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Shell companies hundreds of thousands of false invoices tens of millions of dollars of illegal profits

Source 2012-7-30 9:41:39 Southeast Business

  In May last year, the Criminal Law Amendment (h) to add the crime of false invoices, the provisions of the false invoices more than 100 copies, or issuing false amount has reached 40 million, will be prosecuted. Recently, Haishu the police successfully destroyed a false invoices criminal gangs, the gang false invoices amounting to more than 3000 million, 16 people involved, this is Haishu the police have uncovered the first case of false invoices case. It is understood that the gang has been officially transferred to the court for prosecution.
  Hundreds of thousands of tax amount of the monthly invoice amount only thousand Yuan
  Late last year, the audit of a construction company at the end of the year and found that an invoice is suspicious, so the query to the the Haishu tax department found that the invoice associated with the stub does not match the billing associated with suspicion of false invoices.
  The tax department then went to the place of company registration to be checked and found there the door closed. Asked a nearby merchant, learned that the company did not do here public, is a typical night company.
  Later, the tax department, according to the company's registered phone contact an officer, that its office in the South Garden district, so the tax department door-to-door to check, a Soviet Union to see the tax department to check on the spot to escape .
  Tax department to immediately inspect the company's tax situation, found that the company's monthly allowance is only 1000 yuan, but the amount of the invoices was as high as several hundreds of thousands of dollars. He immediately reported to the police.
  Using fake identity cards of committing the crime the suspect gave himself up
  Haishu the police of the company searched the local after the shed was open less than 5 square meters of underground shed filled with 45 computers, as well as printer, piles of blank invoices.

Read more: Shell companies hundreds of thousands...

Two young girls reservoir to catch fish drowned

Source 2012-7-31 8:46:50
  Police: teach children self-help skills are far stronger than a simple warning

Two children's shoes stay quiet shore, waiting for its owner

Yesterday, the Road Ao village two children still catch fish in the river
  Yinzhou Hengxi Road Ao village reservoir tragedy, two girls to the reservoir to catch fish no up next to leave shoes and other police are salvage. "At noon yesterday, the users of one microblogging caused the attention of reporters, afternoon, this reporter went to the incident transverse Town Road, Ao village to verify. □ Reporter the Zhulin Hua photographer the lofty intern Liang Qianqian
  [Quietly disappearance]
  Parents are against it but they have to go steal
  Just lost two children, both parents are very sad. The reporter came to the Road into Ao village committees, see Xiao Shuji Road into Ao village and the village director, Xiao Shuji told reporters that the two little girls were 14-year-old Ling-Ling and 13-year-old Kee Kee.
  Usually two children often go to the other children at home in the village of stopping to play with homework together. But yesterday morning the two children to go to the water to grab fish play, taking into account the security issues, this proposal immediately met with opposition from the big people. However, the two children are taking advantage of the adults do not pay attention, secretly went to the edge of the reservoir play. According to the child's parents recalled, last time they saw the two children around 7:10 am.
  To 10:00, and still have not seen the child returning adults with acute, went to the children at home two children go from house to house looking for. But to find a half an hour, still no child figure.
  [Both drowning]
  Two pairs of slippers found the edge of the reservoir
  Think of the child once said to go to the reservoir to catch fish to play, so two people came to the

Read more: Two young girls reservoir to catch...

A mother and son were crushed to the bottom of the vehicle about a dozen passers-by lift car to save people

Source 2012-7-31 8:48:55

  Spring road from the Xinhua district exports last week at 6 o'clock, in Xiangshan City staged a touching scene: a red car pulled out of the district when the driver did not have time to brake, will be hit by an electric car ride and her children , mother and two men were crushed under the car.
  Critical moment, more than 10 enthusiastic members of the public stepped forward to work together to the car lift, the pressure of mother and son rescued.
  Novice driving "scared senseless"
  One pair of cycling mother and pressure under the car
  "That car is coming out from the Xinhua residential parking spaces, turning the corner too fast and hit the car battery, the car actually did not stop and has been the top to the wall, people caught in the bottom of the vehicle, then I would like to miserable, miserable, certainly not. "Miss Hou time of the incident just passing car accident that just happened or of fear.
  "At the time when I heard the shrill sound of the collision, I ran to the place of the outgoing sound, then have some people in the lift car, the car on the driver scared pale." Witnesses said Mr. Wang, body with the wall coming together, with no gaps, and her son could not move.
  The car is an over 30-year-old woman, see trouble, she was scared senseless, and quickly opened the door and down the side of a loss in a daze.
  Later, investigations by the traffic police, the driver for a surname more than 30-year-old woman, in November last year, just to test out the driver's license, vehicle technology is still relatively unfamiliar, coupled with the car just bought a few days also unfamiliar with the condition. Turning a corner, she faced with this unexpected situation even know what to do, a hot head on the ignorant. After the traffic police for questioning, she even answer any of them, completely unaware of what happened at that time conditions.
  Extremely critical moment

Read more: A mother and son were crushed to the...

The mouth of beggars with disabilities called "little sister" grasping the girl's legs

Source 2012-7-31 8:48:20 modern gold was quoted at
  Friends: bullying, disgusting! Has been controlled by the police

Figure in the first hospital bus schedule at the beggar friends for
  Yesterday morning, 7:26 Xu, users vain _ "published a microblogging, and sometimes cause people forward with comments. The contents are: "the first hospital, the rogue beggars. And cried 'sister', and specialized grasping the legs of the girl wearing a skirt, causing the screaming. Saw the girl to be your own scared, he instead laugh. Hope you female friends passing through here and other vehicles, and other, more careful. "
  □ reporter Dai Xiaoyan trainee reporter Zhu Lin
  [Users Readme]
  He caught five or six girls legs in less than 10 minutes
  Aspects of Intellectual Property to wear skirts, shorts, Capri pants
  See from the figure, the bus schedule at the First Hospital, a physical disability, a man sitting on a small board, the following fitted with small wheels, can move with him. The next five or six girls, leave him some distance, basically back to him.
  The reporter then contacted bloggers "in vain _", she simply stated:
  Interchange in the first hospital where the morning, wearing a beige overalls of one-seventh. Car when he heard someone called a "little sister", then looked back, the result would see the man. He is not standard Mandarin shaking the box to ask me for money, I did not care for him. In fact, the people of his eyes first glance on the uncomfortable, you see when you laugh, the kind of laughter is very strange.
  Then he saw can not get any money from me, sitting on the little board to a girl next to me to go around. I noticed that the girl wearing a pink skirt to the ankles, back to him, he would side shouted "little sister" as he grabbed the girl's ankle. The girl is called up on the spot, and the sound, the presence of a lot of people have seen.
  So the girl for a local station, did not think he any connection with the past, this time she has been the change of place to hide. Beggar to see any money to us to also account for less than what, to find someone else to start, specifically looking for girls who wear skirts and shorts, Capri pants.

Read more: The mouth of beggars with disabilities...

August 2nd to the 4th current gale of precipitation

Source 2012-7-31 8:54:00 Southeast Business

Central Meteorological Station forecast road map
  Municipal Meteorological Observatory released yesterday, this year the first tropical cyclone. After 24 hours of brewing, this year's No. 9 strong tropical storm "Sura 14:00 yesterday to strengthen into a typhoon. August draws near, the typhoon season has opened the curtain.
  Reporter Dan Chengcheng
  August 2nd to the 4th gale precipitation
  According to information released by the Municipal Meteorological Observatory yesterday 17:00, 14:00, "Sura" The center is located in the city 1140 kilometers east over the ocean, the wind near the center of 12 (33 m / sec). "Sura" will be 5 to 10 km per hour speed is expected to move to the north-northwest direction, and gradually close to the eastern ocean to Taiwan, the intensity will also continue to strengthen. Is expected that tomorrow the city the waters south of the wind will gradually increase to 7 to 9.
  City Meteorological Station chief forecaster Pang Baoxing said, can not be sure "Sura" will give the city what kind of impact, the observatory will closely monitor their movements. However, from the current forecast, influenced by the typhoon circulation tonight Ningbo, coastal sea wind will gradually increase, especially in the August 2 to 4 days maximum wind speed of up to 9 to 10. In other words, the sea will appear on the scene of the waves rolling roar. August 2 to 4 may also be the process of heavy rainfall, then also there may be a big rainstorm.

Read more: August 2nd to the 4th current gale of...


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