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Thunderstorms hit Ningbo eight flights to neighboring airport

source 2012-7-8 10:13:26 South East Business News   Yesterday afternoon, a thunderstorm struck in Ningbo. Lishe International Airport sources said the incoming flights, there are eight flights Yinningbolei rainstorm could not land, only the alternate surrounding the airport.
  At a later date, it is to take users on these flights issue of microblogging, which users take the the ZE1571 Cheju - Ningbo flights @ to force the clouds 2011, Cheju, Korea to Ningbo flights because of weather, temporary landing Shanghai Pudong International Airport has been four hours, but they do not have the plane.
  2011 @ to force clouds 2011 said, "because of the restricted space inside the cabin, the air circulation is not hard, everyone on the plane!"
  Why the flights to passengers being stranded more than four hours in the aircraft? Stakeholders, Ningbo yesterday's thunderstorms is short, at any time may resume flights taking off and landing, therefore, all the alternate in the neighboring airport flights are in the standby state, Ningbo over the weather improved will fly back to Ningbo. ZE1571 is a trip overseas flights, if the passenger plane, you need to start a series of border procedures, "If you let the passengers off aircraft, is likely to occur just under the finished aircraft, aircraft have to immediately take off such a situation. may be based on the above two points to consider, do not arrange flights alternate when passengers off the plane.
  Outbound flights, affecting some 13 flights with varying degrees of delay. Among them, the time period of 14:10 to 15:00, all flights, almost all in the move. 15:30, a lot of flights start boarding flights alternate surrounding the airport after 18:00 from the surrounding gradually took off, flew to Ningbo. (Southeast of the Chinese Commercial News reporter Fan Hong)

The Jiangbei now bizarre car accident drivers killed by their own wheels under

source 2012-7-9 8:47:30 modern gold was quoted at
  Intersection control to expose the truth of the accident
  At 1:48 on the 7th, Ningbo Jiangbei zhuangqiao, Tse Ka Road and Jiangbei Avenue intersection with strange accidents, tanker drivers, Master Li is actually the tragic death of their own wheels. After the accident, the traffic police rushed to the scene saw a strange scene.
  Intersection not far from the front of a tanker overturned got into a truck loaded with goods vehicles under the iron box board, the deceased was the right side of the tanker's wheels rolling head, has died at the scene, the deceased was actually Master Li, the driver of the tanker, which means that he died in their own wheels.
  The other accident truck driver surnamed Li, according to his description, when he drove to Jiangbei Avenue, turn right, go Tse Ka Road Ring North Road, ready to go. Because the vehicle is very long, he switched over to the car straightened, suddenly feeling a little weight the car behind, so he stopped the car. Waiting for him to get off the view, it is found that the tanker hit his rear, while the deceased had been lying under the wheels, he does not know is how the accident.
  To restore the truth of the matter, the traffic police bring up the monitor screen of the field junctions, and finally became known after the accident.

Read more: The Jiangbei now bizarre car accident...

Eat snails poisoning two people hospitalized experts: to strengthen the regulation

source 2012-7-9 9:41:37 Southeast Business
  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the City Hospital and City Hospital, 2 Nassarius a result of eating poisoned patients after several days of treatment, and current physical condition uneventfully.
  Two hospital patients with multiple numbness
  According to an expert of the City Hospital, July 5, they admitted to an almost Pentecostal in patients with symptoms of poisoning has been very obvious to the hospital --- so weak, always nauseated, and the body more than appears at the numbness situation.
  Patients said July 3, he met with several friends in a restaurant point of a Nassarius, even though they know that the snails may be toxic, but still can not stop delicious, in which he ate more , and several for fear of poisoning, no eat. When he eats after did not how long, you feel the body is not right, especially back some numb feeling. But he did not quite believe that "less likely to respond so quickly." So he did not take too much notice on the home. After returning home, the uncomfortable feeling more and more obvious, but go to the hospital dragged on for two days.
  Patients admitted to a hospital there is a setback
  City Hospital, doctors were Jianping told reporters July 5, they treated patients with a consumption of Nassarius poisoning, the patient arrived in hospital, the situation is more serious, was rescued out of danger. In the evening, the patient feels nothing serious, on its own to leave the hospital, anxious to find family members of patients the hospital by the police station.

Read more: Eat snails poisoning two people...

Work on the road met the accident the injured bus driver, the police in time rescue

source 2012-7-9 9:08:57 Ningbo, China

The photo shows Wang master. (Photo by Zhou Guohua)
  6, users rainy0206 issued a microblogging: go to the Minnesota Hospital Man, a bus driver in the airport side of the road to save the two light injuries passers heard in the corridor, after the hospital to visit them, really respectable admirable ah! A few dozen words, Ningbo "the most beautiful image of the driver" has been fleshed out.
  Microblogging said the driver of the National Workers' Vanguard Ningbo Transport Corporation Road, the driver Wang Wenzhong. Happened at 19:43 on June 24th, Wang Wenzhong busy all day, driving 12 road cars bound for the company from Wangchun. Airport road car to drive to, approaching Yinxian Road, Wang master all the way on the road something black, seems to have a motorcycle cross in the middle of the road. "Is it a car accident? How no one?" Foot brake, the bus slowly near the scene in front of some scary: two middle-aged man lying motionless in a pool of blood, one head is still turning bloody, too late to fine want, Master Wang hastened to alarm and dial 120 to call an ambulance. Subsequently, Wang master the car parked on the roadside, and quickly get off to save people. "How do you like it, I called an ambulance immediately send you to the hospital!" Wang Master directed at the injured to speak, but they have no perception.
  Later, in the surveillance video from the bus to see Wang master arrived at the scene within a short span of 3 minutes, 18 vehicles through the site of the incident, 16 vehicles to turn a blind eye to "calm" opened. Pull over two cars, a silver private car, the other is a blue van. Silver private car at the scene "hovering for several minutes.

  Airport Road traffic is very good between the vehicle speed faster, and the two injured were just lying in the middle lane of the motor vehicle lanes. "So many cars coming and going, if the moment did not pay attention, the consequences could be disastrous." Thought of this, Master Wang to start the scene to divert, and pointing to remind the passing vehicles. Soon, the retro silver car owners ran to help him directing traffic in front of Master Wang stood on the injured side said: "hold on, immediately to the ambulance." Wait until the ambulance arrived. Master Wang together to help the injured to be carried to an ambulance. Ambulance hurtling to the nearby Minnesota hospital. Wang master this back to the unit that day than his usual work for nearly an hour late.
  Afterwards, Master Wang has been thinking about the situation of the two injured in mind, specifically call the next day to ask the Minnesota Hospital. Listen to the medical staff said that the two injured injury was more serious, one of them has been transferred to the intensive care unit, the other was diagnosed as intracranial hemorrhage. "A few days later, Master Wang turn to rest, and he has to buy the flowers and fruits to the Minnesota hospital to visit patients.
  Correspondent gross the Miner Mao Ronghan Ningbo, Daily Reporter SOUTHERN



Freon cylinders sun burst shrapnel 10 meters outside the rider

source 2012-7-9 9:43:49
  The electric car ride on the road, and suddenly the piece of iron Xie Fei over, hit the leg. Last Friday evening, the streets of Haishu Nanyuan a freon cylinder explosion, members of the public Ms Chan suffered the "indignity".
  17:00 the same day, Ms Chan after work, the electric car ride home with his son. Passing grain Fung Street near the intersection of South Garden Street, only to hear the "bang" sound a bit like a car tire puncture, the one-sized iron plates flying across the road, playing in the refraction of the electric car, hit the Ms Chan's left leg. Ms Chan said that under the frightened, suddenly fell to the ground, even the shoe fly, feeling pain, that a broken leg, blood spewing out. The son is also scared panicked.
  A lot of passers-by immediately rushed to help. Across the street from an appliance repair shop owner admitted that is placed outside the shop of one filling the air conditioning freon cylinder high-temperature drying burst, explode, debris radiance.
  Subsequently, Ms. Chen was 120 ambulances to the City Hospital, was diagnosed five tendon rupture of the left leg had been operated on that night. The doctor said Ms. Chen fortune-telling, but fortunately, the hamstring was not cut, iron plates hit the head, chest and other vital parts of their lives are dangerous.

Read more: Freon cylinders sun burst shrapnel 10...


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