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The owner of more than 50 to become the "fritters brother"

Source 2012-6-25 8:52:47 Southeast Business

June 21, the old white 78 bowl (the Yinzhou store) fried not pan, there are already many patrons waiting in line.
  Southeast Business recently launched the "integrity breakfast solicitation registration hotline hot enough. As of the end of the solicitation by 5:00 on the afternoon of June 21, the number of applicants exceeded 50. Among them, a good reputation in the printing, network 78 bowl "old white, Kurahashi Junction store, the new Ningbo dry moat restaurant owners are encouraged to register to participate in the selection integrity breakfast.
  Yang Jiang / Wen Cui cited / photo
  Old white seventy-eight bowl
  The most critical is strictly off of raw materials
  June 21, the public Chu, told this newspaper that the "old white 78 bowl" of breakfast reassuring ...

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Everyone will become the beneficiaries of the wisdom of urban management

Source 2012-6-25 8:50:48 Southeast Business

Urban management and staff introduced to the public on behalf of the HD camera on the road. Reporter UNDERGROUND photo
  Sina microblogging network name "Mr. Wu Bin father, Bin Ma, the evening of June 21 he microblogging:" the first of Ningbo City, the wisdom of urban management center, very good video monitoring illegal parking, immediately SMS or phone to inform in a timely manner to leave was very humane. "
  June 21, Mr. Wu, and another 10 000 people took part in key projects train activities of the organization's Business Daily, came to the wisdom of urban management center in Ningbo City. Visit after Mr. Wu has issued such a sigh. However, another visiting public Zhou Dayong microblogging warned private car owners to: each vehicle is entitled to only a Reminder chance Oh, the pro-
  Reporter Lin Wei correspondent Yong-Jun Liu Guo Tenda

Read more: Everyone will become the beneficiaries...

Drug gangs across the three provinces have been destroyed

Source 2012-6-25 8:44:44 Ningbo Evening News
  Tomorrow is "6.26 Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking.Reporters learned yesterday that the Public Security Bureau Haishu successfully cracked a serious drug trafficking case with the police department supervisor, in one fell swoop and arrested nine suspects, and seized 1 kilogram of the drug methamphetamine, Ma Ancient more than 1200 tablets; the imitation Tiananmen pistol two bullets hair; also seized gambling money of 5 million yuan and transporting drugs sedan, completely destroyed a drug trafficking channel from Guangdong and Ningbo.
  Initial victory
  In November last year, the drug gangs into the line of sight of the police.After more than three months of investigation, the police identify the basic law of the gang's activities, on the net.
  In the early morning of March 16 this year, when the police arrived in Jiujiang, Jiangxi, and arrest the gang in Cantonese A military and Jiangxi Aguang implementation, that they have to Ningbo drug trade.
  Information is transferred back to the first time the headquarters, therefore, a network quietly planted.
  The transaction was arranged in Fenghua, an upscale hotel. 20:00 arrests implementation.
  A military and Eguang sister was arrested by police from the Afghan army to carry a backpack and found one kilogram of ice and 1000 Ma ancient.
  Twice to escape
  Aguang lucky enough to escape the arrest, and tipped off to the drug lords, led by "Bogotá". Originally intended to the hotel to the drug trade, "Porco received a phone call directly from the 9th floor along the downcomer fled.
  March 17, A Guang "Porco" meet a hideout in Fenghua. Police quickly dispatched will first dens Eguang, and "Porco" girlfriend in one fell swoop. At this time, "Porco girlfriend's cell phone rang," Porco "is probably from his girlfriend's response pleasant to the ear a strange, but again escaped.

Read more: Drug gangs across the three provinces...

Holiday rainy high-speed car crash again and again

Source 2012-6-25 8:45:37 Ningbo Evening News
  Small holiday period, high-speed traffic is greatly increased, and the continuing impact of the past few days heavy rainfall weather, highway Ningbo section of the amount of accidents increased significantly. Types of accidents are mostly rear-end collision and bicycle hit a guardrail accident.
  According to the statistics of the high-speed traffic police Ningbo Detachment Command Center Alarm records, the first day of the small holiday highway Ningbo area of traffic accidents 29 cases, of which, the bicycle hit the guardrail accident, rear-end accident from the total of the accident more than usual the past four times. Hangzhou Bay Bridge, for example, the 22 day and 23 accidents involving vehicles of more than 70 vehicles. Fortunately, the accident caused no casualties.
  It is understood that before the holidays, high-speed traffic police had to do the preparation to cope with large traffic flow through the media, radio, microblogging and other information channels to drivers in high-speed driving, route choice to make a lot of Tips . However, some motorists with car too close, free to change lanes and other uncivilized driving habits and therefore cause a lot of minor incidents. Fortunately, high-speed traffic police disposed of in a timely manner, did not pass to bring a big impact on the highway.

Rental in the upscale district to create a 600 Ma old

Source 2012-6-25 8:45:10 Ningbo Evening News

Police seized drug manufacturing equipment
  The Reporters Shen Ying correspondent Ye Beiwen / photo
  Addicted to gambling, divorce, 3 men have a similar encounter last walk in together, and one of them funded, another person responsible for the trial drug.
  Rent an upscale district in Jiangdong as dens of drug manufacturing, drug manufacturing whenever the dead of night, when the hands.
  After several tests, to be arrested, they have successfully produced the 600 Ma old.
  The use of physical methods to refine the manufacturing of drugs in Ningbo is the first time seized. "Yesterday, the The Jiangdong Public Security Bureau Narcotics Brigade chief Gu Zhiqi said.
  The high-end residential rental do dens
  Was arrested Chen, Zhou and Wang, were born in the 1970s.
  Zhou, Wang Jiangsu, this cousin of the original work in Yunnan, visited Myanmar in the casino, lost money, have divorced.
  Production of drugs hemp ancient technology they learn in a casino with people ready to rely on this fortune, but unfortunately there were no start-up capital.
  Introduced, they recognize that Ningbo Chen. Chen, divorce, drug abuse, and like to gamble.
  Funded by the Chen two hit it off, to help the brothers rent in the Jiangdong an upscale district the sets Sishiliangting house as drug dens, and buy a drug manufacturing machines and raw materials.
  Odor due to drug manufacturing in order to prevent exposure, and their choice of the house is quite particular about: Tenants of a set of the first floor of the house by the river. In their view, relying on the ventilation of the house of the river, the smell of the drug manufacturing bulk disappear just as quickly.
  In January of this year, the drug manufacturing dens started. During the day, they draw the curtains to the windows of the room to block began after 23:00 drug manufacturing.

Read more: Rental in the upscale district to...


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