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The underground garage of the home to TRW blocked more than 30 hours

Source 2012-6-25 8:42:30 Ningbo Evening News
  At 11:00 on the June 23rd multi-users, "Zhao Bing microblogging 2" to the newspaper official microblogging rebellion: "Jiangbei TRW home owners cross to downhill on the vehicle, a car seal two. properties to explain the evening of June 22, the owners due to their own parking spaces occupied cross car in this placeholder car left the property to fight the owners phone is not connected, door does not open the door, due to the influence of other owners, reported ...
  Reporter Shen of Ying
  The underground garage entrance is blocked by a Subaru car, the garage was blocked the south gate, vehicles usually are from the channel and out.Two lanes are blocked, the property to temporarily open the garage to another entrance.
  It is understood that the home district of TRW have just replaced the property company, the new property settled in less than a month. The underground garage is not equipped with vehicles entering and leaving the credit card system, no parking owners sometimes drive the truck into.

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Eat dumplings to eat their way to the stomach and high blood sugar

Source 2012-6-25 8:41:27 Ningbo Evening News
  Dragon Boat Festival will always be to eat dumplings. Reporters learned yesterday from the urban area a few hospitals, this little holiday "eating" the disease is really a lot of dumplings to eat more.
  Dragon Boat Festival that morning, Haishu over 60-year-old Uncle Wang devoured Morning After two dumplings. Than an hour later, the uncle of the king think that the stomach is a little uncomfortable feeling is swelling lived, could not eat lunch. Afternoon, he felt a little dizzy. To the hospital for a check, not only the digestive system problems, blood sugar actually increased.
  City Hospital Department of Gastroenterology, Dr. Chen told reporters, Dragon Boat Festival, a week before the start, patients with gastrointestinal injury due to dumplings to eat significantly increased. He explained that the digestion of food from the stomach to the intestine at least need to stay six hours, the dumplings made of glutinous rice, is not that easy to digest, easy to digest a function of poor people belly Fullness, and some even eat a "lag" .Early in the morning eat dumplings, stay longer at the time of the stomach to stimulate gastric acid secretion and easy to do have chronic stomachproblems, human cases of gastric ulcer. In addition, before going to sleep absolutely not dumplings when supper easy to indigestion, which affects sleep.
  Reporters also learned that not only greedy dumplings can cause gastrointestinal discomfort caused by diabetes, eating dumplings, there are several cases of recurrence of cardiovascular disease. Experts suggest that the high sugar content, sweet dumplings, easy to enhance the human body, blood sugar levels, diabetic patients should not eat.

24 hours doctor hotline set up the "Heart Bridge" Internati 3800 patients with heart

Source 2012-6-24 8:28:51
 Ningbo Daily News, Dr. Zhu Jing received calls of a uterine fibroid resection patients. In the simple inquiry and patient appointment with a return visit next week. The same day, 365 days of the opening of the 24-hour doctors hotline, Zhu Jing received a dozen patients to inquire.
  Whole year, "no shutdown" phone hotline to answer a total of over 3800 patients calls. Telephone exchanges set up a communication "heart bridge" between doctors and patients. This phone hotline spread Zhu Jing is the "stick" from the first resident experts. In the future, the baton will pass on the resident expert.
  The hotline is set up by the Red House and Women's Hospital, Ningbo treatment center. I found that, in the outpatient department and ward office desk, placed a stack of business cards of doctors, for patients to access. The patient's condition For sustained attention, the doctor usually will take the initiative will be handed the card.
  "Row of the team of a few hours, say three of five sentences." This is outpatient-based physician-patient contact mode left to the patient's feelings. Not registered to see the clinic, the patients have something difficult to find a doctor.

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"Holes" significantly reduce the impact will continue to the end of next year after construction

Source 2012-6-24 8:29:08
  Ningbo Daily News To ensure a Rail Transit Line 1 Jiangxia east station and boat Meng North Road station entrance, the wind kiosks subsidiary structure of the construction period of a 110 kV Sang, the Kuwayama two power line the day before the official start to the shift change to move. Now with the full range of tunneling formally through the site into a comprehensive subsidiary structure construction, but will continue along the lives of residents and businesses, travel and affect part of the process to influence and even increase, is expected to line the end of next year, construction impacts will significantly alleviate.
  Zhongshan Road the long Weidang gradually evacuate small Weidang will increase
  On the 1st line of a subsidiary structure of the main station entrance and wind Pavilion. Generally speaking, a subsidiary structure of the standard station 3-4 entrances and 1-2 Wind Pavilion. As an underground section of Line 1 extends east-west direction along the Zhongshan Road, these subsidiary structures are generally arranged in the north and south sides of Zhongshan Road. Does not affect the motor vehicle and non-motorized traffic, subsidiary structure taking into account the requirements set in the sidewalk within. More convenient subway operations of passengers travel, import and export layout at the junction, large communities, shopping malls near the entrance.
  Under normal circumstances, an entrance about eight months to build the.Begin construction of the many sites on the 1st line of a subsidiary structure, across the board only entrance will build about 80, which the Drum Tower Station to the east door of the station two sites and the middle of the entrance tunnel section is set up to at least 20 .
  Image point, the next subsidiary structure construction in full swing, the long Weidang of Zhongshan Road will gradually pull out and turn into a number of small Weidang, but the residents of noise pollution, travel and the surrounding businesses, construction impacts will continue to exist , and some processes impact is even greater.
  Construction impact will continue to try to run to the end of next year.
  The set of these entrances and exits in order to facilitate travel in the future, the business operating. The inconvenience caused by the pre-construction after the opening to the public, businesses have the greatest convenience. On the 1st line of a project on the influence of the construction of public life, significantly reduced at the end of next year the road will be gradually restored.

Ningbo work Hunan guy suffering from leukemia boxes of life-saving drugs at home stolen

Source 2012-6-24 8:23:14 Southeast Business
  "Hateful burglary, the thief stole a life-saving drugs! Leukemia guy Xiaofeng in the hospital, no one to take advantage of temporary housing, thieves burglary to steal the most important boxes of the value of tens of thousands of life-saving drugs, the cost of treatment of 20 tens of thousands of invoices and some of the information in the application for relief, and borrowed a car battery ...... "
  Yesterday afternoon, the microblogging caused by the heat of the Ningbo users meetings and forwarding. Users it hard hearts of anger: This thief is an outrage!
  Hunan guy seriously ill
  Microblogging this the Huaihua guy Xiaofeng, 27 years old, he went to Ningbo work has been seven or eight years time, the family farming in his hometown, was diagnosed with acute leukemia in February of this year, and subsequently admitted to the Lee Wai Lee hospital.
  A few months, they spent more than 20 million, including Gleevec eat every day to Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng told reporters that this drug is at their own expense, each tablet of 200 yuan, he eat six a day, a box of medicine 60 to 12 thousand yuan. According to the medical plan, only to wait for another period of time, a bone marrow transplant to Hillsborough in order to find the students hope, we can say that this medicine is his life-saving drugs.
  Stolen from life-saving drugs at home
  Huge medical bills of ordinary families were overwhelming. "Before the companies and workers to donate a part of, but still a drop in the bucket." Xiaofeng said.
  However, even more unexpected happened.
  To Xiaofeng June 13, with a 2 boxes of Gleevec, because of his need to be hospitalized, such an expensive drug on the hospital is not very reassuring, he asked my mother (specifically came from the home to take care of him) drugs and medical bills , bank cards, etc. into a plastic bag, and brought in Yinzhou Yunlong rental house. June 14, at 8:00 o'clock, his mother a trip to the door, 9:15 to go home, discovered the theft, plastic bags are gone.
  Some people call to ask for the "benefits"
  To Xiaofeng said that his mother's side to the local police station, while looking for nearby villagers and acquaintances to inquire about the whereabouts of the drugs, and leave contact information. Shortly before a night, his mother received a phone call, the other on the phone said, "you want something in my hands, if you could give me 200 dollars, I put things back to you."
  Each other Having hung up the phone, then sent to a bank card number via SMS. "Followed by the phone every day to fight over, usually at night, sometimes in the morning." To Xiaofeng said, "We also want him to put the medicine back to us, but the other insisted that hit the money before they agree to hand over things . "
  Xiaofeng said, the thief may not find something of value, therefore, to call to ask for benefits, is also possible that the other party do not his medicine, but heard about it later "looting".
  The reporter Fanhong of South East Business News


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