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Banana water + the coders Pro expired food "young"

Source 2012-6-26 9:14:09
  Unscrupulous merchants was fined 50,000 to avoid fooled need fine identification

Trade and Industry have demonstrated to turn over the production date of "kiss" brand fruit salad, to turn over the rough handwriting, fuzzy
  Many people buy food, always look production date, in order to determine the freshness of the food. From the more recent production date food, the better the sales. Some sinister traders have seized upon the people of this mentality, crooked brains move to the production date of the food. A bottle of banana water, a coding machine, so near, past shelf life of food is making a comeback.
  Recently, Ningbo City, the business sector uncovered several cases of food by young "case. □ correspondent Yu Yan Pei Guoqiang Zhang Song Gao reporter Yulin Feng, Wang Xiaofeng, photographer Jia east
  Fruit salad free to change the whole process of the birthday only a few seconds
  First is that the newly uncovered a food "young" case.
  A dozen touch of just a few seconds to change birthday
  Ago, in a remote village in Jiangbei District, a nondescript warehouse, two middle-aged women are busy, another man stood.
  Suddenly, law enforcement officers in front. Obviously, such a scene in their surprise. They stood up, stay in place.
  The original, according to reports from the public, it was hidden warehouse tampering with the date of manufacture of food, Jiangbei industrial and commercial staff the first time in the field.
  Participated in the inspection of law enforcement officers said they entered the warehouse, to smell the pungent taste of bananas, water, a woman responsible for bananas, water and wiped off the factory production date of the cup-cover plastic membrane. Then, the other coders marked "new" production date. The man is the boss, being taskmasters.
  Throughout the altered work is a clear division of labor, skilled operation, like inside the factory assembly-line to erase the old date of manufacture, marked a new production date as long as a few seconds. "Later, law enforcement officers so described.

Read more: Banana water + the coders Pro expired...

The LUO put the prize money donated to his hometown Children's Welfare Institute

Source 2012-6-26 9:16:33
  Ningbo lifts life-saving deeds of man "LUO aroused widespread repercussions in the community after the newspaper reported. Ningbo Municipal Committee, Mayor Liu Qi, specifically for the the LUO feat instructions: acts of touching, should publicize.
  Yesterday afternoon, Wang Lane Community Policing, Haishu Public Security Bureau deputy director of Ping Congming second courageous honor certificate and 3,000 dollars in prize money was awarded to Ningbo lifts man "LUO. The LUO took the certificate and is equipped with the bonus envelopes, he suddenly presented a request: I hope Haishu Public Security Bureau to help the money donated to the Sichuan Deyang City River County Children's Welfare Institute.
  "It was my hometown, where the child lives can not be told here than." Said LUO River County is a large agricultural county in recent years, many people are migrant workers, many children left behind, not well cared for . It is because of this, the LUO life is difficult to have to take his son to bring around.
  "Compared to them, my life has been better than a lot." LUO said, he usually save no less than how much money, and now have the ability, it should help them help a little point.
  Sichuan Deyang City River County Children's Welfare Institute, LUO not once been to. "My family in a small village, the traffic is not too convenient, seldom go to the county." LUO, but he knew the home side of life is not easy.
  In this regard, Haishu Public Security Bureau, said the money donated to the County Welfare Home for Children and Jiang will help the LUO contact your local civil affairs department, as soon as possible.
  Ningbo "lifted the man" LUO life-saving deeds were widely reported across the country have caused a wide-ranging implications. So far, still have friends from all over the country from the Internet that LUO's phone number, take the initiative to call and send text messages to his expressed sympathy and admiration.
  "This thing, I really did not expect much noise so other people see the will to do so." LUO said, in gratitude I also hope to continue to live a quiet life.

A van pull nine theft rings

Source 2012-6-26 9:18:09
  Over 40-year-old Sohn did not think, because of his momentary itchy, stole a van, so that the entire theft rings exposed to the public security department under the eyes. Yesterday, Jiang Shan police station successfully cracked the case with the theft of cables, copper materials, and arrested nine suspects.
  Wang Jiangshan Town, Yinzhou, rented a small house in the morning of May 7, Wang found that copper was missing from the house.
  Jiang Shan police station after receiving the alarm, and immediately for the transfer was near the monitor. Around 0:20, the incident that day, the incident near an electric tricycle after an hour and a half, Zheliang tricycle reappears. "This car more than one person, clearly felt that the car fitted with a lot of heavy objects." Police investigators told reporters that a small number of rural areas, monitoring, and ultimately did not find this car.
  June 6, police received a report and arrested a middle-aged man surnamed Sun of a theft of the van. Be accountable and accomplices Sohn site cables and copper in Yinzhou Soochow, Ginger and other theft behavior, while also recognizing the early morning of May 7th is the theft and the other two suspects came to Wang's factory, and reveal the six crime suspects.
  Police in Yinzhou around six suspects apprehended by the interrogation that there are two criminal suspects have been in the gang fled to Donghai County, Jiangsu Province.
  June 14, Ginger police station, police rushed to the Jiangsu Province, the two remaining suspects were arrested.
  It is understood that this gang to a total of nine individuals, three of whom are responsible for the disposal of stolen goods, six of theft, nine people in just half a year about crime more than 10 cases, involving more than 70 million.
  The suspect has been detained by public security departments, the case is being further processed.

Wanted Jianpian Yi is even higher than the market price

Source 2012-6-26 9:17:13 modern gold was quoted at
  The judge reminded: to participate in the court auction to be rational, and various taxes and fees first count
  Property prices how courts should also be relatively low, these days, Mr. Li in Shanghai With that in mind, blind with the film in the court to auction the property, they encountered a photograph of the property is higher than the market price of. Lee finally photographed the house, but also regret.
  □ correspondent into law also green reporter Bo Sun
  [Auction] 2.93 million yuan photographed the court to auction room
  Lee this year, 56-year-old son married a people crowded into the old house of their own home life is really a bit inconvenient, has been contemplating to buy a house to the son and daughter the couple lived a few years ago prices were so high to see the house several sets and have not start.
  Early last month, he inadvertently in the newspaper to see a court auction announcement, a court in Ningbo to auction a residential real estate located in Shanghai Pudong New Area, the period of notice only two days. Lee and his son quickly to the scene showings, the house towards the southeast, area, size, location and home improvements are good, when they want to buy the house down. Paid due to worry about paying back the principal, Mr. Lee also specifically asked about a real estate broker in Shanghai. Intermediary and he said do not worry about paying back the principal, you can auction off the first mortgage loan procedures, and then the loan money to pay the auction payments.
  So the next day, Mr. Lee and his son excitedly came to Ningbo, did not learn more about the Auction Notice, by the Bank delivered 300,000 deposit to the court. Auction day, bidding a warm atmosphere, Mr. Lee admired the price of the house from the starting price of 2.43 million is climbing, Lee determined to win, the highest price of 2.93 million yuan to win the house.
  [Regret] auction the highest bid over the market price
  After the auction, Mr. Lee but dumbfounded. Because the court to inform him that the auction must be within the specified time will be 2.93 million transaction price (net pay of $ 30 million bond auction, be required to pay 263 million) into the court account in full, payments to be fully in place, the court will be issued by the relevant legal instruments, Mr Lee had to pay various taxes and fees by the relevant legal instruments in order to handle real estate transfer procedures.
  2.63 million is not a small sum, Lee short-lived fad disagreement over where to raise so much money? In addition, Mr. Lee also need to pay the auction commission, borne by the buyer in the real estate transfer tax and other fees, the total is also the hundreds of thousands. So doing, the full cost of Mr. Lee to purchase this property for more than the market price. Do this house margin is necessary loss of $ 300,000. To it, all of a sudden was not any such cash. In desperation, he had four to raise money, and made himself very passive.
  Yesterday, the judge told reporters that Mr. Lee has been money all into the court account.
  [Reminder] to participate in the court auction to be rational
  The judge reminded the: court to auction the property after closing, the buyer in addition to one-time full to the court other than the payment transaction shall need to bear some costs, real estate, for example, need to pay the auction commission, real estate transfer all the necessary taxes, etc., may also need to bear the real estate stagnation pay property charges and owed utilities.
  The court considered the various taxes and fees and other expenses, set the auction reserve price is generally lower than market price, If you Liupai once again, the auction price will be lower. But the Court is still recommend that bidders participate in the auction before the auction have a clear understanding of required fees, which estimates the psychological level, not blindly with the film, because irrational fare increase with the film, lead to a transaction the subject matter than the market price high.

Avoid operating right of the illicit transfer and speculation

Source 2012-6-26 9:20:04
  Yesterday, the city government submitted for deliberation to the fourth Session of the second meeting of the Standing Committee of Ningbo City taxi passenger Management Ordinance (Revised Draft) ", the motion to further standardize the management of the taxi operation rights, to prevent and curb the right to operate illegal transfer of and speculative behavior.
  Ningbo City taxi passenger Ordinance since the implementation of February 1, 1998, during which made two changes, played a positive role in the strengthening of the standard management and healthy development of the city's taxi industry. However, some terms and higher-level laws of the relevant provisions of the current and the city's economic and social development is incompatible with the actual, need to be modified.
  Cancel the operation right to the pledge and inheritance provisions
  The existing Ordinance requires taxi passenger operators the right to pledge according to law, inheritance, property law, security law and the provisions of the law of succession, can be used to pledge the subject of inheritance must be the nature of property, or rights, the right to operate a relationship public interests of the industry-specific access permission issues do not belong to the collateral or heritage areas, so in order to pledge inheritance obtained the right to operate not in conformity with the provisions of the Property Law and other laws.
  Operating right of compensation for the use of the progressive introduction of free use
  In accordance with the provisions of the State Department documents, the taxi on the operating principle of free use, but the principle of respect for the city's taxi industry to the development of history and reality, taking into account the policy continuity and development of long-term, while avoiding new contradictions, to ensure that the industry is poised and social stability and regulations to amend the draft stipulates that the taxi passenger operators the right to compensation in the progressive introduction of free use, free use of the specific implementation of the time otherwise provided, the way the municipal and county (city) people's government.
  Collecting fees and compensation for the use of standard municipal and county (city) people's governments; use fee on annual basis, in order to reduce the burden of taxi operators; paid user fees earmarked for Command and Control taxi, parking site, integrated services and other public services management facilities and development of the industry.

Read more: Avoid operating right of the illicit...


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