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Burglary scoreless was the mistress blackmail eight thousand yuan

Source 2012-8-2 8:35:51
  The thief was administrative punishment, mistress suspected of extortion
  Go to the neighbor to steal, not only nothing, and was also the hostess caught a. Even more unexpected is that when he took out 1400 dollars to the hostess tried to compounding, the hostess was a price hike, to extort from him to go 8750 dollars.
  Yesterday, Ninghai County Procuratorate alleged extortion brought the hostess Zhang indictment.
  □ correspondent Hu Shuwen reporter Zheng Zhenguo intern Liangqian Qian Zhang Beilei
  Stealing was found
  Zhang, a native of Sichuan, from the home out to work with the villagers in Xidian Town, Ninghai. To each other have a care of the house she rented a place to live with fellow close.
  Noon one day in October 2007, she from the outside to a place to live in time, the results of the front door, head met a man, the other looked flustered.
  Zhang subconsciously, catching each other, look closely, actually neighbors Song. Zhang then cried out, "there is a thief, catch the thief had." Immediately, Zhang villagers have driven.
  You into my room doing is not stealing? "Pressed, Zhang, Song finally admitted to her house to steal.
  Zhang rushed to the villagers is outrage, hurling Song to his compensation for the losses. Can be asked about how much money is stolen, Zhang can not tell what they were. In fact, she has been checked, the house is simply not something stolen.

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Foreigner to play the $ 4,600? Brother a joke friends crazy pass

source 2012-8-1 10:25:18 South East Business News

  @ Diiiiiiick: noon to take a taxi driver said to his friends carry a foreigner morning to Beilun, the meter shows 86.00, foreigners panic, thought it was 8600 yuan, hastily number 4600 dropped ran, the driver more chasing a foreigner run farther. Windfall not only test is that drivers consider the image of Ningbo, personally think we should look under The foreigner, save to think that such a high price of Ningbo taxi.
  16:00 the day before yesterday and more, this microblogging Ningbo friends crazy mass of doubts, there are purists. Yesterday, the reporter to verify that this is just a joke, the brother has friends to apologize.
  Heard the news, passengers Bo opened confirmation
  Users @ Diiiiiiick seems to just blog, microblogging page only such a message. But the message forwarding a lot, just a day, forwarding comments has more than 400 times.
  Reporter linked to _AT_ Diiiiiiick, he told reporters, this is his day at noon to listen to casually talk of the taxi driver. "The driver was said that this is a peer to talk to him ..."
  @ Diiiiiiick was also felt incredible, but listen to the brother, with certainty, plus it is very interesting, so he made a micro-blog.
  Unexpectedly, a blink of an eye has fueled concern, forwarding and comment on the number of straight jump Yesterday @ Diiiiiiick screen name changed to @ do not like do not reason.

Read more: Foreigner to play the $ 4,600? Brother...

Drifting raft knocked tourists head to touch the rock with multiple abrasions

Source Ningbo Evening News 2012-7-30 10:46:02
  In Lee pit rafting, way behind the raft hit a raft turned over, head scraped, multiple abrasions. "Yesterday afternoon, members of the public Cheng newspaper 87777777 News hotline phone call, reflect their own experiences.
  Yesterday morning, Mr. Cheng and a few friends one to Lee Ka pit drifting, their choice is the whole drift. To the drift of the second half, the gap becomes larger, and play more exciting. Enjoy rafting, legitimate Cheng, suddenly encountered a gap of a few meters, kayaking down with the jet, followed by avoidance is less than in the raft of Cheng behind and hit the raft of Cheng. A result, the raft turned Cheng and friends into the water, Unfortunately, yes, his helmet off, head-on collision in the rock, hit out of a small wound, bleeding. Saved up, and so on for a while, scenic responsible person over to bring it to the area of health care at simple treatment, which will subsequently taken to the hospital.
  In the hospital for examination, Mr. Cheng will not cause illness. However, this fall, Mr. Cheng is estimated to be better in heaven can not classes, but also to carry glasses, slippers and other items can not be found, the economic loss is not small.
  Last night, the reporter contacted the scenic relevant person in charge each other on a weekend, a lot of scenic visitors yesterday, injured two people, only Cheng of the seriously injured, has helped him to the hospital for further examination. As for Mr. Zheng injured, because the back of the raft collision, plus the helmet is not fastened, encountered a rock injured. If the helmet fastened, head injuries can be avoided.
  Our drifting points half drifting with the whole drift two. Half drift is relatively flat, generally not a danger. The whole drift of the second half then the gap is relatively large, commonly known as the Warriors drift, with a certain risk , occasionally turning the raft, but as long as the attention to the necessary security matters, generally will not cause harm. "The official cautioned that many people are lead to capsize to release the hand rub water in the big drop to pay attention to maintain the correct posture, handshake must firmly grasp encountered rapids.
  Baoliao people of Ningbo Evening News reporter gold Cheng end of the phone number 9743

July wages are only 0.5 yuan users McCain laughed "in the history of the minimum wage

source 2012-8-1 10:22:00 South East Business News

  When you received a payroll of only 0.5 yuan, feel? Yesterday morning, is the confinement of Ms. Wang is actually received such a payroll. Dumbfounding this list the sun to the Internet, users McCain laughed as the history of minimum wage.
  ● micro-Bo complaints
  July wages are only 0.5 yuan
  Yesterday, the Internet is only 0.5 yuan a payroll attracted the attention of the users. Sina microblogging "@ small feathers" made a microblogging:
  The history of the minimum wage from China Telecom wood: Wang × × 0.00 single performance in the two assessment -596.56 buckle, 610 wages, allowances 150; August first advance of 150 pushed back from August to September performance of 50 should be total of 363.44, the personal commitment to raising insurance and other 362.9, personal deductible 0 employees Shifa amount of 0.54 flying communications company to send. I carries the excited 5 gross wages of a good mood.
  Subsequently, the reporter has made contact with the "small feathers" Wang told reporters she explains the origin of the money wage.
  Ms. Wang is a staff of China Telecom Ningbo Branch JISHIGANG Business Hall has been four years.
  "Usual wage income basic salary plus performance incentives, to put it plainly, the award is to sell mobile phones, to sell number packages get to the commission." Ms. Wang said, the basic wage of 610 yuan, a meal allowance of 150 yuan, net of individuals to bear part of her monthly income of more than 2000 yuan.

Read more: July wages are only 0.5 yuan users...

Typhoon "Sura" August 2 from the peripheral impact of Ningbo, 台风“苏拉”8月2日起 外围影响宁波

Source 2012-7-31 8:45:06
  Summer high temperature of the second round for managing to come to an end next week Yongcheng increasingly cool
  Ningbo City weather:
  Cloudy to overcast in some areas, there are showers 27 ℃ to 33 ℃
  Tomorrow, cloudy to overcast in some areas, there are showers 26 ℃ to 32 ℃
  Just left this year, the No. 8 typhoon "Vicente" almost no impact to Ningbo. However, on the 9th typhoon of this year, "Sura" and on the 10th typhoon "David" was to follow. Yesterday, the Ningbo Municipal Meteorological Observatory issued a tropical cyclone, "reminded the public that" Sura "may affect Ningbo, we have to carefully guard against. Yesterday afternoon, the first typhoon situation in consultation with the departments of Ningbo City Flood Control and Drought Prevention Headquarters convened by the weather, water, marine, maritime, hydrology. □ reporter Pan Huimin
  "Sura" August 2 from the peripheral impact of Ningbo

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