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Mid-east, Africa tours getting hot

As the high season for Ningbo's tourism industry sets in, local tourism market gets hot.  In this summer, the Middle East and Africa travel routes are particularly popular for the unique feature and low price.

"Africa and the Middle East routes are much cheaper than the European and American tours," said a manager in a local outbound travel agency. Travel tours to European countries and the United States usually cost more than 10,000 yuan while the Middle East and Africa routes are relatively cheaper. So far, the number of tourists booking the Middle East and Africa tours doubled compared to last year. Most of them choose Dubai as their destination.

According to the Ningbo-branch manager of, a popular travel website in China, the Middle East and Africa offer a host of natural attractions as well as the cultural diversity. "The five thousand years of magnificent civilization of Cairo, the Middle East scene of Dubai, the mixture of Europe and Western culture of Istanbul ... all these are huge attractions for tourists."

Another attraction for the tourists is the welcoming temperatures of the southern hemisphere. In addition, the spectacular annual migration of wildlife from July to September in Kenya offers a breathtaking landscape for tourists around the world.

In recent years, the Middle East and Africa are two emerging destinations for local tourists. The industry insiders suggest tourists should respect the cultural and religious differences to avoid offending local sensitivities

Jiangbei District to renovate water supply networks

Ningbo's Jiangbei District will renovate its water supply networks in 14 residential areas this year in a bid to improve water quality and supply networks, which faces severe shortages. The renovation project of six residential areas will start bidding in the end of this July.

"2012 is the second year of the 3-year water supply renovation project. We have started 10 residential areas a year before and completed eight so far. We plan to renovate 14 residential areas this year and 18 next year," said an official from Jiangbei Urban Management Bureau. He added the Ningbo Water Supply Corporation is responsible for the renovation project and it will complete the renewal and extension of the water supply networks in service for 14,500 residents in 42 residential areas. Currently, the renovation design for the 14 residential areas has been finished. Eight residential areas are already under construction and they are scheduled to be completed this October. The renovation of the rest six residential areas will be completed in November.

Water supply authorities said some water supply pipelines in this district get damaged and worn-out due to aging or lower standards facilities and threaten water quality. Last year, Jiangbei District invested nearly 130,000 yuan in a pilot renovation project, which renewed two pump stations and benefited 664 households.

The taxi is still received two yuan fuel costs passengers can report

Source 2012-7-27 10:07:58 South East Business News
  Midnight yesterday, the city taxi fuel surcharge by 2 yuan per vehicle reduced to $ 1. But yesterday, there are still users on the microblogging post, said individual taxi still charges 2 yuan fuel costs, the driver said did not receive a price adjustment notice.
  As of yesterday afternoon, the city Yunguan Chu 96520 telephone hotlines received a total of three cases, which occurred in the morning session, one of which occurred in the afternoon.
  It is reported that the relevant departments of the week had convened various taxi companies, notice the fuel costs down messages, and provides specific time is 24 am; also by car GPS receiver to the driver of this notice, and the issuance of new The fuel surcharge to remind label. If the violation charge individual drivers, passengers can call 96520 or 12358 phone to report complaints.
  Fan 洪石莹

Hangzhou-Ningbo railway passenger special full range of track-laying is completed

Source 2012-7-27 9:46:54 Southeast Business

Has paved the track of the Hangzhou-Ningbo Railway Passenger Dedicated Line Yuyao segment. Reporter  photo
  Yesterday, reporters learned from the City Railway Construction Headquarters, Hangzhou-Ningbo railway passenger line across the board tracks have been recently laid, started two years I Ci Station housing the main project has been completed, enter the stage of interior decoration.
  Reporter FAN Hong correspondent Li Xinmin
  According to the stakeholders of the City Railway Construction Headquarters, recently, the Hangzhou-Ningbo railway passenger line across the board tracks have been laid completed. On the main track and overhead some auxiliary projects, such as installation of sound barriers and fences. The original plan was implemented in August this year, the FBI joint trial will be postponed, when the FBI test the unified arrangement by the Ministry of Railways.
  Hangzhou-Ningbo-off professionals across the board of seven stations, including the Hangzhou East, South Hangzhou, Shaoxing Bridge, Shangyu North, I Ci, Zhuang and Ningbo, involving more than compassion, Zhuang and Ningbo, Ningbo Station. Started more than two years, I Ci Station housing the main project has been completed, into the interior stage.
  I Ci Station is located, I Yao Fengshan Street, five-star village, east of New North Road, the the Yuci highway south of Sky City Road East, west of the planning Weiyi north. I Ci Station is an elevated station, the track laid in the station house, and stations North and South have a large square. The station house floor area of approximately 12,000 square meters.
  Yesterday I Ci Station site, the workers undergoing interior decoration. The first floor of the waiting room and ticket hall are tiled on the ground; second floor is the site, the ground has been paved, the ceiling has been decorated, the ongoing renovation of the outside curtain wall construction. In accordance with the construction plans, I Ci Station all the works will be completed by October this year.
  In another development, the Zhuang station expansion project has completed most of the
  When the opening of the relevant person in charge admitted by the overall duration of the impact of commuting time to the FBI after the test to determine the preliminary plans for operation by the end of the year.
  After the completion of the Hangzhou-Ningbo Passenger Railway Line, time from Ningbo to Hangzhou by train from the current 2 hours shortened to 30 minutes or so, Ningbo to Shanghai from four hours to be shortened to the more than 1 hours.

Weighs 30 tons of lime tank collapse One person was crushed to death of

Source Ningbo Evening News 2012-7-27 10:09:03
  15:00 the day before yesterday, the Beilun Xiaogang streets a company plant in the region, weighing 30 tons of lime tank collapses, one was crushed and killed.
  Accident named Chen Ming Trading Co., Ltd., located next to the Qingzhi Luo Asia line. Lime storage tank collapsed, the scene surrounding air was filled with dust, bring some difficulties to the rescue.
  As the tank is too heavy, can not move the human rescue the expansion of equipment is difficult to implement the rescue, fire commanders had no choice but to contact the crane reinforcement.
  Crane drivers discuss the rescue plan, the crane began operating, the tank is slowly rising to open a rescue space. Three fire officers and men to enter the tank. 30 minutes of intense search and rescue after fire officers and men have been trapped victims have been found.
  Ningbo Evening News reporter Ma Tao correspondent Yu East Arts


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