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Free classic cartoon movies in Ningbo Museum

From July 1 to August, Ningbo Museum offers 39 classic cartoon movies for free.

At 9 o'clock in the morning of July 18, was on show "The Golden Monkey Conquering the Demons". 39 classic cartoon movies like Afanti, Black Cat Sherriff and the Pleasant Goat and Big Wolf will be on show in the lecture hall on the 3rd floor of Ningbo Museum. The show time is from July 18 to the end of August, except Monday.

Tickets are free, available at the information service of Ningbo Museum. For more information, please visit the website of Ningbo Museum.

30 victims of pyramid schemes Yinzhou been rescued, including 25 young people

Source 2012-7-24 9:08:19 Ningbo Evening News

严勇杰 painted
  Reporters super-correspondent of the history of Wei declared Man
  "As long as the manager level, there is the income of 119,000 yuan a month, and year, net income amounted to hundreds of million." With big money boss's dream, a group of young people fell in MLM organizations to carefully set trap.
  July 15, Yinzhou business sector, the public security department in the set of persons town before Lee New Village, Hengjie Town Phoenix East Village and Taoyuan New Village synchronization destroyed three MLM dens and arrested four gang members to rescue 30 people, including young people 25 people.
  Sell products to take the commission did not know what they sell
  The investigation determined that the 3 MLM dens are checked the same organization, unified fraudulent use of direct selling companies --- Tianjin Tianshi Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. on behalf of the pyramid schemes. To take and person to person, "on line" development "offline" manner, the staff level in descending order is divided into Explorer, manager, director, business representatives, the clerk of five.
  Every MLM staff development "new" accession, according to 2800 yuan / purchase products, to buy two sets of products can become a salesman; buy 3-9 sets of products as the sales representative; buy 10-64 sets become director of; purchase 65-392 become a manager; purchase more than 393 sets of as Explorer. The higher the level, its development of offline marketing agents commission the higher the proportion, it is said, as long as the manager level, there is the income of 119,000 yuan a month, a year net income of a hundred million.
  The MLM the staff Xiaocai (pseudonym) said that the pay 14,000 yuan to buy a total of five sets of products, "sales representative" each to sell a product you can get $ 300 commission. When asked about marketing in the end what the product, he said blankly not seen the product, said product manager level to see.
  Yinzhou Branch Trade and Industry inspection battalion Maotie Gang introduced the organization's activities in full compliance with the Regulations prohibiting pyramid schemes illegal pyramid scheme defined by: pay the cost of or subscribe commodities way in disguise to pay the costs, directly or indirectly, the development of offline to form level, on-line from the provision for remuneration or rebate directly or indirectly off the assembly line performance.
  30 marketing agents, there were 25 young people
  In JISHIGANG MLM dens, we see 70 a few square meters of housing does not have any decoration, just across the plywood into three to five rooms, balcony with plywood blocking the windows wrapped with barbed wire. 10 people, room and board are all here to solve.
  "I have been for several days without contact with the parents, I want to go home ..." 17-year-old girl, red (a pseudonym) is a rescue began to cry. Red was from Jiangxi, not long ago two friends and she said the Ningbo good job introduced to her, inexperienced deep, she quit her job at hand to Ningbo, the train will be members of the organization to help her placement luggage control of personal freedom as an excuse.
  "Just go in, they let me go out and buy 2800 yuan / set the product, they looked up my luggage do not have enough money, they

Read more: 30 victims of pyramid schemes Yinzhou...

Car standing open more than 100 million in cash to borrow money he said "to think highly of you."

Source 2012-7-24 9:20:54 Evening
  "I ask you to borrow money, think highly of you, help you earn interest on money flower." This is the most commonly said Zhang borrow money.
  He also likes to open his own Audi Q7 trunk for others to look inside more than 100 million in cash.
  So generous to Zhang, it is a lot of people see the dog eat dog.
  May be in April this year, Zhang planted.
  Because of alleged financial fraud and nearly 100 million yuan, he was arrested, seeing the imminent wedding of his daughter, and it has blown.
  Yesterday, the reporter learned from Yuyao Municipal Public Security Bureau of Economic Crime Investigation Brigade, Zhang had been arrested because of suspected financial fraud.
  Standing more than 100 million in cash to borrow money, the car
  Zhang this year, 50-year-old, 1.7 meters tall, thin build, wearing a simple, but we all recognized that he is a big boss.
  10 years ago, Zhang started doing timber business, how to say also earn two million a year.
  Zhang wide up, driving the Audi Q7, the home of an Audi TT sports car and a BMW, usually the day for removing the 6 pack of 329 Chinese cigarettes a year off, spending should reach two million.
  However, in 2006, Mr. Chang's business loss of six or seven hundred thousand, the day all of a sudden sad.
  In desperation, he chose to borrow money to fill the shortfall.
  The borrowed money will soon hit the bottom. Zhang under the guise of various names, continue to borrow money everywhere, side by side also lived a day in this regard.
  100 million in cash in his car trunk, often prepare borrow money to open the posters to display their own financial resources.
  Others to see, and both believe without doubt.
  Last November, I heard that the new energy companies to make money, Zhang borrow money to engage in a registered capital of more than 100 million new energy company.
  This company has become an excuse to Zhang used to borrow money.

Read more: Car standing open more than 100...

Ningbo yet found Nanshan "problem milk powder"

Source 2012-7-24 9:13:36 Ningbo Evening News
  Nanshan milk powder batch containing carcinogens. According to data recently released by the Guangzhou City Industry and Commerce Bureau, Nanshan times Hui infant formula was found to aflatoxin content failed at the same time exceeded the total number of 2 lots of bright cream colonies.
  Reporter yesterday visited the Ningbo some large supermarkets, yet found the problem batches of milk powder and butter to sell. The reporter then learned from Ningbo City Industry and Commerce Bureau, Ningbo was not found arising from either enterprises in Hunan, the Shaya China Dairy Co., Ltd. products.
  Guangzhou City Industry, published in the official website of the second quarter of 2012, the second circulation of dairy products and milk food sampling results show that the well-known brand bright cream, the Nanshan milk in the failed list.
  Among them, five batches of the Nanshan milk sampling times Hui infant formula containing strong carcinogen aflatoxin M1 were times Hui larger infant formula (paragraph 2) (400g / box, 2011 - 08-23), Gold times Hui larger infant formula (paragraph 2) (400g / box ,2011-08-04), times Hui infant formula milk powder (three segments) (900g / tank ,2011 -08-08) times Hui larger infant milk formula (paragraph 2) (700g / the packet ,2011-07-09), Gold-fold wisdom more infant formula (paragraph 2) (400g / box ,2011-12-17). 5 production units are Hunan long the Shaya Chinese dairy.
  At the same time, a bright cream to boarded Heibang total number of colonies exceeded. Guangzhou City Industry and sampling results show that the production by Van Gogh easy, bright cheese butter, dairy products branch, 50% reduced fat cheese slices (200g / package ,2012-02-23) and Odd China Dairy (Beijing) Co. produced bright brand butter (125g / box ,2012-04-23) were detected in the total number of colonies exceeded.
  Reporter yesterday visited the Ningbo Tesco, Carrefour, Wal-Mart, Vanguard, Three Rivers, Gabay and other large supermarkets, yet found the problem batch Nanshan milk and light cream.
  Reporters learned yesterday from the Commerce and Industry Bureau of Ningbo City, Nanshan milk powder manufacturers currently in circulation on the market in Ningbo are the the Hunan Pei benefits dairy, and did not find Involved enterprises in Hunan, the Shaya China Dairy products.
  At the same time last year, so far Ningbo City of Industry, sampling a total of 19 batches of Nanshan milk, failure phenomenon is not found.
  In addition, the total number of colonies exceeded the boarded Heibang two bright, ultra-through Tesco, Carrefour, Wal-Mart, Vanguard, Three Rivers, Gabay and other providers on their own investigation, are not included in the sale.
  Reporters learned from the City of Industry, 12315 Center, dispatch as of reporters yesterday, the center has not received complaints and the Nanshan milk and bright cream.

Read more: Ningbo yet found Nanshan "problem milk...

Ningbo net worth hundreds of millions of the rich to pay the breakup fee of his 18-year-old Chuanmei Zi

Source 2012-7-24 9:24:01 City Express
Two houses a BMW 12 million in support payments each year
and finally found a Valentine born son is not your own

Illustration Lian Cheng
  A the Ningbo boss and a Sichuan woman, nearly 20 years experience emotional entanglements, last Friday, a court in Ningbo City the end of their mutual affection.
  "Business partner" change Valentine
  Ningbo Xin a nearly sixty years in business for many years.
  1993, married Xin by a business partner, the understanding of the Sichuan girl Qimou Research the 18-year-old, who just turned 20 years old at that time.
  Xin said that his career was on the rise, the urgent need helper girl at home business, have some business acumen, he invited the girl to help themselves busy in Ningbo.
  Research the agreed to Ningbo from his home. But since then, they did not how to do business partner, it touches evolved into lovers. Xin a statement, he told his wife has long been estranged, Strange Bedfellows.
  The two together, Xin a career flourishing, developed to the four corporate assets of millions.
  Research the fun I also lost to found, is likely to "positive" hopeless, as Xin a generally only weekend came to accompany her, and usually let her alone, although it is often said that the bad feelings with his wife, but never referred to a divorce.
  With the son, or break up
  2002, when a couple has been together for nearly 10 years, the Research the really unbearable, and Xin certain to discuss the break up. Will be divided not per occasion Research the accident discovered she was pregnant, broke up the things temporarily shelved shortly after she gave birth to a son.
  Xin a had no son, has been regarded as the heart of pity, which under the excitement, they crash and burn.
  But the original problem and not because of the arrival of his son's resolve, in 2004, relations between the two deteriorated again, officially broke up.
  The two agreed, the son raised by the Research the Xin a send Research the two houses, Ningbo and Sichuan each set, plus the BMW a year to pay child support fee of 120,000 yuan.
  After breaking up, Qimou own little business, son to an aristocratic school. Son's life, learning expensive, she often asked the Xin certain money.
  Gradually, Xin troublesome, I feel not as good as their own to raise. Early last year, they change custody through the court proceedings.
  Shocked by the son of non-biological
  Took his son with half a year, Xin has become increasingly uneasy, because he see of his son, the more we find, and not look like.
  "In the past, she and I will one week see once, whom it will not be someone else's?" With this kind of suspected, Xin find the forensic department to do a paternity test, the results really as his "son" and his no blood ...
  Xin a feeling such as bolt from the blue, can not accept this fact, him a paper petition to Research the prosecution to the court, require that children change from Research the raising and asked her to return the bike, BMW's costs, alimony, and compensation for moral damages. a total of 70 million, about 30 million of which BMW, support payments of about $ 300,000, the spirit of a compensation of 100,000 yuan.
  For the bike, BMW, Xin explained: "It was to send her such a good car, is convenient for her to pick up the child, since the child is not mine, of course, bring it back."

Read more: Ningbo net worth hundreds of millions...


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