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"Ningbo Suite" played by the Songhua River

Ningbo and Harbin are more than 2,000 kilometers apart, and both cities are cities of culture in East Asia. On the nights of July 22 and 23, the two cities sang together because of music.

On July 22, the 35th Harbin Summer Concert hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism-the "East Asian Cultural Capital" City Alliance Special Concert, Ningbo Special Performance, opened at the Harbin Concert Hall. The Ningbo special session was held over two days. On the evening of the 22nd, the Ningbo Symphony Orchestra brought "Impression of Ningbo-Yu Lu and Ningbo Symphony Orchestra Concert". This is also the second stop of the national tour of "Ningbo Suite" after Suzhou.

At the concert that night, a "Ningbo Suite" full of Ningbo elements slowly unfolds the long history of 7,000 years of Hemudu and 8,000 years of Jingtou Mountain. The charm of West Lake, the breathtaking scenery of Qianhu Lake, the city culture of books and port, Ningbo people's hard-working, aggressive and pioneering spirit, and the hard-core power of grand eastern port are all presented in the passionate performance.

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Ning University's 14 majors’ (category) enrollment lines rank first in its kind in provincial universities

Yesterday morning, the first parallel application admissions for the general category in Zhejiang Province was finished. All 47 majors (categories) of Ningbo University have finished their enrollment. 14 of them ranked first in the same kind of provincial universities. The highest score for this admission appeared in Yangming Innovation Class (Humanities), and the score was 641 points.

The school’s “double first-class” construction plays an important role in improving the quality of related majors. The minimum scores for 16 majors (categories) are 120 points higher than the new first section, and 98.9% of admitted candidates exceed the new first section’s score by more than 100 points.

This year, Ning University’s general admissions work in Zhejiang Province presents four characteristics: first, the planned increase is large,

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Ningbo's public service quality satisfaction ranks among top ten nationwide

The State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration recently released the "2020 National Public Service Quality Monitoring Bulletin". Ningbo's public service quality satisfaction in 2020 is 82.4 points, ranking first among 110 cities in 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) under monitoring, the highest in history.

The purpose of public service quality monitoring is to comprehensively reflect the state of public service quality in our country, improve shortcomings, and continuously improve the level of public services. The monitoring involves 12 aspects including public education, public employment, medical services, social security, public utilities, ecological environment, public transportation, public safety, public culture, public sports, elderly care services, and government services.

From the perspective of monitoring cities, 48 have achieved a satisfactory range of public service quality (80-100 points), accounting for 43.6% of the total number of monitored cities, an increase of 6.7 percentage points from 2019.

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More "beautiful bays" will be built in Ningbo

According to the latest implementation plan for the prevention and control of water pollution in the coastal waters of Ningbo (2021-2022) issued by the General Office of the Municipal Government, Ningbo will implement prevention and control of water pollution in the coastal waters with high standards, and comprehensively improve the level of marine ecological civilization construction.

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8th charity entity opens in Ningbo

On June 22, Ningbo Yongshang Charity Social Work Service Center officially opened, becoming the eighth charity entity run by Ningbo Charity Association.
It is reported that Yongshang Charity Social Work Service Center was registered and established in November 2020. It is a private non-enterprise unit sponsored by Ningbo Charity Association and managed by Ningbo Civil Affairs Bureau. It is supported by the operating funds from Youngor Group. The internal space of the service center is divided into seven areas: charity culture exhibition hall, party building area of charity organization, charity + Internet space, charity resource gathering area, charity activity area, joint office area and Ningbo Charity Store. Each area shows the development of Ningbo charity cause and Ningbo people's great love for charity from different angles.
"It will become a platform for serving charity organizations, a base for planning charity projects, a school for imparting charity knowledge and a window for displaying charity culture, providing more accurate services for charity organizations, caring enterprises and government departments in Ningbo." said Chen Yunjin, Director of Ningbo Charity Association, when asked to define the center

Read more: 8th charity entity opens in Ningbo


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