9:08:17 Ningbo Evening News

The picture shows the Ningbo 200 shopping malls, "China Gold" counter-site repo and melting gold jewelry scene. Reporter Tang Yan photo

Physical detection of repurchase gold report card
  Yesterday afternoon, two hundred shopping centers in Ningbo, China Gold "counters began using high-precision scales, the repurchase of precious metal smelting and other detection equipment, not only gold bullion, gold jewelry can also be real-time buy-back. The past, banks, businesses recognize only the "own brand" physical gold repurchase buy-back "gate" has been completely open, no longer a "gateway" limit.
  It is understood that after Beijing, Ningbo is the "China Gold" selected cities to carry out physical gold "unlimited buy-back" business.
  I heard that gold jewelry can also repurchase realized, the public Miss Pan came to the counter yesterday afternoon, holding a small pendant small scale. "Golden repo liquidity agreement" signed with the mall, weighed, Pan Ms. immediately, watching the small pendants in a furnace into a small nugget.

Read more: Yongcheng physical gold repurchase...

The rail transportation gave birth to the "underground city"

Source 2012-6-21 9:01:53 Ningbo Evening News
  Reporter learned yesterday, currently under construction in the center of Ningbo city-wide underground space has reached 6.9 million square meters - bigger than the size of 30 Tianyi Square, including underground parking, underground transport and underground commercial comprehensive, including the "underground city".
  2004 Ningbo Urban Underground Space Development and Utilization of special planning, the Sanjiang piece of underground public space development and utilization of cross-axial rolling "development model that rail transit line on the 1st of the city from east to west backbone line. on the 2nd line of rail transport for the urban north and south to the backbone line.
  According to incomplete statistics, to the end of 2011, the underground space of the center of the city have been built about 6.5 million square meters of building area, equivalent to 30 Tianyi Square, which has 4.4 million square meters of new during the "Eleventh Five-Year" the.
  The future, Ningbo, the use of underground space will be further accelerated. According to the planning department estimates, the "12th Five-Year" period, the area of the center of the city underground space development and utilization of the status quo will add 15 million square meters. Which to focus on the implementation of the utilization of underground space projects, there are four.
  One is the rail transit project. Expected future track 3,4,5-line rate of 70% underground, underground space development and utilization of 1.5 million square meters.

Read more: The rail transportation gave birth to...

A Rail Transit Line 1 tunnel through

▲ line look Chunqiao station laying site


Source 2012-6-21 9:01:17 Ningbo Evening News

According to the duration of the arrangements, the public take the subway to the 2014
  Early this morning, from Rail Transit Line 3 the subject workers, the Drum Tower Station - East entrance (Tianyi Square) station interval will be a long 25 meters wide and 22 m floor pouring is completed. Backplane pouring after this means that the full realization of a Rail Transit Line 1 "hole through" hope Chunqiao Station to Station East Ring Road South, all get through these underground stations and the interval between.
  Construction of rail transit, you need to go through three landmark nodes, respectively, is the hole through the rail pass and Dentsu. The "hole through the" laying for the next step after another into the construction of mechanical and electrical installation laid the foundation.
  Two years ago, the first tunnel boring machine began to promote
  Rail Transit Line 1 of a project starting point for the urban area west of Gaoqiao Town, the end station for the East Ring Road South. The underground section of about 21 km long and 15 underground stations (14 underground interval between the station and the station from the Wang Chunqiao station to the East Ring Road South Station). Get through these intervals, there are two ways, one shield, the second is the open-cut. Range of 14 Drum Tower Station - East entrance (Tianyi Square) station interval is open-cut.
  August 20, 2010, the first shield machine from Fuming Road Station to Century Avenue Station excavation, began the construction of rail transit shield. June 11, 2012, the West door - Gulou range the right lane tunnel through, on the 1st line of a line of shield range all through the shield construction has ended. 2-year period, a total of 11 tunnel boring machine to participate.
  Open excavation of the underground range is 450 meters long, 22 meters wide, west to the rail transportation Drum Tower Station, east to Tianyi Square near Gate 1, a total of three layers: the bottom layer is the platform layer, to take the railway train; underground The second floor is the layer of station hall for ticketing and commercial development; the basement of the business district, with entrances and exits.
  Shield and open-cut has gone through numerous risk

Read more: A Rail Transit Line 1 tunnel through

Ningbo female marriage age continued delay

Source 2012-6-21 9:11:20 Southeast Business
  Population Development Report in 2011, Ningbo City, Ningbo City, Population and Family Planning Commission recently released city population size, quality, structure, migration, distribution, marriage and child rearing, quality of life is a panoramic scanning. The report shows that the city's household average women at first marriage, early education age in the continued delay in the average age at first marriage was 25.64 years old, with an average age of the early education of 28.08 years old.
  Household population of 5.76 million
  In 2011 the city's household population of 5,764,042 people, an increase of 23,206 people more than in 2010, an increase of 0.4%. Household population is still mainly agricultural population, in 2011 the city's agricultural household population of 368.23 million, accounting for 63.88% of the household register total population.

Read more: Ningbo female marriage age continued...


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