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Ningbo residents living overall satisfaction was 81.8

Source 2012-7-16 8:47:54 Ningbo Evening News

  For owner-occupied home buyers to buy a house when the price level is most sensitive. But after the purchase, the real impact of residential satisfaction, and the pros and cons of housing quality, residential environment, size, property services. , Ningbo people's satisfaction with what geometry?
  Yesterday, the China Index Academy, exclusively for the newspaper came the "2012 China's urban residents live satisfaction survey report of Ningbo, articles, details of the residents in Ningbo of property management services, quality of housing projects, housing, planning and design evaluation. The report shown in the sample survey of 1760 households in 12 new residential district in Ningbo, Ningbo residents come to live overall satisfaction score of 81.8 points in the range of "satisfactory". In the 12 cities surveyed, Ningbo residents living overall satisfaction with the third, second only to Hangzhou and Chongqing.
  Property Services parking order the most dissatisfied
  A residential property services of the level, the most directly related to the safe, clean, and all aspects of order of the district, thereby affecting the daily life of residents. From the findings, Ningbo residents on their residential property service is not too satisfied with the overall satisfaction score of 78.9 points, far below the quality of housing projects, housing planning and design of the score.
  According to reports, during the investigation process, the residents surveyed customers of community property, services, maintenance and management, security management, cleaning management, green management, traffic order maintenance, complaints management and the level of charges, 11 were evaluated. Among these, the order of the Community Transport maintenance of overall satisfaction with the lowest score.

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Was moved to tears "caused by the employee handbook online hot

Source 2012-7-16 8:43:23 Ningbo Evening News
  Male colleagues were drinking the night before because of the business, the next morning to rest half a day; female colleagues menstrual monthly rest day; have to eat breakfast before work, or can be a "penalty" wipe desk for a week ...
  Have you ever seen such a special, thoughtful staff rules and regulations? Recently, friends "Ya-Ya Mom @ qq own company rules issued in a local forum, causing netizens hot.
  July 12, the reporter has done much to contact located in the the Yinzhou southern business district of Ningbo Chamber of Commerce, International Trade Building, the home medical equipment company.
  User post: The most humane Employee Handbook
  June 6, users "Ya-Ya Mom! Qq issued this post" The employee handbook allows sister burst into tears, "is still in the home page of the forum sections.
  "Ya-Ya Mom @ qq system rigid and structured, but Chapter 8 --- special reward and punishment system is quite unique. The Reporter original excerpts of which several provisions:
  To each employee a good health service company, you eat breakfast before the daily work two days a week does not comply with this provision, and wipe all desk one week;

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Final days, the police take away gambling dens

Source 2012-7-16 8:35:16
  The multi-millionaire obsessed with online gambling, lost business, lost life

  Zhang, who rely on their own intelligence and hard work to become a multimillionaire, but hooked on gambling led astray. In the afternoon of July 2, Zhang, police caught red-handed, has been XingJu.
  □ correspondent Zhu Jie Dingbo
  Reporter Dai Xiaoyan
  Trainee reporter Zhu Lin
  Net worth of millions, but difficult to arrive gambling temptation
  Flat head, floral shirt, standing 170 cm tall, thin scary, high cheekbones, sudden, deep eye socket, which is Zhang. He was ringing people in Ningbo decorating market, the net worth ten million, the business is best when the three stores, men over 20 employees, with more than BMW, Mercedes Benz, the name sets the value of millions of villas. However, after he became fascinated with gambling, which they gradually left him a.
  Zhang is a big fan of a bar to launch the quiz activities, Zhang also became involved, but think of beer when the prize is not enough to stimulate. Thus, in the introduction of a friend, he came into contact with online gambling.
  At first, Zhang is also just a few hundred dollars, at most, a thousand dollars to play. However, the lost, want to win "psychological trouble constantly, the beginning of his shot, basically thousands of dollars in bets.
  In 2005, Zhang because gambling was the police, because harboring gamblers are sentenced to two years.
  Xie gambling addiction, to run the company online gambling
  2011 after his release, but Zhang thought not good to take care of busin

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Baoshan Road, demolition of old buildings accident to lie down

Source 2012-7-16 8:39:19 Ningbo Evening News

The scene
  Reporter Zhang Xerox intern Lijia Yang Minimizers text / photo
  Yesterday morning, a Cangsong Road and Baoshan Road junction is being dismantled buildings, suddenly and unexpectedly tilted as a whole lie down. No safety net to protect the buildings, masonry and fixtures falling, smashing is a car came by, causing body damage.
  The demolitions gravel smashing damage the car crossing the road
  9 o'clock yesterday morning, the ongoing demolition of a building located in the pines Road, Haishu District, Baoshan Road junction. The public Zhuang Ms. drive from Baoshan Road after just emerged from the pine trees with road Guaixiang. At this point, with the rumbling series of loud noise, some brick and fixtures fell from the sky to drop in on the car of Ms. Zhuang, resulting in Ms. Chong's car shell damage.
  After the incident, Ms. Chong to the newspaper immediately 87777777 News hotline phone call to each other barbaric construction, injuring her car, hoping to seek media support. Since then, passing by some members of the public are also photographed and sent to microblogging online.

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Cool cool people do not forget to lightning

Source 2012-7-16 8:29:33
  Until Thursday, continued to thunderstorms, thunder weather
  From the evening of July 14, Yongcheng rain ushered in the long absence from north to south. Yesterday morning, Ningbo Municipal Meteorological Observatory issued orange rainstorm warning.
  The main theme of today and tomorrow, rain or Ningbo weather. Thursday, Ningbo or more showers or thunderstorms. On the 20th, with the gradual strengthening of the subtropical high, will likely once again usher in hot weather.
  □ reporter Pan Huimin
  The first day of the Typhoon Season welcome rainstorm
  Two weeks to the coolest day
  Yesterday, due to precipitation, Ningbo maximum temperature of only 28.5 ° C. The public finally enjoy a cool day in nearly two weeks.
  It is understood that the Ningbo from July 15 to enter flood season. The first day of the Typhoon Season, Ningbo will usher in a rainstorm process, and the larger part of the regional rainfall. According to statistics, Cixi, Yuyao, Zhenhai, since the night of the 14th, heavy rains and local heavy rainfall. The heavy rain lasted around at 10:30 on the 15th. The cumulative maximum area surface rainfall of 83.1 mm, Cixi City, followed by 73.1 mm, Yuyao City. Single maximum point of the station daily rainfall to Cixi palm from up to 138 mm.

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