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The first half of the city's air quality is better than the same period last year

source 2012-7-6 9:15:15 Southeast Business

2012 the first half of 2011 over the same period pollutant concentrations compared
  In the first half of this year, the city's four state-controlled atmosphere automatic monitoring of point (Pacific primary schools, the Sanjiang secondary schools, the Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center and the Long Race hospitals) and the continuous monitoring of air quality of the urban area of Ningbo, the monitoring indicators in addition to the conventional three (SO2 PM2.5, ozone, and of CO, NO2 and PM10), but also increased. According to the Environmental Monitoring Center, the first half of the city's air quality is better than the same period last year of PM2.5 mean decline over the same period last year.

Read more: The first half of the city's air...

70% of the out of writing like network text count plagiarism

source 2012-7-6 9:17:19 Southeast Business
  July 3, Foshan City, the test results would be released, the city Department of Education Department of specially selected from this year, 10 out of writing and published three excellent Pham Van. Pham Van released soon after a sharp-eyed netizens pointed out that the composition of which one out of even even the picture 2 in 2009 in Changsha, Hunan test out of a high degree of similar composition. "Writing is plagiarism?" Caused by the hot friends.
  Day before yesterday, the person in charge of Foshan City Department of Education Department after a meeting to discuss re-interpretation of the article on the subject, and original content, finds that it is not plagiarism, it's still rated out.
  Foshan this year out of writing
  Fragment of conjugal love. "
  Leaned over, bent over, his mother began to tie their shoes for his father, slender but not white hands quickly shuttle between the laces. Micro sip of mother lips, a wisp of long hair playfully down from the ears, her eyes focused, as if to knit beloved silk. Suddenly a light breeze blowing, the air maneuver with a hint of camphor taste, I felt a suddenly a move, as if what emerged.

Read more: 70% of the out of writing like network...

Air conditioning sales ushered in the blowout

source 2012-7-5 9:00:16 Ningbo Evening News
  Continuous high temperature, air-conditioning sales to usher in the first round blowout. At the same time, after-sales service of air conditioning to face torture. Reporters learned yesterday from City of Industry, 12315 Center reached 125 this year from May 1 until yesterday, and air conditioning service-related complaints.
  Yesterday, the reporter visited the Ningbo several large appliance stores found, air conditioning, fans and other seasonal home appliances are placed in the most eye-catching position of the appliance stores the counter of the various brands of air conditioning around full of people come to buy air conditioning, the salesman busy.
  Suning Appliance Ningbo Branch official told reporters Recently the continuous high temperature has a direct relationship. Since late June, Suning the Tianyi air conditioning average daily sales volume already exceeded 500 sets mark in two days last weekend sales over 1600 sets.
  Reporters learned that, since the introduction of the national energy-saving appliances subsidy policy in June, many people in the purchase of air conditioning, are beginning to take full advantage from the subsidies policy. Citizens in the multi-comparisons, the choice is up to about 2500 yuan, 1.5 low-end energy-saving products, is the air conditioning in the two energy-efficient products.
  The reporter noted that the air-conditioning caused great pressure on selling to the aftermarket installation and maintenance teams. Reporter yesterday learned from the City of Industry, 12315 Center query data from this year from May 1 until yesterday, and air conditioning service related to a total of 125 complaints. Which, from July 1 to yesterday, the complaints related to as many as 43.

Introduction of new regulations on summer working conditions

source 2012-7-5 8:55:18 Ningbo Evening News
  ● 40 ℃ above should stop outdoor operation
  ● above 35 ℃ outdoor operations enjoy high subsidies
  ● heat stroke diagnosis of occupational diseases are entitled to industrial injury insurance
  , The State Administration of Work Safety, Ministry of Health, Human Resources and Social Security Ministry, China Federation of Trade Unions announced the 1960 "Interim Measures for the summer cooling measures" before the revised formulation of the management approach of the summer cooling measures, since the date of promulgation implementation. The new approach of hot weather, outdoor job time limit and workers temperature allowance, etc., are clearly stated.
  High-temperature operation
  The new approach is clear, hot weather means the weather to above the level of meteorological department in charge of their meteorological stations to the public daily maximum temperature above 35 ℃.  
  The new regulation, the daily maximum temperature of 40 ℃ or more, shall stop the day outdoor operations; daily maximum temperature above 37 ℃, 40 ℃ or less, the employer throughout the day to arrange laborers outdoor operations time accumulated no more than six hours, continuous The operating time shall not exceed the state regulations, and shall cause the highest temperature period of three hours of outdoor operation; daily maximum temperature above 35 ℃, 37 ℃ below, the employer shall take shift holiday, etc., to shorten the laborers continuous operation time, and shall cause outdoor job worker to work overtime.

Read more: Introduction of new regulations on...

Online booking to the station but also long queues

source 2012-7-5 9:02:36 Ningbo Evening News

The passengers lined up before the ticket vending machines. Users Ningbo Qiulao - very calm and brother / photo
   To finally order online train tickets, the tickets did not expect to East Railway station ticket dispensing machines, but also long queues, and almost missed the train. "This problem by a User microblogging, causing many users resonance. Yesterday, reporters devoted to the investigation, I learned of this problem at certain times does appear, but also the station's explanation.
  According to friends, "Ningbo Qiulao - very calm and brother reflected in the East Railway Station, take the online ordering tickets, tickets with the station site is the same machine. Increased for tickets on the machine check investigation, chose and change, queuing for tickets in the back waiting for people to tangle it. This seeing that the train should be opened! "He believes the station corresponding facility is not complete," two only tickets can not be a ticket machine, does not solve the problem. "

Read more: Online booking to the station but also...


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