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People have been super million dog bites last month

Source 2012-7-17 9:08:27 Ningbo Evening News

严勇杰 painted
  Reporter Ye Haiying intern HE Li Fan correspondent Zhang Qi
  High-temperature days, the temper of a puppy or kitten also become irritable. Reporters learned yesterday from the City CDC, Hua Ci Hospital dog injury clinic, since the beginning of summer, the surge in dog bites people. Last month, the city's dog bites more than one million people to the public. In particular need to pay attention, at least half of the patients are their own pet bites. In addition to dogs, there are some people is their own to raise the cat, rat bites.
  Bites than usual number of doubled
  Last Friday afternoon, Hua Ci Hospital dog injury clinic, the reporter saw the consulting room was packed with patients, patients come to treatment is an endless stream. Just 10 minutes, there are 10 patients with dog bites a hurry to seek treatment.
  Lee holds her son, who lives in Haishu hastily into the consulting room, children's heel a 5 cm long shallow wound, has some swelling. About "13 o'clock cat scratch the cat is neighbor with us very familiar with the son to feed the cat thing, I did not expect was badly scratched." Lee looked very upset.
  Before Lee finished, the door was pushed open, the work of Mr. Zhang Bai Zhang Road, Jiangdong rolled up a trouser leg came: "It's unfortunate, I walked in the street, rushed out and do not know where a dog biting me a bite End run the reporter saw several deep teeth marks on Mr. Zhang's leg is bleeding.
  Too many patients with dog bites, I am too busy to even lunch to attend to eat. "Dr. Chen of the admissions side of the busy wound treatment to patients, side with the reporter said. The reporter looked at the clock on the wall, has been pointing to 14:00.

Read more: People have been super million dog...

Unlicensed dog ran up the road "killed" the rider

Source 2012-7-17 9:17:46 Southeast Business

  A dog to ride electric vehicles to "bump" is dead! Yesterday, Haishu traffic police brigade from traffic accidents in the Ring Road West, made the responsibility of Confirmation down: cyclists bear the main responsibility, negative times a responsibility of dog owners. In this accident, caused by a dog, but it gives the lesson is not small. Reporter Zhang Yi Fu Shi Chengcheng correspondent Dan Qifeng mapping Zhou Sicong ● taxi turn right and normal driving ● electric car ran a red light allowed to enter the motor vehicle lanes ▲ dog case frightened in the motor vehicle lanes and crashed into electric cars
  Accidents playback
  The rider was "lucky accident"
  Yesterday, the reporter Haishu traffic police brigade accident squadron to see the surveillance video of the scene of the accident.
  The accident occurred at about 5:00 pm on June 24, the 61-year-old named Mao riding the electric car on the Ring Road West, traveling from south to north.
  To Shunde Road intersection, the video display was red light, named Mao, past the red light, "cross-border travel in the vehicle lane.
  At this time, just a dog (about 1 m, height of about 50 cm) hovering in front of the vehicle lane, the dog was going to "across the road, the result was a taxi hurtling scared, quickly U-turn doubled back.
  The dog to turn back the electric car of the way and named Mao meet and become entangled in the named Mao electric car ride between the two wheels.

Read more: Unlicensed dog ran up the road...

Husband from time to time to "hit wherever he goes," "Mahjong women anxious to sue for divorce

Source 2012-7-17 9:23:34 Southeast Business
  Humou, 35-year-old Sichuanese. She and her husband are very stable, a lot of income. May the Humou have a hobby - playing mahjong, and addictive.
  Every weekend, Humou will look for mahjong take the child marked half a day during pregnancy is early in the evening in a not fall. Repeatedly to dissuade her husband's, she reluctantly canceled the evening show.
  After the birth of a child, after the the Humou end up the month of work, the more intensified the weekend often play mahjong hit four or five in the morning, sometimes even overnight, did not come home and eventually become commonplace.
  To this end, the couple often quarreled. Sometimes, the man is really gas, but also to "hit wherever he goes, lift table, and made a very awkward Humou. The Humou has repeatedly made a written guarantee, the mahjong addiction, but each time one up her anything regardless of the Humou to play mahjong, win lose less, the man in order to ensure the normal household expenses and Humou implement the AA system.
  Children to school, Humou still indulge in mahjong, man, or from time to time to "hit wherever he goes. In June this year, the man once again smashed wherever he goes, the Humou the brand faithful are not happy about it, tell Humou If this happens, it no longer playing mahjong with her.

Read more: Husband from time to time to "hit...

Rare torrential rains Long View

Source 2012-7-17 9:20:29 Southeast Business

  Yin Town near a road next to the shed rain like a waterfall from the mountains. Reporter Peng the correspondent Tu is $ camera
  The rain yesterday the oncoming how turbulent? 14:57, the municipal meteorological observatory issued orange rainstorm warning signal, the Yinzhou west near the Long View cumulative rainfall will reach 100 mm. Only a half an hour, the municipal meteorological observatory at 16:39, upgrade orange rainstorm warning signal for the red rainstorm warning signal, the Long View of 188 mm of rainfall. As of 20:00, a red warning signal to lift, Yinzhou west 8 station rainfall over 110 mm, 206 mm Long View subjected to the largest --- rare large rainstorm.
  Reporter Dan Chengcheng correspondent Chen Ai-hong Yang Jiang Zhang Xiao Qian Lili
  14:57 yesterday, the municipal meteorological observatory issued orange rainstorm warning signal, said affected by convective clouds, Yinzhou the western part near the Long View of the cumulative rainfall of 100 mm, the of Fenghua northern parts of southern and Yuyao will reach about 50 mm.
  At 15:00, the municipal meteorological observatory and the City Land Bureau jointly issued a message the Yinzhou Long View has appeared in the short-term heavy precipitation of 110 mm, is expected to the Yinzhou west of the next three hours there is a strong precipitation.
  16:00, the municipal meteorological observatory message, the Long View in the past three hours, the cumulative rainfall of 164 mm. In addition, five Longtan, Yanling Primary School, Yin Jiang, rainfall reached 144 mm, 134 mm and 132 mm.
  16:39, the municipal meteorological observatory orange rainstorm warning signal upgrade to the red rainstorm warning. Among them, the Long View of rainfall reached 188 mm, five Longtan rainfall reached 160 mm, 144 mm primary Yanling 137 mm yinjiang, the Fenghua northern 15 to 45 mm, Yuyao southeast 20 to 50 mm. The precipitation will continue, mainly concentrated in the eastern part of Yuyao, Yinzhou, urban, Zhenhai, Beilun, Fenghua, etc..
  At 20:00, the municipal meteorological observatory to lift the the Yinzhou red rainstorm warning signal and the urban area, Yuyao, Beilun, Zhenhai, Fenghua orange rainstorm warning signal. As of 20:00, west Yinzhou 8 station rainfall over 110 mm, 206 mm maximum at Long View; the Yuyao southern rainfall of 40 to 80 mm; the Fenghua northern rainfall of 35 to 50 mm.
  So unpredictable weather today and tomorrow will continue. Today, cloudy to overcast with showers or thunderstorms, local heavy rain. Tomorrow, cloudy to overcast with showers or thunderstorms.
  Remind and dilapidated houses residents living in the danger zone as soon as possible transfer to a safe place for shelter from the rain; precipitation is relatively concentrated in the mountains, to take the necessary measures to drainage, pay attention to prevention could trigger flash floods, landslides, mudslides and other disasters. Take into account when it rains there will be thunder and lightning activities, outdoor activities, paying particular attention to its own security.

Read more: Rare torrential rains Long View

New high in power and water consumption

According to Ningbo General Water Supply Company, the water supply some days ago amounted to 128,000 tons a day, making a historical new high. It is estimated that in this summer, the peak daily water supply might amount to 135,000 tons.

The peak of water supply this year is almost one month earlier than the last year. Related statistics show that the capacity of water supply of the five water plants totals 185,000 tons a day. They are: Dongqian Lake Water Plant (500,000 tons), Maojiaping Water Plant (500,000 tons), Beilun Water Plant (300,000 tons), Jiangdong Water Plant (350,000 tons), Nanjiao Water Plant (200,000 tons).

According to Ningbo Power Bureau, On July 12, the power supply reached 167.1 million kwh, surpassing the record of 166.7 million kwh.

On July 12, the power load reached 8.751 kw, a new high this summer. From July 2 to July 13, the power load of Ningbo Power Grid maintained above 8 million kw for successively 13 work days.

Ningbo Power Bureau will strengthen the operational management of the power grid to ensure the power supply


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