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Women's cycling to the beach relax I did not expect to be trapped by high tide water

source 2012-7-9 9:46:16 Ningbo Evening News
  Ride to the beach to relax, I did not expect to be trapped by the rising tide of water. 10:30 yesterday, passers-by discovered the danger and alarm, of Ninghai fire, fishermen will stem from the successful rescue ashore the woman.
  Wang is the Ninghai an electrical plant employees, riding a cable car to the beach to relax, encounter high tide. Burst waves over sea water flooded the car tires. So she quickly Niutou Zhao shore open, may have just opened a few meters away, seawater flooded pedal, the car does not move.
  Tide more the higher up, back to the shore of this section is downhill, the more we go forward to the deeper water, Wang saw the dual mountain pavilion over one hundred meters away, although four weeks is also trapped sea, but the higher ground, so in a hurry to wade across the river to the other side, the way the shoes is also swept away.
  Finally came to the pavilion next to the Wang pulled out his cell phone ready to call the police, this mobile water. She was anxious, just from the shore after an aunt found her, and quickly reported to the police.
  The Ninghai fire squadron of seven officers and men soon arrived on the scene to see the electric car body has been submerged, exposing the front. In the pavilion of approximately 150 meters from the shore, the waving of a woman moving in rescue workers.
  Rescue workers use the simple boat of fishermen made of foam board with wood to the incident. Soon, rescue workers near the trapped woman, to pull up the boat, its wear life jackets. When the safe landing, the girl of the electric car has been completely submerged.
  Ningbo Evening News reporter Ma Tao correspondent Yan Jie Weng Yichun

Aston Martin cars and electric vehicles collided maintenance costs to be four hundred thousand

source 2012-7-9 9:49:58

The scene of the accident.
  Ordinary private car hit the luxury car may lead to "hit back into poverty", or even go bankrupt. Electric bicycle with the luxury car collided with it? 9 o'clock on the evening of July 2, the Yinzhou Ningnan North Road Jinting Ming Yuan district, near a white Aston Martin car collided with the electric car, causing the concern of many users.
  That night, Wang driving the Aston Martin car along the southern Ningxia Road North to Yinzhou direction driving, when driving to the Golden Court of Ming Yuan area near Wang in front of electric cars by the sidewalk, estimated to think that there is no problem a little step on the foot brake. However, an unexpected electric car ride, men slipper suddenly out, he flew parking bent down to pick shoes. The results of Wang caught off guard, hit two cars. Wang called the police, cycling man was rushed to a Minnesota hospital for treatment. She was diagnosed with the man by a number of skin trauma, the body will not cause illness.
  Wang is very depressed, said the car is borrowed from a friend. Car Aston Martin nude car vehicle prices will be over 300 million, scratches caused by the accident the car left front damage, the front windshield cracked some of the region. Initially to assess the damage by the insurance company, only maintenance costs will be three to four million.
  Ningbo Daily reporter Wang Xiaofeng correspondent Chen Shui-DPRK

Two pedestrian mistake on high speed heat stroke, fainting

source 2012-7-6 8:40:41 modern gold was quoted at
  Find a similar situation to call 12122 alarm
  Recently, Ningbo sustained hot weather, highway emergency rescue command center in Ningbo, "12122" received from pedestrians mistake on high speed after heat stroke fell on the alarm of the road, thanks to the rescue in a timely manner, causing no serious consequences. The command center once again reminded: pedestrians should not blind loitering in high-speed, drivers have found that pedestrians on the freeway, please call 12122 alarm calls.
  12:03 yesterday, Ningbo command center receiving the alarm, 1 kilometer Ningbo-Jinhua Expressway Ningbo direction, an old man lying in the driveway, dead or alive, the center staff to immediately notify the nearest high-speed traffic police, 120 emergency vehicles to go to the section of the rescue.
  20 minutes later, the high-speed traffic police, 120 ambulance arrived at the scene, the elderly after hospital out of danger. It turned out that the elderly due to the lost embark on high-speed on the highway nowhere summer, scorching sun is at noon, the road surface temperature is over 40 degrees Celsius, the elderly will soon heat stroke down the road, thanks to the timely detection of, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous.
  Coincidentally, 16:08 yesterday, the center staff receiving the alarm, Shen Hai Express South cable leading to the Shanghai Fang Xiangci City Bridge is also the same scene, a young man lying on the driveway. The man is lost onto the highway, followed by heat stroke fell on the driveway.

Tired workers home pay talks boss son actually shooting

source 2012-7-6 8:39:33
  The three people wounded in the leg for the attack is a shotgun
  Shot Cixi police control

Man leg by a bullet splash wounded

More than closed the door, no one inside the house
  19:00 the day before yesterday or so, Cixi sea town four community village five brigade I surnamed people gunshot disturb the surrounding households. Was originally called the gang home pay talks to the workers of a Hunan Province, shed the boss's son picked up a fowling shotgun into the crowd to play to even huff, the bullet hit the ground, but also scatters off killing 3 people wounded in the leg. At present, I have been shot by Cixi police control.
  □ Chinese micro-Jane, text / photo
  Tired of their pay home boss son shot wounding
  Li is from his hometown in Hunan Cixi working after the Spring Festival this year, in Fuhai town sector shed of the old village I shop for three months. Old I shed the owner to give customers custom aluminum, stainless steel doors and windows, sheds and other small, because capital is tight, the arrears of the Li more than 3000 yuan wages. Li three months after the quit, hope that the boss can wages to settle old I was commitment to his next over to give him.
  July 1 to noon on the 4th, Mike repeatedly come to pay, outside of the old I say receivable confiscated money now. At 19 o'clock on the 4th or so, Mike called five friends and relatives, opened a small plane once again came to the home of the old I pay talks. Old and I was not at home, only his wife and son, more than at home. See workers at her door, little more than riding a motorcycle and went out, a few minutes later, the small I took Dad took back.

Read more: Tired workers home pay talks boss son...

A row of bus seats crowded 10

source 2012-7-6 8:53:29 Ningbo Evening News

Overloading of "soliciting" bus. Friends, "He Enxi oval face / photo
  Reporter Xu Ye Shen Ying
  Extremely tired, want to "lazy" and flicker on the overloaded bus, holding the "cottage" ticket, squeeze in the crowd, sitting on the vomit ... This is a users accidentally accept the "soliciting" painful experience. Yesterday, the reporter to investigate this situation.
  Users microblogging fooled overloaded bus
  The night before, users He Enxi oval face microblogging: "out of the Ningbo East Railway Station and saw a lot of people holding to Beilun, Zhoushan ...... brand, I asked Shipu thought he said the bus early train no one, so let everyone halfway on the train, who knows on the car, the seats are already full, on our half-way car was placed in the last row, a total of only 38 seats, overloading 20 I was sitting in the last row count children, 10! vomit felt cheated. "
  Reporter to connect a row of seats to squeeze 10 people
  Yesterday morning, the reporter contacted the hair microblogging Miss He, she said, they are around at 5 o'clock on July 4 from the East Railway Station, take the train pretty tired, think convenience, asked a lift brand Xiangshan Shipu said the bus, let me go opposite the railway station, six departure, I foolishly went to. "

Read more: A row of bus seats crowded 10


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