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Small supermarket owner brave the fire to run out after the withdrawal of six fire extinguishers

source 2012-7-5 9:03:07 Ningbo Evening News
  Yesterday at 12 am, located near Ningbo University the Shuangqiao village a row of old houses suddenly caught fire. As the old house is all brick and wood, and hot and dry, the fire quickly spread to a total of seven houses were destroyed.
  The incident occurred at the Shuangqiao clothing near the street, next to the old house gathering, full of snacks, department stores, hotels, shops, the channel narrow, but the flow of people. Reporters yesterday rushed to the scene to see only from very far away, the fire engines can not get near the fire, the laying of water into the fire-fighting.
  From the scene of the fire the old house is a two-tier wooden structure, has for decades, its opposite on each side of an old house, surrounded by such courtyard. The edge of the main road, has a lot to grab out of the furniture, objects and even stacked to facilitate fire fighters fire.
  64-year-old villager, Mr Wong said that around 12:00, he is on the second floor to sleep, I heard downstairs after being awakened by a burst of noise. Window probe a look and found the second floor of the old house opposite the west side of fire, downstairs, surrounded by many people, a few older people are still that cried, and you want to go upstairs, but others pulled.

Read more: Small supermarket owner brave the fire...

Urban management department will be dealt with according to law the unauthorized felling of trees act

source 2012-7-5 9:03:26 Ningbo Evening News
  Readers, the newspaper reported yesterday that nearly 100 trees of poplar shelterbelts cut "a cause strong repercussions in Jiangbei District Urban Management Bureau instructed the Green functions of the departments and law enforcement squadron to conduct investigations to implement immediately after it is reported, and behavior of such destruction of trees in accordance with the law.
  According to the person in charge of the the Jiangbei Urban Management Bureau, the newspaper reported that the cut trees planted in 2003 within the North Outer Ring Road temporary green belt within the meaning of poplar, North Central Expressway construction unit commissioned by the railway authorities to the implementation of the cross-line projects involving afforestation, agreed to transplant to the city and district levels for approval. Construction units in the specific implementation, the more developed part of the large size Italian poplar root, the transplant process likely to cause underground pipeline safety, and secretly implemented to logging.
  In Jiangbei chased Bureau instruct the construction unit to stop deforestation. Felled as a result of the construction is really necessary in the future, the construction unit should be reported to relevant departments for examination and approval procedures to implement the consent. On the behavior of the construction of the felling of trees, urban management and law enforcement agencies in accordance with paragraph 6 of Article 39 of Chapter V, of the "Ningbo City Green Ordinance" unauthorized felling of urban trees, and ordered according to the felling of trees number of trees of three to five times replant in addition to the provisions of the greening compensation fee to five times the penalty ".

Ningbo marriage registration opened online booking to take two working days in advance

source 2012-7-4 9:23:31 Ningbo Daily News
  Recently, the city opened the marriage registration online booking service.
  Marriage registration online booking service specific approach: the marriage the parties through the official website of the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau of Ningbo City, marriage registration online reservation system "into the" Zhejiang marriage registration online booking system "for Marriage Registration. Appointment after the success of the parties with a single appointment or reservation number, hold the required materials (including both men and women identity card, residence booklet, three 2-inch recent hat pictured) to the marriage registration office for registration appointment. Currently, online booking required two working days in advance, the longest appointment time limit for the month. Both men and women at least a party to permanent residence registration department is located in the appointment.
  Around every day to accept the 40 pairs of parties to make an appointment, 20 pairs in the afternoon. If you can not go according to the appointment registration, the parties may take the initiative to revoke the appointment ahead of time online. Appointed time to the site, as a waiver of the reservation.
  Ningbo Daily News reporter Yang Jingya correspondent F, Ying Deng Tianwu

Ningbo Railway Station project in its final stages completed by the end 2013

Ningbo Daily News
Ningbo Railway Station transportation hub project in its final stages, of which Ningbo Railway Station and the end of next year put into use, and fully completed by the end of the transport hub.
  Completed by the end of this year opened a new positive line, to ensure that the Hangzhou-Ningbo high-speed railway passenger line running
  The end of 2014, all supporting the project is completed, Ningbo Railway Station transportation hub project is fully put into use
  Ningbo Railway Station transportation hub project in its final stages, of which Ningbo Railway Station and the end of next year put into use, and fully completed by the end of the transport hub.
  Ningbo Railway Station transportation hub known as the transportation construction "One project" is one of the city transportation construction in the history of building the largest body of forms of transport, engineering cross-largest construction organization integrated the most difficult construction projects. Concentrated in the construction site of 250,000 square meters of new South Station Ningbo Railway Station, the subway 2,4 Line stations north and south plaza of the City bus, urban bus and supporting municipal roads, power facilities, etc. more than a dozen projects with a total investment estimated to reach 12.2 billion yuan.

Read more: Ningbo Railway Station project in its...

Because the middle of the night repair costs soared from 400 yuan to 6100 yuan.

source 2012-7-4 9:22:55 Ningbo Evening News
  Recently, reporters learned from the 12315 Center of Industry and Commerce Bureau, the first half of this year, the city has received consumer complaints of motor vehicles and accessories 529 12 315, a daily average of close to 3. The same period last year of such complaints was 459, an increase of 15%.
  The business sector analysts believe that these complaints were mainly about the quality of insurance, after-sales maintenance, contracts, etc., especially in the quality and after-sales, the largest share. States have not yet introduced the provisions of "Three Guarantees" on the car, car quality complaints of professional technical but also very strong and involve a large amount of money, no small difficulty mediation.
  Even after signing the contract, another payment of 2000 yuan service fee "
  Obviously paid a deposit, signed the contract and was told that they would go to another to pay 2000 yuan service fee. Public Wang for this inexplicable extra $ 2000 "service fee", which is quite depressing.
  According to Mr. Wang said, on April 17 this year, he Jiangdong a Ford 4S shop fancy a value of 195,800 yuan Ford, and paid a $ 1,000 deposit, signed the contract. But after, Mr. Wang was 4S shop informed, but also need to pay 2000 yuan service fee.
  What is the "service fee" services? 4S shop explained that the fees that the mortgage fee. "As the consumer mortgage purchase mortgage two years time. Two years, responsible for the custody of client information, costs resulting."

Read more: Because the middle of the night repair...


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