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Work-related injuries agreement unconscionable injured workers receive compensation for occupational injuries

Source 2012-6-25 9:04:36 Southeast Business
  The employer in the workers lack the legal knowledge workers to sign unconscionability of the agreement, in order to evade the statutory responsibility of the employer should such an agreement do? Beilun District Legal Aid Center to help workers the Mou recover the fair.
  In June 2010, Mr. Mou into a car parts company in Beilun, the two sides signed a two-year labor contract unit Mou Paul injury insurance. In August 2010, Mr. Mou move the fan at work, the right hand accidentally be injured by the blades. The company paid all medical expenses, part downtime wage.
  Report the identification of related injuries and the ability to work as Mou and Mou and signed a circumvention of responsibility "Industrial Agreement. The Mou no concept of the knowledge of the law of the industrial injury insurance, I believe that the company signed the agreement on.
  On March 2 last year, the Mou injury identified disability rating for ten work-related injuries. Followed by auto parts companies from the industrial injury insurance fund to receive 9390 yuan Peifu gold. Due to various reasons, the company did not timely this money to the Mou.
  And company differences in the amount of problems, Mou to the Legal Aid Center of Beilun District to apply for legal aid, grassroots legal service workers Zhanggu Ming accepted assigned. The Zhang Guming see Mou and signed by "Industrial Agreement" is significant misunderstanding unconscionable. As stipulated in the agreement, after the signing of this Agreement, to give up the right to raise any other claims, to give up workers' compensation enjoyed by arbitration, litigation Mou.
  Last year, July 1, Zhang Guming agent Mou Beilun district labor dispute arbitration committee submitted an application for arbitration. On September 7 last year, Beilun District, labor dispute arbitration committee for mediation by the trial, both sides eventually reached a mediated settlement. One time payment of the Mou all work-related injuries compensation of 27,000 yuan.
  Expert Comments
  Lo Jiang legal services in Ningbo Zhang Guming: Mou of the case the recipient with the groggy, signed "Industrial Agreement. The employer by the workers lack of knowledge of the law of the machine, escape should bear the legal liability, damage the lawful rights and interests of laborers. For this type of unconscionability of the agreement, the injured party the right to advocate revocation of the unfair agreement.
  Southeast Business Daily reporter Chen love red correspondent thought the text

Ningbo this week is still a shower days, temperatures rose gradually

Source 2012-6-25 9:03:36 Ningbo Evening News
  6:20 yesterday, the municipal meteorological observatory to lift a yellow rainstorm warning signal, marking the city has easily passed the mark of the second rainfall since the MOD. However, the rainy season, rainfall always go hand in hand this week, is still a shower days.
  Today, the city's overcast and sometimes small showers tomorrow overcast in the shower. Summer rainfall is often accompanied by thunder, regardless of people indoors or outdoors, you need to pay attention to safety. A more significant rise in temperatures this week will be the process of today and tomorrow's maximum temperature were 29 ° C and 27 ° C, but later the temperature exceed 30 ℃. Due to high humidity, the body feels hot, the people need to guard against heat stroke.
  The summer solstice, you may be found in 19:30, not completely dark. In a metabolic peak season, noon nap touches good health. The study also showed that the lunch break is the law of the normal sleep and waking performance of the biological rhythm is an indispensable condition remain sober. Many people, especially the mental will appreciate the lunch break after working efficiency will be greatly enhanced. However, nap time not too long, 10-30 minutes is appropriate.
  Ningbo Evening News reporter Chen Shengnan
  Three-day weather forecast today's weather index

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Small holiday coincides with the the bayberry section Bridge traffic highs

Source 2012-6-25 8:56:56
  Bayberry Festival Dragon Boat Festival holiday this year coincides with a large number of tourists in Shanghai, Jiangsu, traveling by car through the holidays to Cixi, Yuyao picking bayberry, which makes a variety of traffic overlay, highway traffic is unprecedented.
  Five brigade from high-speed traffic police to understand the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, the first day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday on the 22nd traffic reached 54,595, the highest hour flows up to 4817 from 10:00 to 11:00, the hour only to Ningbo direction of flow 3239, these three data are refreshed (except for the opening of the first day of non-normal flow), the historical record since the opening of the Hangzhou Bay Bridge.
  The Andong export in Shanghai, Jiangsu had the first exit after the Hangzhou Bay Bridge, leading Cixi also leading to Yuyao, traveling by car drivers preferred export reached 16,651 in the 22 day traffic, but also Bridge since the launching of the highest export value.

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Rural tourism, how out of the cycle of homogenization?

Source 2012-6-25 9:00:23

(Dingan painted)
  Reporter Li Xiao Hang correspondent FU Lei
  In recent years, full of idyllic rural tourism, is becoming a new growth point of the tourism market. However, rural tourism in the development process, but also exposed the homogeneous competition, low-level commercial development, poor sanitary conditions of many of the problems.
  The data show that the city farmhouse casual tourist attractions of the village (point), a total of 108. The face of the huge market demand, development of rural tourism resources to meet the demand for tourism market meaning large, self-evident. One industry source pointed out that in some places due to lack of awareness of the overall planning and professionals, resulting in resource development forms a single, homogeneous products, the lack of attractiveness.
  Friends, "walking in the rain," complained: "full of fruit picking, fishing, or ecotourism, the commercialization of traces of heavy, while the real local customs but away from us."

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Ticket price difference before and after July

Source 2012-6-25 8:56:27 modern gold was quoted at
  By the end of this month, a number of routes maintained at about 3% off the price of cabbage
  After July 1, more than half of airline prices to more than 30% off

Yesterday, the large number of passengers out of the Ningbo East Railway Station Reporter telephoto
  Yesterday was the last day of Dragon Boat Festival holiday Ningbo East Railway Station to send the passenger traffic of 30,000 people. With the summer approaching, the short-distance train tickets from Ningbo still tight, "cabbage price" tickets will continue until the end of the month, starting July 1 start Ningbo domestic ticket prices will rise two or three. □ reporter Xue Caosheng
  Tight short-haul ticket purchase student tickets 15 days in advance

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