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2 dead, 7 injured in plant construction scaffolding collapse

Source 2012-6-29 9:20:47

Correspondent for map
  More than 6 o'clock yesterday morning, at dawn, Huang avoid Ao Township Day Star Casting Co., Ltd. Xiangshan County, construction workers have to work.
  Who would have thought, being built in two main plant of the external scaffolding collapsed, nine workers was immediately pressed in the following. Fire departments, emergency rescue, nine people were carried away and sent to a local hospital where, after inspection, three of them seriously injured.
  After the incident, Xiangshan county party secretary Li off set rushed to the disposal site, to go all out to do a site search and rescue and the injured and the rescue work.

Read more: 2 dead, 7 injured in plant...

Russian man lost passport police rubbish rummage 150 minutes

see the movie on Youku

Source 2012-6-29 9:23:36 Southeast Business

The police found in the rubbish passports. Correspondent Lin handle influx
  Police to rummage in a 45-ton mountain of garbage "two and a half hours, only to help foreign friends looking for a thin passport.
  The day before yesterday, the distance from the incident over the past seven days, the passport masters of Russia Sergei did not forget commissioned a translation thank Phone call to the police Minghua.
  Reporter Dan Chengcheng correspondent Lin handle influx
  In the evening of June 19, the 31-year-old Russian Sergey Check the Zhenhai local hotel. The evening, Sergei to the hotel lounge area to play mobile games, during which also received a phone call, did not leave until 1:00 the next day and more.
  He does not think they carry a bag to be left with a seating area. This is an obscure black canvas bag, which is equipped with the most important passport.
  In the morning of June 20, Sergei pack ready to leave, only to find passport was gone. So he was accompanied by a translation to the police station Zhaobaoshan report.

Read more: Russian man lost passport police...

Major reform of the judicial auction Ningbo, the court took the lead shop on Taobao "

Source 2012-6-29 9:30:49
  Yesterday, Yinzhou District People's Court and the Beilun District People's Court "seller" status assigned to Taobao, the country was first opened in the shopping site "shop" to try the court of the judicial auction. The history of our network judicial auction which opened.
  Our judicial auction, the most common is the Court's compulsory auction. It refers to the court according to law the property of the person against whom the seizure and seizure, and through the relevant procedures to conduct the auction items realized a legal measures.
  In early February this year, the courts throughout the country to deepen the reform of the judicial sale meeting the requirements around the court and innovative, by introducing a third-party trading platform, the implementation of the electronic auction, Internet transactions, and new auction mechanism to establish scientific, standardized, open and transparent judiciary. Since then, under the direct supervision of the Provincial Higher People's Court, the court Yinzhou the first to complete the online "stores" technical preparation, test the water of this new auction method.
  Both the court sent the Taobao auction is a black BMW 7 Series sedan and an Outlander station wagon, a starting price of 199,900 yuan and 50,000 yuan respectively. Now for the auction of the subject matter of the announcement and auction registration stage, formal shooting is scheduled at 10:00 on July 9. According to relevant regulations, the entire judicial auction process to register a bond, bid auction, three aspects of transaction shall pay auction auction of Justice need to verify the true identity of the bidder.

Read more: Major reform of the judicial auction...

he owners claim ring true anger smashing the gas station

Source 2012-6-29 9:25:54 Southeast Business

Lee paint graffiti to vent their anger at the gas station incident. (Photo provided by the police)

  The gas station staff actually wrong to pump the diesel into the off-road car, which makes Lee annoyed. Compensation demands are not met, he angrily angry smashing the gas station, only to become a victimizer by the victim.
  Yesterday, the reporter from the the Yinzhou police was informed that Lee has been detained.
  Misfuelling caused by car overhaul

Read more: he owners claim ring true anger...

More than 260 law enforcement officers the night to check the illegal removal and transportation of sediment


Source Ningbo Evening News 2012-6-29 11:01:40

Law enforcement personnel on the illegal construction vehicles to lock your car handling.
  The night before 8 am yesterday morning, 4 o'clock, the city urban management department, water department, re-organization to carry out the Center City construction waste indiscriminate dumping of concentration and control. After rectification, illegal removal and transportation of construction wastes still exists, in particular the re-emergence of the trend to the behavior of the the Sanjiang 偷排 mud.
  22:00 the day before yesterday, the reporter saw in the mud pier on the 14th of Yinzhou, the body of a sludge dryer covered with cobwebs and rusting. Water law enforcement officials told reporters that after they have repeatedly received a report that the pier still waste-to Fenghua river mud, the boss said, the mud drying through the device, turned into muck and then sent to the consumptive places. Check the situation, this dryer is the only deaf ears --- furnishings. Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau, the official said, they have recently received more than report to the Sanjiang 偷排 mud, after this action, they will organize follow-up enforcement action to ensure that the Sanjiang the flood control and flood safety.
  23:00 the day before yesterday, the card points in the Airport Road and Luen Fung Road, stopped 20 vehicles full of construction wastes, the driver called the muck shipped to Yuyao brick. The city inspectors checked, multi-car sub-sealed violations, vehicle capacity unclean and other issues, so its out of the punishment notice. A card point in Jiangbei, urban management again seized the two violations muck cars, and were punished.

Read more: More than 260 law enforcement officers...


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