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The next five days will be every day hot

Source 2012-7-20 8:54:11 Ningbo Evening News
  According to the weather forecast released by the municipal meteorological observatory, in the case of thunderstorm, yesterday's maximum temperature suddenly climbed to 33.8 ° C, began to approach the high temperature line of 35 ° C. According to reports, from the start to the weekend, hot days will come again. City Meteorological experts say the next five days, one day than the day hot, the maximum temperature will reach 36 ° C, minimum temperature of 26 ℃. This hot weather makes one feel unbearably hot, so pay more attention to the summer cooling. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow is the weekend, if you have travel plans, we must do the protection work in order to avoid heat stroke.
  The weather experts also explained that into the dog day days later, the hottest time of the year is coming, the daytime than at night in summer, a long time during the day, the sun exposure time, the surface heat absorption also, and far than spending, and the ground to gather the heat will increase day by day. Wait until the dog days, reached a peak surface heat accumulation. In addition, the summer rain, air humidity, the hot one of the reasons.
  Finally, to remind the public at noon today in some areas thunderstorms, in addition to the rain outside, but also careful lightning protection. If a long stay indoors, the air conditioning temperature is too low to avoid indoor and outdoor temperature is too large, the impact on health. Outdoor operations personnel, in addition to avoid the heat time, it is best to carry some of heatstroke drugs, if you feel unwell, please go to the hospital.

"Auntie, my father is a woman"

Source 2012-7-20 8:57:37 Ningbo Evening News
  Son tell the truth to expose the father to fraud conspiracy
In order to deceive a woman's money, the farmers obviously have families, but pretended to have been divorced, took less than three hundred yuan to engage in a business card brag is the section chief of the government departments. Obtain trust each other to decorate the house, mobilization of the grounds of fraudulently obtained more than 20,000 yuan in cash from each other hands. Each finds suspicious, to call his son, his son said: aunt, my father has a wife. Yesterday, the the Yuyao man Jianbo (a pseudonym) Yuyao City Procuratorate for fraud prosecution.
  Online Dating located sets
  Jianbo, 44 years old, live in the streets of I Yaolan Jiang, wife and children.
  One night in February of this year, his wife took his son to her parents to the elderly birthday. Jianbo alone at home idly by, log on to a famous dating site, register, and soon met a man named Lin woman. Conversation, Lin said his divorce three years to operate a supermarket in Wenzhou, hope that through this platform to find a catch men. Jianbo heart, they said he is also divorced, children, and boasted that he is a section chief of a bureau of the following in Yuyao. Lin see Jianbo condition is good, and he energetically chatted up. Since then, two more online chat more warming, can not wait to be able to see each other.
  In March this year, Lin Jianbo to Wenzhou to meet her. Before you go, Jianbo in line to buy a fake divorce certificate, and a few business cards in a remote copy shop, above the "Chief" title written greatly.

Read more: "Auntie, my father is a woman"

The whole left foot soles of the feet are inserted between the escalators and the fence

Source 2012-7-20 9:11:08 Evening

also please view similar cases here

Wearing a hole shoes,( Crockes)  "taking the escalator, children feet were stuck.
This matter Mr. Zhu previously seen in the newspapers, was not too concerned, I did not expect the tragedy occurred in his daughters.
Around 19:00 the day before yesterday, of Yinzhou Xianxiang town Jiangxia Mall, 5-year-old daughter Yuanyuan Chu left foot was stuck in the mall escalators, and the pain crying. At that time, Yuanyuan is wearing a pair of pink hole shoes.
This matter Mr. Zhu previously seen in the newspapers, was not too concerned, I did not expect the tragedy occurred in his daughters.
  Around 19:00 the day before yesterday, of Yinzhou Xianxiang town Jiangxia Mall, 5-year-old daughter Yuanyuan Chu left foot was stuck in the mall escalators, and the pain crying. At that time, Yuanyuan is wearing a pair of pink hole shoes.
  Two nights ago, Chu and his wife with Yuanyuan go to the mall. Around 7:00, visiting almost Chu holding Yuanyuan, to go down.
  Zhu said on the elevator, the daughter of foot Wei, suddenly heard her screaming. Turned around and saw Yuanyuan whole left foot soles of the feet are stuck in the gap between the escalators and the fence, pull it out.
  Yuanyuan crying.
  Chu and his wife are scared silly. His wife would Yuanyuan in his arms, Yuanyuan do not move.
  Soon, supermarkets security accident elevator stopped. Some people hit 119.
  Beilun the Chunxiao fire squadron send someone came and pulled down the elevator interface card, the site was taken out of to Yuanyuan stuck the foot.
  Yuanyuan was sent to the Women and Children Hospital of Ningbo City.
  Injury: children left foot nerve being pinched
  Yesterday morning, the 10th floor of Ningbo City, women and children's hospital inpatient ward, a man waited at Yuanyuan bedside and worried.
  Yuanyuan pale, swollen left foot. Zhu said that after the accident her daughter has been sore.
  The doctor said, Yuanyuan was taken to hospital, they immediately check Yuanyuan left foot bones, blood vessels, joints, no problem. However, the whole of her left foot foot nerves being squeezed to have the hospital for observation.
  Why Card: hole shoes are too soft
  Children wear the hole shoes "elevator card event, at home and abroad have taken place in many.
  Why wear a hole shoes easily cards?
  The Beilun the Chunxiao Fire Squadron squad leader Dong is also involved in this rescue. He said that the primary and tunnel for shoes "too soft.
  Dong Ming hole shoes are quite soft, and the direction of extrusion walk to the toes. The danger zone in the elevator, the feet of young children accidentally elevator stairs between the serrated grip. Moreover, after the plastic material of the shoes caught the prison, the friction is too large, it is difficult pulls. Wide modeling of the toe, it makes difficult to estimate the toes and lift the edge of the distance, often judge the error occurred. The child is a major consumer groups of the hole shoes, lack of awareness of self protection, the face of danger and the lack of emergency response capacity, and therefore most prone to such accidents.
  Reminder: The key is to look at boy
  Yinzhou People's Hospital, director of orthopedics Wang Fusheng said three to five children, physical development and good shoes foot development can play a good role. Shoes material should be soft, light, but must play in supporting the fixed role. Shoe heel not too high, the arch at the curvature of the flat.
  However, Dr. Wang said, the key is to parents to look at live children.
  Child to wear a hole shoes, feet easily escalator card
  In April 2007, the Japanese Trade Ministry received 65 from the hole shoes caught in an elevator accident complaints.
  July and August 2008, the United States of pediatric plastic surgery magazine published a research report pointed out that over the past two years, 76 percent of the elevator accident hole shoes, caused by injury, including the cut-off refers to, fractures, skin peeling, laceration invasive and nerve injury.
  According to the statistics of the United States, Singapore, Japan and other countries reported, the toe caught the accident most likely to occur in three positions of the escalator: the bottom of the steps, the most senior level, steps on both sides of the escalator the edge of the gap. Newspaper correspondent Chen Fudong
  Our reporter Wang Jian




来源2012-7-20 8:53:34宁波晚报


  记者 马涛 通讯员 陈福东 朱琼


Yinzhou readily shoot litter, the highest award of 100 yuan, the photo you want to newspaper

Source 2012-7-20 9:09:32 Evening
Readily shoot litter, the highest award of 100 yuan, users questioned would the birth of a vocational
, Yinzhou chased a living adamant: "hand shot" photos, newspaper exposure, because -
"readily throw "Six months injury 140 road angel  
Readily shoot pedestrian vehicles littering, once the report is successful, the highest prize of 100 yuan. These two days, of Yinzhou chased launched this initiative "fire".
  Was praised, but there are many users questioned, in effect encouraging the public are exposed, or even doubt it may give birth to a career dedicated to living "hand shot".
  Why carry out activities "hand shot"? Reporters learned yesterday that one reason for the little-known, readily fling garbage vehicles and pedestrians on the road, sanitation workers had to avoid the vehicle to run the risk of pick up this year, only Yinzhou District has more than 140 sanitation workers injured.
  For this event, Yinzhou District Urban Management Bureau attitude firmly, let those who have the habit of littering a psychological fear, once photographed the evidence, Urban Management Bureau will the exposure of their photographs or vehicle in the newspaper.
  "Hand throwing" half of injury 140 road angel
  The purpose of conducting "hand shot" activities, one of the reasons we all know, this is an activity in Yinzhou District Urban Management Bureau to carry out road refreshing action. Yesterday, the staff member surnamed Li told reporters a little-known considerations: to create a good working environment to the sanitation workers.
  , Yinzhou District, roads and health sections of the "contract" to the sanitation workers, sanitation workers contracting pavement shall be kept clean and tidy, the key road garbage residence time of not more than 15 minutes, if the higher level inspectors have found garbage on the road long stay, the staff may detained bonus.
  Staff member surnamed Li, said the littering of vehicles and pedestrians may be unaware of their own hand fling, sanitation workers to bring a very big trouble. The garbage thrown into the middle of the road, sanitation workers had to shuttle to the car to drive to pick up, with a certain degree of risk.
  This year, the ground state has more than 140 sanitation workers and injured.
  Readily take pictures exposure litter feel fear

Read more: Yinzhou readily shoot litter, the...

Jiangdong Xing Ning Qiaodong gangster war is some situation ...

Source 2012-7-20 9:12:55 City Express

Jiangdong Xing Ning Qiaodong
  Gangster war there is some situation ...
  Gangster war
  There is some situation ...
  14:28 yesterday, User @ Glacial boats hair microblogging: the live version of cops and robbers war, the police shushu V5 (online language, mighty, powerful)
  Attached to a photo, several police officers grabbed a man, but it seems there is some situation, that person's pants fell down.
  Soon, the first time, the Koto public security the official microblogging @ Koto Police Community E:
  Around 13:00 [Jiang Dongxing Ningqiao Dong staged a live version of cops and robbers World War II] (19), it is scorching sun, summer heat, Jiangdong Baizhang police station three criminal investigation police against a person of a criminal suspect Pachuang theft arrest, although the thieves are very sturdy, and mad struggle, but finally planted in the hands of sorghum.
  Reporter Chen Chao added:

Read more: Jiangdong Xing Ning Qiaodong gangster...


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