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Woman "divorce of the" passion for seeking truth and love

Source 2012-6-28 9:26:59 modern gold was quoted at
  Expert: marriage in addition to the passion, there are more good things worth the pursuit and possession of
  Yesterday, Jiangbei Court dealt with divorce cases. The Ningbo Miss Li plus this time, experienced a total of six marriage. Every time she because to find the "feel" and marriage and divorce, and finally because there is no "feel".
  In her heart, true love is any substance can not be replaced, there is no true love of marriage is the grave.
  Pursuit of love, 40-year-old woman from six marriage
  Miss Li is just this year, early 40s, appearance and dignified in her face, do not see traces of the years, she has gone through six marriage.
  Every time she thought he met the true love, but each time she will be the feelings of light did not feel the ground of a divorce. Even if the amount of money not impressed Miss Li Fengyun heart of the pursuit of true love.
  A year ago, Miss Li met nearly five-year-old Chow. Chow considerate and steady touched her, they entered the marriage hall in the understanding of six months.

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MOD after the third round of heavy rain ended today

Source 2012-6-27 9:02:30 Ningbo Evening News
  Yesterday the weather was hot, the night is heavy rain, people feel very unwell. City weather forecast, and the third round of heavy rainfall today MOD one end, high-temperature days, followed by the frequency of occurrence of afternoon thunderstorms will be increased significantly.
  Average rainfall this year and more than half of
  MOD, the city has gone through two heavy rainfall. The first was from June 16 to 18, the process of rainfall, the city's rainfall of 80mm-190mm average rainfall of 126mm, compared to June 13, 2011 -15 days, average rainfall of 90mm, a single point of 320mm is also strong. The second time was during the last Dragon Boat Festival, the process of rainfall in the city's 40mm-60mm in some areas up to 100mm. Is currently experiencing the third round of heavy rainfall began on the 25th night, City weather forecast, the heavy rainfall will end today. Reporters learned yesterday from the Municipal Meteorological Observatory, this year, the city's average rainfall reached 1040mm, 52% than normal years, rainfall in the region of Cixi, Yuyao, Beilun, Xiangshan, the highest in 30 years. Since the city June 17, the MOD, the city's rainfall is 216mm, close to the perennial rainy season of rainfall of 260.5mm.

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Mercedes-Benz car late at night fell into the deep drainage

Source 2012-6-27 9:08:56 Ningbo Evening News
  22:00 the day before yesterday more than a Mercedes-Benz vehicles to pass through in Yinzhou Qi Hu Village, suburb, near a repair on the road. No street lights nearby, surrounded by the dark one, sudden weight loss throughout the vehicle fly out of the car a few people discovered that, after a heavy impact with the ground, the vehicle fell into a nearly two-meter-deep trench.
  The driver, Mr Zhang and two friends climbed out from the car, but fortunately no one was injured. And shaken, they ditch nearly two meters, two meters wide, a ditch, the depth of about 15 cm. "This is unfortunate lucky, if the water drains some of the deep, the car may be life-threatening." Mr Zhang involuntarily sighs.
  Mr. Zhang puzzled that such a large security risk Duantou Lu, nearby did not set up any roadblocks and warning marks.
  Mr. Zhang said, more to confuse the people, which the road only unilateral lane Duantou Lu the other side of the lane is open. 8:00 that night, passing the other side, no abnormality is found, more than two hours after the reentry the Shique vehicles fall drains.
  After the incident, Mr. Zhang called the police and inform the insurance company. But he believes that all of this Duantou Lu unit or management unit has an inescapable responsibility, he said it would hold each other's responsibilities.
  Yesterday afternoon, Yinzhou District to the relevant government departments to verify that Mr. Zhang fall car Duantou Lu belongs to a village near the tractor road. Tractor road "Due to some remote rural areas usually very few vehicles, coupled with the awareness of road safety in the village is not high enough, so ignore the very important point and set up barricades and warning signs." Miss Xu said of the town staff, then down the departments concerned will strengthen the work of the village road safety and to avoid recurrence of similar incidents.

Son cited economic disputes parents' home was the red paint to spray the wall

Source 2012-6-27 9:06:50 Ningbo Evening News
  "Two nights ago, the family locks with glue blocked, covered with writing on the wall with a red paint daubed yesterday door painting trouble, too overbearing." Yesterday, public Schilling reported 87777777 News hotline to reflect this bad behavior.
  Schilling is a teacher of Ningbo University, who lives in the school teacher living quarters. 21:00 the day before yesterday and more, her home, as usual, took out his key to open the door, but found the key to how not get into the lock cylinder, "I thought a wrong key, take the mobile phone according to see, yes. then according to the lock cylinder, which are all similar to the 502 glue jelly, has been done. "Schilling said, thought it was a prank, and then look closely, the wall surrounding the house, turned out also with The red paint was spray painted a mess, and exudes a pungent paint fumes.

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To invade Nvwang QQ space to publish obscene material

Source 2012-6-27 9:10:15 Ningbo Evening News

严勇杰 painted
  Gan is a law-abiding girl. A few days ago, she inexplicably received a phone call from several strange man: "beauty, hello, what time to go with the open room you?" In the beginning, small sweet thought it was mistaken for each other to play the similar, until thereafter harassing phone calls and pillars of the flood call, even the middle of the night is also one after another continuously, she was aware of the accident.
  To find out the reason, calm down little sweet and a few phone call to a man talk, ask them how to know their own phone numbers, see the other side say that from the information released by her QQ space.

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