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A new round of heavy precipitation tomorrow or the day struck mining bayberry, please try to be in today

Source 2012-6-22 9:08:37 Ningbo Evening News
Today is the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the continuation of yesterday, sunny weather, good weather during the day today, but from the start in the evening, the second round of this year the MOD heavy rain will be ready to go. Municipal Meteorological Observatory released yesterday forecast that the city of Dragon Boat Festival will usher in a rainstorm localized heavy rain weather. The precipitation process from tonight continued until the 25th, mainly heavy precipitation is concentrated in the next two days.
  City Meteorological Station chief forecaster He Caifen, 16 to 18, the MOD for the first time the precipitation process is mainly due to external influences, No. 5, Tropical Storm "Terry" under the influence of cold air and warm moist air, precipitation record of the city's rainy season during a single rainstorm record rainfall of 126 mm surface. According to statistics, the city's annual rainy season the amount of about 260.5 mm, which means that the MOD's first rainstorm out half the amount of perennial rainy season "indicators". So, the upcoming second torrential rains would do it again? He Caifen said that the rainfall, the upcoming lift caused by the south of the warm and humid air north, the rainfall will be less than the MOD after the first round of torrential rain, but rainfall is still considerable.
  The temperature fluctuations for small holiday period, not the minimum temperature of 22 ℃ -24 ℃, the maximum temperature of 26 ℃ -29 ℃. Ningbo off the coast of more than 8 gale.

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The "G +" bar owner on foot "A8" bar to advance 210,000 salary

Source 2012-6-22 9:11:43 Southeast Business

 Yesterday afternoon, the "G +" employees are lining up to collect the wages owed. Reporter Cui cited photo
15 o'clock yesterday, in Yinzhou District, boat overnight Jiang G + "bar 85 employees in the the Yinzhou the District Zhonggongmiao street service center received the first two months of salary, for a total of 21 million. The press release of the funds, with the leading enterprises in the boat overnight river bar "A8" bar.
  The very fact that began early this year in the "G +" bar to do cleaning work. One day in late May, she rushed to the bar to go to work, he was told the "boss on foot". At that time, she and her colleagues have been more than a month did not get a salary. "The money of others may appear to be much, but I've worked hard to earn."
  Few days ago, got the news that wages can be picking up, the very fact that a great surprise: "The boss said stay away, everyone says that money certainly either back."

Read more: The "G +" bar owner on foot "A8" bar...

The new regulations of the export tax rebate from July

Source 2012-6-22 9:27:32 Ningbo Evening News
Expand the scope of the program to simplify Ningbo export enterprises welcome positive
Reporter Peng Ying correspondent side plain
  Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation issued a "notice" on the export of goods and services value-added tax and consumption tax policy on the 19th of this month, the State Administration of Taxation issued the "export of goods and services value-added tax and consumption tax management approach".
  The new export tax rebate policy to expand the range of manufacturers acquisition of goods for export tax rebates, part of the export of goods from the tax adjustment for the tax exemption, in addition to the time of the refund to significantly extend. For Yongcheng export enterprises, to usher in good. The new regulations will be implemented from July 1.
  Expand the scope of the acquisition of goods for export tax rebates

Read more: The new regulations of the export tax...

Sudden acute disease of the seven-year-old boy in the high-speed buses and many enthusiasts love relay

Source 2012-6-22 9:17:57 Southeast Business
Yesterday morning, 8:37, friends, "printed on good cake release microblogging about such a thing he moved: gallop of high-speed bus, there is a sudden onset of a 7-year-old child, affecting the heart of the vehicle passengers. Bus driver calmly deal with the high-speed to the hospital, during which many enthusiastic people to help end child by the Yuyao traffic police sent to the local hospital.
  Yesterday afternoon, the reporter was removed contact Ningbo public transport Ningnan high-speed fleet Yan Jian Xiong master, he is mentioned in the users microblogging bus driver.
  An interview with reporters, he just return to from Hangzhou Ningbo shortly. Bring in the morning, he said shyly, not worth mentioning, Yuyao road more familiar with, he would open directly to the bus to go to the hospital.
  7:34 yesterday morning, Yan master driving "Ningbo - Hangzhou South" bus punctuality of departure. Around 8:15, he drove a few kilometers distance Yuyao speed port, a pair of young parents suddenly come to the front Yan master their own child's body does not, to the nearest hospital. Yan master glanced at the little boy rolling his eyes, was pretty anxious.

Read more: Sudden acute disease of the...

Of Ninghai centuries Wuji bridge was flush off Hu Chen Township: the rainy season after repair

Source Ningbo Evening News 2012-6-22 10:09:29

There is a pier alone standing in the middle of the river. Gong Guorong / photo
Hu Chen Township flood, the centuries bridge Wuji bridge wrecking several piers! "Yesterday, enthusiastic friends," Jane Shu child to the newspaper "Evening News, the official microblogging rebellion.
  Wuji bridge is located in Ninghai, Sanmen Bay Hu Chan Heung, the bridge was built in the Qing Dynasty Daoguang the Shigenobu years (AD 1848), depicting OD old dating in the first word for bridge, so the "Wuji" . Not only is it one of the top ten famous bridges in the city, eastern Zhejiang ancient first Longbridge. Yesterday afternoon, reporters rushed to the Ninghai understand the centuries, the Old Bridge.
  A century stone bridge be washed away nine piers

Read more: Of Ninghai centuries Wuji bridge was...


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