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Dongguan, a spa ticket hall live guests dressing

source 2012-7-6 9:01:31 Ningbo Evening News

  Guangdong Dongguan, a spa, men and women locker room to install video surveillance equipment, and live in the ticket hall outside the locker room, female customers were naked people can glance. But most people did not know, some people see the video surveillance tips, but does not know a live issue. This spa staff said they installed video surveillance for security needs, live video is in the hall in order to deter thieves, and live for two years time, has never received any complaints.
  Live live locker room down the hall
  The evening of July 3, after receiving the Ms. Huang rebellion, arrived at the spa Guan Tai Road, South City wide color city hotel next to a company called "healthy living water world", into the hall of the museum ticket The reporter saw the center of the hall hung a LCD TV screen 16 image grid, respectively, live the live of the the Spa museum scene. The reporter noted that "CH09" channels on the screen is live video of the girls' locker room, the screen shows several female guests are exposed to the body to replace the swimsuit.
  Ms. Huang said excitedly pointing to the LCD TV: "is the screen, naked live, I do not know, ticket sales staff did not warn I will when I leave when found in the hall ( live video of the girls' locker room). "She further questioned:" If my nude video was remade down to the web how to do? even the male guests in the hall to see the impact is not good! "Ms. Huang feel their privacy has been violated.
  Most people do not know of the nude appearance

Read more: Dongguan, a spa ticket hall live...

The central bank this the Kai asymmetric cut interest rates

source 2012-7-6 9:11:27 modern gold was quoted at
  Year benchmark deposit and lending interest rates were cut by 0.25 and 0.31 percentage points
  Loan interest rate floating range of the lower limit was adjusted to 0.7 times the benchmark interest rate

  Twice within a month to cut interest rates, it is rare.
  The last interest rate cut start-up time is June 8.
  Yesterday, the People's Bank of China decided to cut financial institutions RMB benchmark deposit and lending interest rates since July 6, 2012. One-year benchmark deposit rate cut of 0.25 percentage points, year benchmark lending interest rate cut by 0.31 percentage points; other deposit and lending interest rates and individual housing provident fund deposit and lending rates be adjusted accordingly.
  It is noteworthy that, since the same day, the lower limit of the floating range of lending rates of financial institutions was adjusted to 0.7 times the benchmark interest rate. "Individual housing loan interest rate floating range is not adjusted, the central bank requiring all financial institutions to continue to strictly enforce differentiated the housing credit policy, continue to curb speculative investment buyers.
  Deposit price tag they have to change
  One-year periodic interest rate of 3.3% cap

Read more: The central bank this the Kai...

Battery bike accident-prone but almost no one insured

source 2012-7-6 9:14:20 Southeast Business
  Jiangdong the court yesterday afternoon, even the trial from personal injury claims, related with the battery car accidents related. A 38-year-old man riding a electric bike with his girlfriend go out to play, reverse drive the motor vehicle lane, the results even hit two cars, causing his girlfriend to death the serious consequences of their own serious injuries. Yesterday, on crutches, when the defendant when the plaintiff first, the amount of claims and claims 50 million.
  Reporter Hussam intern Zhang Ting correspondent East China
  A traffic accident even play three lawsuits
  The man, surnamed An, Guizhou.
  On September 8 last year, he was riding a electric bike with a 27-year-old girlfriend to go out to play, reverse drive on the Century Avenue ride near NingChuan Road site, hit a car, two men fell to the ground, will again be a passing truck crushing, the security of a girlfriend died on the spot, Ahn own was seriously injured.

Read more: Battery bike accident-prone but almost...

Ningbo :Sudden death of a passenger on the plane

source 2012-7-6 9:14:08 Southeast Business
  In the evening of June 27, Ningbo public Zhang plane flight from Hangzhou to Beijing, sudden death of his way. The Zhang family believes that the airlines failed to timely first aid; the airline said, they have first aid according to relevant regulations, should not be liable for that matter.
  Reporter Dan Chengcheng the intern Hu division Core
  Post questioned the airline first aid place
  The evening of July 4, friends, "wind" in the Sky forum posting, Ningbo sudden death of a passenger on the plane.
  "2012 June 27, 16, 50 from Hangzhou Xiaoshan Airport to fly to Beijing Capital Airport, Shanghai Airlines FM9151 Flight delayed by 30 minutes after takeoff, Ningbo public Zhang (Zhang Yihai) take this flight, half an hour after boarding the aircraft Zhang Yihai ago on Dinner is served in five minutes after the drinks, the plane took off to dinner all the normal physical condition.
  About 10 minutes after dinner, Zhang Yihai suddenly felt discomfort, difficulty breathing, dizziness, pale and other symptoms, surnamed Lu passengers (hands and feet inconvenience) next to seeing this, immediately to help the next passenger to help bell, then, to two men and two stewardesses, but there is no professional medical personnel, with no rescue medical tools do not have any first aid standby drugs.
  No significant improvement after simple treatment, the crew by radio to find a doctor, after a few minutes to find a Chinese medicine doctor, after doctors practicing Chinese medicine for the first time pulse check patients pulse is weak, dying, patients taking the next pills, there is no effect. Followed by the second pulse, no longer the phenomenon of pulse and stopped breathing.
  Post-crew to patients on the next passenger, Lu underwent leg ignore the middle 15 minutes, the crew did not continue to take any rescue measures after staff stretcher Zhang Yihai carried put 40 minutes on the aircraft corridor, has been wait until the plane landed on the ground. Zhang Yihai exceptions to the plane landed about 60 minutes, delayed the best time to rescue.

Read more: Ningbo :Sudden death of a passenger on...

Xiangshan Port Bridge closure is expected in July 11

source 2012-7-6 9:14:50 Southeast Business

About to co-Xiangshan Port Bridge in Long Bridge.
  July 11, Ningbo has a key project --- Xiangshan Port Bridge Project will usher in the closure of the main bridge. Business Daily "key projects through train" re-opened in the morning. Daily will be the headquarters of Union City highway construction and the Ningbo Maritime Safety Agency, collecting 15 representatives of the public to take the boat from the sea to witness the closure of the bridge.
  Reporter FAN Hong correspondent into Ying Xu Qing Wei Zhang North Young

Read more: Xiangshan Port Bridge closure is...


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