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18 renovation workers trapped in the elevator one hour

Source 2012-6-28 8:40:08 Ningbo Evening News

A trapped workers were rescued
  18 workers crowded elevator, not only did not issue overweight alarm, but retarder on the floor, rose to 3rd floor and slowly decline. Yesterday morning, Heqing North Road, Ningbo National Hi-tech Zone, 1178, residential buildings such incident occurs.
  The incident occurred in residential buildings built residential elevator is relatively simple. 7:30 yesterday, Master Huang renovation workers and other workers in preparation for the 13th floor of a people to decorate, they rushed to squeeze into the elevator.
  Master Huang said, when the elevator did not issue overweight alarm. The elevator rose to the 3rd floor position when paused, and then very slow, very slow to decline. Some people would like to press keys to control, but it did.
  After receiving the calls, the property staff to catch up, but toss a burst or not able to control the elevator drop. Pry open a little door, let some air circulation inside the elevator.
  Fire officers and soldiers rushed to the scene, the workers have been trapped 40 minutes, the elevator has slid to the position between the first floor and first floor. After more than 10 minutes of intense rescue, 18 workers have been successful turnaround.
  "From May to now, I have been trapped in this elevator, and out of luck." Wang said, a worker.

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Satyr greedy girl clever to get out -- rape escape

Source 2012-6-28 8:55:27 modern gold was quoted at
  Beilun's Procuratorate to arrest the man for rape
  Frame their voices with his girlfriend, guy to go out drinking to forget, on the road to see a beautiful girl can not help but from the color center trailing. Girl afraid but yet clever, escaped fry satyr. Recently, Zhang guy the Beilun Procuratorate rape approved the arrest.
  □ correspondent Shiqi Bo Huang Yu reporter Bo Sun
  Men's Night case of sexy beauty
  Bachibuzhu improvement in heart
  May 21 this year at 10 o'clock or so, the 23-year-old guy Zhang and his girlfriend had a few, alone out drink alone. After drinking alcohol, a person has wandered 1:00 the next day, walking the Beilun Daqi Yokogawa road, walking had planned to go home, but to see that side of the road the girl alone, and a good figure, dressed in sexy .
  Zhang, a look from the color center, coupled with alcohol cause trouble, and more can not resist the temptation. So Zhang secretly trailing girl, the girl turned into a lane, he observed no one around, I feel hands-on opportunity to approached a hold of the girl's hand. Zhang said that the girl lied, "I have long been concerned about you, love you long time." Want to tell girls and proposed sexual relations.
  For fear that the girls resist, Zhang patted the pocket, said to himself with a knife. 21-year-old Henan girl Kogusu hear fear, want to shout, but immediately closed her lips, she knew so late for help to no avail, perhaps resistance will provoke each other. "You do not brute force, rest assured! I will not call." She tried to calm down, while thinking of the way. After Zhang suggested finding a hotel to open a room, Kogusu thought into the hotel must be able to escape, had an idea and said that he was hungry, and would like to eat supper. Zhang, however, think their own scare her a knife, even if the supper, the young girls will not let a physically very weak to escape the palm.
  Wit girls calm response
  The pervert was caught because of the love of money

Read more: Satyr greedy girl clever to get out --...

Number ONE hospital completed- after the pilot will be undertaken this year

Source 2012-6-28 8:59:10 Southeast Business
  Reporter Tan Chuan only
  The city the "12th Five-Year" during the health reform implementation plan formally introduced in 2015, the basic health care system for the lead in establishing the basic medical and health services more equitable level of service and efficiency has improved significantly. Of total health expenditure growth control in a reasonable and balanced growth rate, significantly reduced the burden on the masses, and personal health spending accounted for the proportion of total health expenditure is reduced to about 30%, medical treatment is difficult and expensive problem to further alleviate.
  Should continue to simplify the process of registration, treatment, inspection fees, dispensary and other medical services, and actively promote the appointment of the city's unified registered platform, universal implementation of an Appointment to carry out the first treatment, after the settlement, "the pilot to improve the environment for medical treatment, significantly reduce patient waiting time, convenient for people to seek medical treatment. This reporter learned from the city's health system reform work conference held yesterday.

Read more: Number ONE hospital completed- after...

Zhuangfei mother and daughter driver strip resistance to save people

Source 2012-6-28 8:58:02 Southeast Business
And grabbed hold the ambulance girl fell to the ground

Family to the media show photos knocked killed a little girl.
  Xi'an College Students' drug Xin (driving butt after the rescue, also knocked by Mengzha 8 knife caused the death) was executed over the past year, the drug Xin case to the people in the shadow of yet play go unexpectedly recently Shandong but Jingxian a "female version of drug house Xin". 17, Linyi, Shandong, Ms. Wang with a son and daughter in a residential area oncoming car crash. The ambulance arrived, the driver of the accident not only do not meet the treatment, but off his clothes lying on the ground to stop the ambulance to enter, and have been the girl grabbed hold of the ambulance crashed to the ground. In the end, the 4-year-old girl was declared, has died, and Ms. Wang are not yet out of danger.
  Massacre review
  Mother and daughter front of his house knocked the girls flew two cars
  At 10:30 on the 17th, the Linyi, Shandong Champs Lido district, Ms. Wang with his own son and daughter to go out to buy food to go home, son riding a bike to go on the outside, she was riding an electric car with a 4 year-old daughter to go in the side.
  Mother and three from east to west, riding, had a unit left ten meters away from their home where the two units when suddenly a car drove west to east rapid head hit Ms. Wang's electric car. Mother and daughter They are Zhuangfei to go out, the daughter "flying" up and over the two cars parked on the roadside, fell on the third car under the car. The electric car knocked became two.
  After the car accident they were scraping a few cars out of the yard, stopping at a wall of the end of the road.

Read more: Zhuangfei mother and daughter driver...

Community to British doctors

Source Ningbo Evening News 2012-6-28 10:37:39

  The Jiangbei Yao River Community Health Center to a high nose, blue eyes, white skin of the foreign doctors, he is from the UK Royal College of Physicians Society of General Dr Richard Hawke. The party, the Health Department of Zhejiang Province, and a cooperative project of the British Royal Medical Association to the city for doctor-patient communication skills training. Yesterday, three of them to the three community hospitals in the city Zuozhen, face to face and community physicians, patients. Reporter Ye Haiying



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