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White-collar part-time to earn extra money perhaps more harm than good

Source 2012-6-27 9:12:19 Ningbo Evening News
  Looking for part-time the patent is not college students, now entering the workplace full-time white-collar workers also have the habit of looking for part-time to earn extra money. White-collar jobs may be relatively free spare time sufficient, while others work early income is not high, he looked for part-time jobs to ease the economic pressure.
  Full-time white-collar part-time as a tutor
  2010 graduation from college, Bayberry to work in a law firm. Since no court solicitor, her work is relatively free. So the beginning of the work, and units Friends at a tutoring center registration, part-time elementary school tutor, every weekend to the students home to one-on-one tutoring.
  Four or five pupils in the most busy time, I do, when the weekend I'm not the way to tutoring is the tutor. A month earn more than 1000 yuan, but their time basically gone. "Said Bayberry she find another two people to do tutoring, each household one day per week tutoring lessons, each course of two hours, Bayberry income of 75 yuan. Bayberry told reporters that a people's children will be graduating from elementary school this year, also the end of her part-time in family. "My job is to start slowly on the right track, but also busy at the end of the marriage thing, time is not enough, so I plan to hand on to stay a part-time, temporarily stop looking for new."
  To find an Internet part-time but cheated the agency fee

Read more: White-collar part-time to earn extra...

Recover the money donated charitable institutions

Source 2012-6-27 9:19:47 Southeast Business
  Mr. Yang is the owner of a printing and packaging company in Beilun, 2010, he received a single business, designated for cardboard boxes for a company, the boss of the other company named Kim.
  Two months, he shipped for the other three batches, for a total price of 5000 yuan. Unexpectedly, the gold party to pay the first shipment of more than 1,000 yuan, they refused to pay for the remaining goods. Two years, he repeatedly Dunning, the other always arrive to confiscate the poor quality of the goods, etc. as an excuse to refuse payment are unsuccessful, the relationship is also a sharp deterioration in the past two years.
  Is Mr. Yang grew more and more angry, "but I also learned that the other party may be in arrears in the same way a number of payment arrears of a few thousand dollars per home, then change a company to continue to do business."

Read more: Recover the money donated charitable...

Stadium strip robbers arrested

Source 2012-6-27 9:21:00 Southeast Business
Robbery victim stripped tied to a tree withdrawals to the T-shirt wrapped around the head, leaving only a hole
"A naked woman suddenly break and follow-up reports

The scene of the suspects identified.
  In the early morning of June 9, a nocturnal woman tube Younger Stadium robbed, the robbers stripped the pipe of a clothes bundled fled the scene after the tree.
  Yesterday, reporters from the the Jiangdong police was informed that The suspects Pengmou was in the evening of June 18, the arrest has been XingJu.
  Naked woman lottery shop for help
  Tube in a 20-year-old victim, a KTV in Jiangdong work. According to its report said that at 0:00 on the June 9 hours, after work from Yao Ailu alone walking from west to east, we are moving to the Stadium on the road outside, a man suddenly pounced grabbed her neck from behind, followed by dragged her into the woods within the Stadium.

Read more: Stadium strip robbers arrested

3 Beetle "stroll" Tianyi Square

Source 2012-6-26 10:56:09 Ningbo Evening News

  The day before yesterday in Haishu work weeks master Tianyi Square to see the three looks mighty insect holding a branch, it seems are "wrestling". Three insect looks weird, he put into them drink the cup sent to the newspaper.
  The reporter saw three bugs are almost black, while the largest one, the shell color reddish, stretching nearly 10 cm in length, the other two do not. Access to information and found that this insect is commonly known as "Beetle", also known as "double fork rhinoceros beetles, mainly living in the mountains. They can be said to be the world's strongest animal, able to move objects 850 times heavier than their own weight.
  It is understood that some people like the beetles as pets, these three appear in the downtown area "Beetle", is likely to escape the pet beetle.

Some close action will make the patient more relaxed

Source 2012-6-27 9:22:14 Southeast Business

Several British doctors are taught. Reporter Tan Chuan before photo
  Good communication and interrogation techniques will make doctor-patient relationship more harmonious, increase their sense of trust between doctors and patients, yesterday, several physicians from the British Royal Institute of General Practitioners to more than 200 general practitioners in Ningbo about how clinical better patient communication. After listening to some general practitioners feel the benefit, but there are also many doctors showed little reaction, and that some way is not suitable for domestic medical environment.
  Non-verbal communication to convey information more than the language
  Carter doctor is a senior member of the general practitioner of the British Royal Society, Royal College of Physicians Society and the Higher Education Institute.
  Dr. Carter opinion, some non-verbal communication to convey convey more information than the language. Communication between doctors and patients of 80% is through facial expressions, body language and other non-verbal communication, doctors want to put ourselves in, stand in the angle of the patients to understand their feelings. "
  Carter doctor, for example, the furniture placed in the clinic, the doctor dressed, sitting, watching the way of the patient, check and touch the patient manner and timing of all these actions will give the patient to some kind of hint, indicating that the doctors treat them attitude.
  In using communication skills, Carter holds that some doctors should not be sitting behind a desk to patient consultation, which would give the patient resulting in a superior sense of distance; generally more anxious patients, clinics, doctors can shake hands, touch each other shoulder and let them relax.
  In addition, the "ah", "good" and "auxiliary language also allows the statement of the condition of the patient to relax, doctor-patient communication.
  Some doctors believe that too many patients do not have time to communicate

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