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Police released the video of little Yang Yang was sucked into the drain pipe moment



Source 2012-7-26 9:13:37 City Express

  The the Yangyang killed, is in the bottom of the mouth of a drain pipe. Yang Yang was sitting on the drifting raft drifted into the position of the drain near the mouth of the surveillance video shows, he has an under lying action, only around one second, drifting raft re-appear in the video surveillance, while Yangyang disappeared, being sucked inside.

Yangyang near the discharge pipe of the victims, there is room pumping station, inside the clouds underwater pipe network.

  Pump station and connected to the wall a length of pipe has been amputated - Police said Yang Yang was found in the corners of the cut pipe, feet toward the head-wall, from the bottom drainage The nozzle of about 4.4 meters.
  ■ questioning the death of the small Yangyang
  Yesterday, 9:00 or so, east money lake park entrance stood a few wreaths, as well as their families to pull up the banner - "illegal business, but also my son".
  Wicket, there have been visitors to come to a refund, the water park opened nine days to suspend business for rectification.
  The father, accompanied by friends and relatives of the killed boy Yang Yang, quietly sitting corner of the park. The Yangyang mother because several syncope, at Lake Hospital name of the drip.
  Why missing for four days, the child was found? This Yangyang parents most want to know.
  "My child is in the end how to die, just 20 minutes exactly what?"

Read more: Police released the video of little...

The Yangyang missing fourth day of water park amusement project business qualification


old/ new license

Source 2012-7-26 9:13:43 City Express

The old business license

■ questioning the death of the small Yangyang
  Yang Yang was missing the fourth day
  The water park amusement project management qualification
  Yesterday, friends found, greatly money lake on the park in July 24 to change the number of business license information at the time, Yangyang has not been found, so trigger a new round of questioning.
  Trainee reporter Zhang Mingming reporter Han Yu Ting
  Water park amusement park business qualification?
  Reporters from the online inquiry found the company responsible for operations east money lake park of Ningbo greatly Tourism Investment Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "greatly").
  "Substantially" the company was founded in August 24, 2011, the date of approval of July 24, 2012, the legal representative of Zhu Kai, the registered capital of 15 million yuan. The address is located in Ningbo East Lake Tourist Resort Guo Zhi Village (northwest side of the lake shoreline, around the east side of South Road).
  "Greatly" scope of business for the retail pre-packaged foods, dairy products (excluding infant formula milk powder), operating within the license expiration date, flower shows, shows, science exhibitions, investment and asset management, parking services , a large amusement park activities.
  Users questioned the "large-scale amusement park activities.
  According to the data, July 24, "substantially" three industrial and commercial changes, respectively, for the accommodation, the normal operations of the project and licensing projects.
  Reporter to the Deputy General Manager Lu Guiwei verify, he said, "The company has a business license, is handled before the soft opening on the 16th, with opening conditions."

Read more: The Yangyang missing fourth day of...

The water park before the 24th are beyond the scope of operations

Source 2012-7-26 9:20:16
  Reporter investigation: the incident without lifeguards Dongqian Lake Park is beyond the scope of operations

Pipeline engulfed Yangyang the bottom of the river rafting, four days after the discovery of
  4 o'clock in the afternoon of July 21, 8-year-old boy GRAPHIC (nicknamed Yang Yang) missing in the Disney World on the east money lake, causing everyone's attention.
  After four days of searching, yesterday morning, a bad news reporter from the East Lake Public Security Bureau, Yangyang be found in the drift the Hechi end of the pipe ...
  □ correspondent reporter Ye Jianhua Zhu Linhua photographer lofty
   event 
  Mysterious disappearance of eight of young children water park
  ● July 21, Mr. Tang and his wife took his son on the east money lake from Beilun to Disney World. Afternoon when Mr. Tang and his wife, his son play drifting, I wanted to change, Yangyang said would also like to then drift for a while. Tang couple Yang Yang to stay in the river rafting, go to other facilities at the play.
  20 minutes later, the couple back to the appointment waiting, but no son figure. Tang and his wife searched the water park, to no avail. Around 21:00, the couple alarm. The police has been investigation into the night 12 o'clock, and did not find the person. East Lake CMC also repeatedly carpet search.

Read more: The water park before the 24th are...

Families had previously noticed in the child victims strange

Source 2012-7-26 9:14:26 City Express

Yangyang parents of distraught
  The Yangyang river rafting accident a ring located in the east of the park, adjacent to East Lake Lakes.
  River rafting is 600 meters long, 4.2 m wide and 1.5 meters high; drift the Hechi wall a total of six drains approximately 26.5 cm × 24.5 cm-diameter nozzle without any protective steel mesh
  Rafting river river signs marked on the depth of less than 1 m.
  Yangyang card in the drain
  About 4.4 meters away from the nozzle
  Yang Yang was killed, in the bottom of a suction nozzle in the north of a small wooden bridge in the east of the river rafting.
  The lawn near the pool, about 6 meters away, there is the engine room pumping station, with iron railings around on the grass, a length of "7" shape of the pipes.
  Along the ladder to climb down to the engine room pump station, you can see the clouds underwater pipeline network, a length of pipe and wall connection has been artificially amputated, this section of the pipe is cut we see on the outside water pipes, water pipes, the thick atmosphere of decay.
  The police said that Yang Yang was found in the corners of the cut pipe, feet toward the head pointing towards the wall about 4.4 meters away from the bottom drain pipe mouth.
  The family had previously stabbed the same location
  Severe to stop by the park security
  The Yangyang father of many colleagues, from 21 onwards, has been in the park to help find a child.
  Colleague Mr Huang sad and angry, July 22, he had with a 3 m long hose to poke here (Yang Yang killed the drains), trying to find the whereabouts of the child's Park Fang Baoan severe stop it.
  "In the beginning, water park, there are four security guards find these nozzles, then find the boss, I think they are flustered, have a problem.
  22:30 to 11:00 the same day, I took a hose one by one stabbed in the past, poke into the drain pipes, I feel something soft, then my heart thump a bit of security has been behind me and said, allowed to poke, poke bad equipment, how to do.
  "I said inside the soft stuff, he said, may be sucked into the kids clothes, I did not think the worst.
  Early this morning, and more, we received notice that the children found here (drain pipe) and we have to wonder, in fact, park officials have long known that, just want to stall for time, re-submit their business license The scope of business. "
  Police response to the discovery process of Yangyang
  Yesterday, the East Lake Office of the Public Security Bureau deputy director of Ye Jianhua the Yangyang found:
  The disappearance of a child, on the 22nd night, the police of the park once a blanket searches, but also the incident to river rafting, water drained looking for, but it does not find.
  Hole in the accident, police and others have suspected children are sucked into the hole after the first drain the water in 22 police searchlight according to pole stamp was not the taste, poke did not feel so there is no discovery.
  Discerned from the video surveillance, until at 10:30 p.m. on July 24th, the police, at 4:10 p.m. on July 21, a children wearing orange life jackets in the water park east of the river rafting wooden bridge, riding three of drifting rafts after The next monitoring where the drifting raft suddenly disappeared.

Read more: Families had previously noticed in the...

Peaches Tourism Cultural Festival kicks off in Ningbo

A tourism and cultural festival entitled "2012 China (Fenghua) Peaches Tourism and Cultural Festival" kicked off in Xikou Town last Friday, attracting thousands of visitors from Taiwan and Ningbo.

In addition to the opening ceremony, the organizers plan to hold a series of activities including a cultural seminar and a young adult ceremony for teenagers from Ningbo and Taiwan. Aiming to combine peach planting with tourism, the organizers launch three tourist routes, which allow the tourists to enjoy local place of interests and local cuisine while tasting the juicy "honey peach", a specialty of Fenghua, Ningbo


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