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ID number and bank card numbers reported Carry 20 million gone

ource 2012-7-18 9:20:35 Evening
  "As long as the provision of $ 200,000 certificate of deposit, you can easily apply for loans." Newspaper "loan company" of this ad, so that the ancient Mr. urgent need of cash flow to move the heart.
  He borrowed 200,000 yuan into its own bank card, a few minutes later, the money was missing.
  Mr Koo investigation, someone had used her wife's network IP address through the online banking channel, originally bundled with bank card, his mobile number to another phone number, through this phone number three times, the card 200,000 yuan to turn away.
  Ancient, in retrospect, had a "loan company" he and his wife's identity card, the opening of the new CCB card number and other information. He also thought it was normal procedure, and remorse.
  Newspaper advertising "no mortgage, you can easily handle large loans
  Mr. Ku nearly 50 years old, came to Ningbo for many years, opened a small company.

Read more: ID number and bank card numbers...

15-year-old girl weight reduction rhabdomyolysis

Source 2012-7-18 9:25:02 City Express

The 15-year-old girl pony, eager to lose weight, the body has gone wrong.
  "Her creatine kinase index is 100 times the normal, which is rhabdomyolysis, do not promptly treated, may cause acute renal failure." The doctor said, ponies need immediate hospitalization.
  Recently, the Lee Wai Lee Hospital of Nephrology, consecutive received three cases of rhabdomyolysis in patients, two of which students are taking advantage of the summer in the exercise to lose weight.
  Director of the Department of Nephrology, Qiu Xiaohui said: rhabdomyolysis causes a lot more common, excessive exercise, crush injury, alcoholism and other young patients, excessive exercise cause. "
  Runners ran out of rhabdomyolysis
  Than the fat pony, just three days of graduation, the mother and her hope that by the summer a good exercise to lose weight.
  Ma mother said: "originally wanted her daughter to the gym, but she was a go, I do not worry. Later I bought a treadmill, let her run at home."
  Ma mother regret: "She rarely exercise, fat Well, I did not expect this to run and she had a difficult time."
  Ma said his mother, "We are also anxious heart, Well girls, big want to look good point to high school so chubby, I was afraid she would self-esteem. So I agreed with her, to run one hour a day, on the running on a treadmill. "
  The first day or two ran down, his daughter said legs very painful acid, I think, out effect, allow her to adhere to adhere to. Usually do not exercise, sudden exercise up, the pain is not normal, I did not care. "
  Pony insisted run for two days, four days, completely get out of bed, his legs swelled up, a move is in pain. Scared of leaving her mother, her daughter's urine color becomes deeper.
  Mother leave with her daughter to the Lee Wai Lee Hospital emergency department, the doctor to see the pony there may be rhabdomyolysis, please Qiu Xiaohui, director of consultation and blood test results, the pony creatine kinase (CPK) target of more than 10,000, is the normal level ( 26-140), 100 times.
  Summer child physical activity suddenly increased

Read more: 15-year-old girl weight reduction...

2012 "Fun Xia Yi," the fifth Yinzhou Shopping Festival kicked off

source Oriental hotline 2012-7-16 13:48:47
Music in the Yin WANJU Wufu
2012 "Fun Xia Yi," the fifth Yinzhou Shopping Festival kicked off

the East Hotline, July 16 reporter has learned that the night of July 20, 2012 "Fun Xia Yi," the fifth Yinzhou Shopping Festival opening ceremony was held in the Wanda Plaza, the city and district levels, the leaders will attend the opening ceremony.
It is reported that this year, the face of domestic economic growth significantly downstream and regional consumer market increase significantly narrowed the grim situation, Yinzhou District, thoroughly implement the central, provincial and municipal governments with the spirit of "expanding domestic demand and promoting consumption, steady growth" to " section made section, section of market manipulation "as the starting point, and actively build a wide range of consumer platforms, well-organized and planned the 2012 Quality Business" series of activities by the three large plates of the quality-commerce, specialty commerce, innovation and commerce and 14 sub-activities through various forms, a variety of commerce festival promotional activities focus on cohesion popularity, promote consumption, and actively create the business to promote sales, the people get benefits, the Government facilitate the development of "win-win-win situation.

Read more: 2012 "Fun Xia Yi," the fifth Yinzhou...

Glass falling hit cars tile fall crushed the balcony glass

Source Ningbo Evening News 2012-7-16 12:27:01

The balcony glass is hit by the falling tiles. Should be provided by Ms
  Reporter Shen Ying Wang Siqin intern Minimizers
  June 30 this year, the newspaper reported the the Yinzhou purple County Garden District, a large piece of tempered glass fell from the sky, hit a car parked on the roadside, there are a lot of body smashed traces the rear windshield part of the fragmentation off ...... (see our June 30 edition A04)
  Car owners who lives in the district of Yinzhou purple County President, the car smashed it about half a month, can not find the source of the falling glass, the loss of 70% had to be covered by her auto insurance Payout, and the remaining 30% loss is still negotiate with the property, not to reach a result.
  Should Ms. depressed, the car compensation matter is not settled, an accident --- the day before yesterday, tile smashed her house balcony glass fell from the sky!
  9 floor tiles falling hit the 4th floor balcony
  Should the three of Ms., who lives in purple County, delivered just over two years, she lives in the 4th floor, 20 multi-storey residential building where the And that many people in the district where her balcony wrapped up the traditional materials in the balcony at the top is tempered glass.

Read more: Glass falling hit cars tile fall...

On the 1st line two of the rail transit plan year started

Source 2012-7-17 9:07:09 Ningbo Evening News

Phase II project site schematic Yan Yongjie mapping
  Reporters learned from the rail traffic construction headquarters in Ningbo City, the city rail transit line on the 1st two project feasibility study report has received the National Development and Reform Commission officially approved. The project plans to start construction this year, the opening of trial operation in 2015.
  The National Development and Reform Commission agreed to approval of the file that, in order to improve the public transport conditions of the eastern part of Ningbo City, to strengthen the the Sanjiang piece and the Beilun piece of contact, and guide the optimal adjustment of the layout of urban spatial structure and function, according to the Ningbo city rapid rail transit construction Plan (2008-2015), agreed to the construction of Ningbo Urban Rail Transit Line 1 Phase II project.
  Approval, to the second phase project of the city rail transit line on the 1st line west starting on the 1st line of one of the end of East Ring Road South Station, West Station, the east by the Cinque Terre, five rural stations, Po Building Station, Wu narrow station Daqi station the Songhua River Road Station, Station Rd, stop at Changjiang Road Station. Line length of 23.45 kilometers, which underground line, 1.95 km, mountains tunnels of 1.3 km, 19.8 km of overhead lines, the transition section of 0.4 km. Station 8, in which the underground station 1, 7 Elevated transfer in the Songhua River Road Station and planning other rail lines converge. New Zhu Tong parking. The total investment of 7.022 billion yuan.

Read more: On the 1st line two of the rail...


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