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Runner driving in mind "the bus driver to shoot a micro film

source 2012-7-4 9:08:59 Ningbo Evening News

Still --- Runner be rebuked by the passengers.
  809 bus drivers Xu Wei ingenuity, micro film shooting as a theme to the work of the bus drivers about the work of passengers misunderstanding, and mistreatment of complaints from angry to calm and then the emotional process of restoring the confidence of.
  Was making things difficult for bus drivers, the work was scolded and even beaten are commonplace, and only control the mood of a good job in order to ensure traffic safety. To fight back, do not hit, reviled, reviled not, some drivers have tried to write a diary to decompression. Now, Xu Wei by shooting the micro-film, not only for their own reduced pressure, but also help colleagues decompression.
  The day before yesterday, Xu Wei and colleagues jointly directed the premiere of the decompression film derived from a speech Runner driving in mind, "Daqi Road station in the bus poplar, many bus drivers and passengers waiting to share the laughter joy. The driver said, looked at this micro-film, think the film is its own life, and my heart in sympathy with their daily work in this way will be misunderstood, the curse experience to speak out, I feel very happy.
  The hero Runner Runner driving in mind, "a job near the bus driver. Many new posts driver, he is also confident, wanted to accomplish something. His commitment to his girlfriend: a five-star driver at an early date, marry his girlfriend to get married. Can be counterproductive, posts a few days later, he encountered a difficult thing.

Read more: Runner driving in mind "the bus driver...

Young airline pilot "married woman emotionally

source 2012-7-4 9:08:10 Ningbo Evening News
  While claiming to "airline pilot", while another boasted that "the Civil Aviation Captain, only young men of junior high school culture of Hubei Ji Chen this fraud, even fruitful.
  According to the preliminary review of Haishu the police, Chen, from the two married woman fraudulently obtained more than 130,000 yuan. Yesterday, Haishu Public Security Bureau the Jiangxia police station, said Chen alleged fraud has been under criminal detention.
  The micro-letters "to get to know the" airline pilot "
  Miss Qian May 24, nothing else to come up with own iPhone4 mobile entertainment, "micro-letters" software to look to find a chatters. The other photos show a young man, the information is an airline pilot.
  Airline pilot? Shuttle between the blue sky and white clouds ... Miss Qian very interested to understand each other immediately through the "micro-letters" to chat with each other up. The caller said their parents are senior cadres, I just returned from the Air Force to change jobs to civil aviation, soon l captain. The other side said, because of the particularity of the pilot work is not yet married.
  Miss Qian married, but the other party to meet the requirements, she agreed. When he met the other showed her the photos in the phone. Photos of each other behind the airliner Mercedes-Benz cars, which makes her thoroughly convinced that the other is an airline pilot.
  Emotional married woman is convinced each other
  The civil aviation pilots love, "said Miss Xiang Qian multiple appointments, very generous. Miss Qian emotionally open with each other on the hotel room. Each other to give her a credit card, that there are over 100 million in deposits in Cary, flying around carry is not convenient, please her custody. This lets her feel the intimate relations between the two.

Read more: Young airline pilot "married woman...

Cut of nearly 100 trees of poplar shelterbelts

source 2012-7-4 9:06:46 Ningbo Evening News

Felling site
  Large number of trees cut edge of the North Outer Ring with Hong Chong Road overpass, the relevant departments tube regardless? "Yesterday morning, friends" Ningbo old melon "an illustrated microblogging attracted many onlookers.
  Users microblogging
  A large number of trees cut
  The reporter found that the 14 o'clock yesterday, the microblogging has been forwarded many times. Some netizens commented, summer, these trees brought us the slightest cool, how good, why should it cut? Some users, these trees are finally grown, the cut is really a waste, even if transplanted to other places.
  Thereafter and friends, "Ningbo old melon reporter made contact, he said, is about 10 o'clock yesterday morning, passing the North Outer Ring. At that time, he saw large areas of trees have been felled to the ground are leaves, tree trunks piled on the roadside, distressing, "microblogging" the situation.
  Reporter to verify the
  Cut the trees nearly a hundred trees

Read more: Cut of nearly 100 trees of poplar...

The rich handsome boyfriend is actually a vagrant

ource 2012-7-4 8:59:21 modern gold was quoted at
  29 years old, unmarried, China Eastern Airlines pilot, wore designer clothes to wear watches and Mercedes, with the iPhone 4, who lives in the Kam to the waterfront.
  I do not know the exact details of the eyes of an outsider, Zhang is indeed a "rich handsome." Relying on his silver tongue, he succeeded in defrauding two women, 130,000 yuan, and capture a woman heart. Yesterday, reporters from Haishu Jiangxia police station Zhang currently XingJu, in fact, he was just a vagrant.
  □ correspondent reporter Xia Jing Zhu Jie Dai Xiaoyan trainee reporter Zhu Lin
  Money making reasons varied
  Freelance a little money, a popular word, it is a typical "white Fu-mei.
  On May 24, play mobile micro letter, a little money received, a man plus a friend request. Agree a little money, the two started talking. The man claiming to Zhang, single, China Eastern Airlines pilot, parents working in Ningbo, is the senior cadres.
  See each other the soft-spoken style of conversation is also good, a little money talked and talked on the heart.
  May 30 500 yuan reason: that they are busy, to help fight money to his cousin
  Recognize four days later, Zhang micro letter to find a little money, inform each other that they are meeting, drawn up at the moment, need to hit 500 dollars to his cousin, please, a little money to help me, and afterwards also. Little money is reluctant to do, but under Zhang Ruanmoyingpao, think about it 500 dollars hit in the past.
  Later, the two have been dating meet Zhang is grateful for the table, and immediately put 500 dollars on, that was not enough, he deliberately gave a little money to a bank card, "there are 1.4 million yuan deposit on your Here, I am rest assured that after the card is yours to control, if necessary, you can always make use of them. "remarks completely moved a little money.
  June 1 30,000 yuan reason: promotion as a captain, to give leadership gifts
  Only every other day, Zhang called again to give a little money: "My dear, to tell you good news when the captain, but for future work, to give gifts, can you give me 30,000 yuan of money? I now close no money. "
  Boyfriend promotion is naturally happy, but think of what to bring money, hesitated a little money. She thought goes 1.4 million Bank of China card, lost several password, show an error, strange little money. Zhang explained that is because too many personal bank cards, passwords, mixed together, they are not quite sure. Not fall in love a little money in order to "save the market, their own money to come up with $ 30,000, and gave Zhang Tianyi Square Tesco supermarket.
  June 3 10,000 yuan reasons: work, in urgent need of money
  Just take away the 30,000 yuan not a few days, the little money they received the boyfriend telephone, because the work needs urgent need of money, this time, the yuan hit another card on Zhang.
  Speaking, little money is a thoughtful girl, since the exchanges since, in addition to the boyfriend to buy clothes, and gave Zhang, mother gifts, perfumes, clothing, and even the daily food we eat will be used to filial prospective mother-in-law.
  June 10 30,000 yuan reason: his mother died in urgent need of money to buy a cemetery
  Heard a bad news day, a little money from Zhang mouth: "quasi-mother-in-law died suddenly in urgent need of 30,000 yuan to buy cemetery, sometimes scrape the money ... the frantic little money does not think much, without reservation, again to 30,000 yuan The money hit Zhang card. This way, a little money did not realize, has given Zhang 70,000 yuan money.
  A few days after, a little money to see her boyfriend for a long time do not take the initiative to find her, surprised, to take the initiative to contact.

Read more: The rich handsome boyfriend is...


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