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Regularly eat fried chicken fried chicken wings, 14-year-old girl to get that breast lumps

source 2012-8-3 11:06:55 South East Business News
  Childhood like to eat fried chicken, fried chicken wings and other fried foods, the Zhenhai an 14-year-old girl was found in multiple breast lumps.
  Yesterday, the city's gynecologist, said the source of similar diseases, most have poor eating habits.
  14-year-old girl to "eat" a breast lump
  In June of this year, only 14-year-old girl Wenwen inadvertently found the right breast mass. The parents are very worried, and hurried with her to the hospital of the town of Dragon race.
  Test results, of Wenwen the right breast internal total of four mass, the largest up to 4 cm in diameter, minimum diameter of 1.5 cm, and dispersed in different parts of the breast. The doctor shall, immediately underwent surgical resection.
  Postoperative treatment and care, Wenwen a good recovery.
  According to the to Wenwen parents reflected Wenwen childhood picky eaters, like to eat fried chicken, fried chicken wings, fried foods, and often pleaded with him to eat, and they are very helpless, only time to meet.
  "Captivity of aquatic and poultry feed used in multi-containing hormone ingredients, long-term consumption will lead to endocrine imbalance would lead to the occurrence of breast disease." The Wenwen the doctor Liu Yun said, the patient's disease is clearly a result of poor eating habits eating out.
  The younger age of breast disease and more diet-related
  Liu Yun pointed out that in recent years as the age of youth development in advance, multiple breast lumps, breast disease patients also showed a trend of younger age. Its causes and more closely linked with poor eating.

Read more: Regularly eat fried chicken fried...

Network transmission spiritual bridge a woman jumping into a river Jiangdong Police are investigating the

source 2012-8-3 11:06:24

Yesterday afternoon, the relevant departments in search of the river, the families of the bridge and other messages. (User photo dog egg 123456 ")
  "What ah? Spiritual bridge was jumping into a river it!" Yesterday, 15:28 a friends' dog eggs 123456 "microblogging released online will be fried like pot" boiling off. The patrol was informed that the Water Public Security Bureau is the river search, we have mixed feelings, so why take things too hard it. Many people like friends, "soil dust" like a prayer: "Hopefully just a false alarm, all is well!"
  Reporter investigation:
  Yesterday afternoon, the reporter received a tip arrived at the scene. At this point, Mr. Chu and other family members still braved the spiritual bridge. "My daughter, where are you!" Chu unbearable grief, looking at the rain Fenghua river, repeating.
  It is reported that Mr. Zhu an Taizhou three missing is the eldest daughter. Zhu said Xiaozhu seven or eight years ago came to Ningbo, selling clothes in a clothing Plaza. "She was only 25 years old, very open minded is very sensible." Xiaozhu mother has just one opening, the rim of the eye will be flushed, "is dead or alive, I have to find my daughter!"

Read more: Network transmission spiritual bridge...

Ningbo 6078 fishing boats enter the harbor or dock security zone

source 2012-8-2 10:17:41 South East Business News
  10:00 on the evening of July 31, the city has to start against typhoons IV-level emergency response. More than 60 ships, fishing vessels in Zhejiang and Fujian along the catchable return to Hong Kong, while parked in Yongjiang 212 foreign fishing vessels, the marine sector have been early communication with the local authorities of convergence require the shipowner to strengthen management, to ensure that the anti-Taiwan safety. 89 Water vessels under the jurisdiction of the transport sector in the area within the typhoon wind have been into the anchorage. The maritime sector for non-powered boats such as a security risk 82 fishing boats one by one check, the marine sector for all registration in the register of fishing vessels carried out the investigation of As of 2 pm yesterday, the city's 6078 fishing boats into the Harbour or dock security zone.

Ningbo public to report the highest award of the eight kinds of food violations 300 000

source 2012-8-3 11:04:05 South East Business News
  Have resulted in more than poisoning Nassarius is still secretly sell? Selling food online can be assured to eat? Leather milk will not reproduce? Reporters from yesterday held the Food Safety Commission (enlarged) meeting that the city's food safety Hundred Days remediation action to play hardball, the municipal government set up a special food safety regulation Hundred Days action leading group. Ningbo City, Food and Drug Administration welcomed the public to report violations the field of food, the report is true the public a maximum of 300,000 bonus.
  Lists 16 special rectification task
  It is understood that the rectification actions to tease out the 16 food safety hazards special rectification tasks, decomposition assigned to each department.
  Focus on remediation estate seasonal fruits such as fresh fruits and agents, real estate seasonal vegetables vegetable preservative, abuse in the donut, pastry production process of aluminum-containing leavening agent that causes excessive aluminum content in the bean sprouts during incubation in the use of plant growth regulators, no the root agent, add malachite green in freshwater fish, crab and other aquatic products breeding storage sales spending is illegal, bamboo shoots, lily dry, the Flammulina dry production process using sulfur smoked process, chili powder, chili sauce and illegally added products in the basic orange, Rhodamine B and other industrial dyes, industrial gelatin as a food additive raw materials, industrial gelatin, etc. Add in the food production process.
  Net sales of food included in the focus of regulation
  The reporters at yesterday's meeting that year, the food problem of Internet sales for the first time been included in the key improvement tasks.
  Food and Drug Administration Food Department official told reporters in the investigation of network sale of food has many problems, such as the online food business operators to the store, unable to conduct on-site verification, can not be a distribution license, and is unable to trace.
  This time, the Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bureau take the lead, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture, Forestry Bureau, the Municipal

Read more: Ningbo public to report the highest...

Ningbo to prevent typhoon "Sura" Ninghai investigation from around the ponds and reservoirs

source 2012-8-2 10:17:29
  Editor's Note
  Typhoon No. 9 this year, "Sura" typhoon flood season have a strong impact on the province. The typhoon is moving slowly, the radius of the wind ring, affecting a wide range, long duration, heavy hazards. It is predicted that the the Typhoon city time mainly in the 2 day and night on the 4th, the process of rainfall of 50 mm -100 mm and 150 mm, local; process of maximum wind in the northern region 10-11, 10-12 in the southern region, the typhoon center after ocean of more than 12.
  Last night from 10:00 Shifang Zhi start anti-typhoon IV grade emergency response. Throughout the city to establish the Fang Daxun grab a large risk to save the idea of a major natural disaster, have been sounding the alarm, start Ⅳ, emergency response, enter the anti-typhoon emergency.
  Xiangshan: as soon as possible into the defense typhoon status
  No. 9 tropical storms this year, "Sura" to strengthen into a typhoon, Xiangshan County, the day before 16 o'clock to start anti-Taiwan Ⅳ, emergency response and issued a notice, the full deployment to carry out related defense work.
  In accordance with the plans of the Typhoon, yesterday, Xiangshan County, towns and villages (neighborhood) quick action to strictly implement the anti-Taiwan measures. Especially in the coastal township flood control and anti-Taiwan system responsible person in a timely manner into the Gang are in place to deploy more staff to strengthen the monitoring of dangerous areas of the dilapidated houses, flash flood-prone areas, geological disaster-prone points, inspections found dangerous, timely warning, timely transfer of hazardous areas and the masses, to ensure the safety of personnel. At the same time, the county water resources department, the agricultural sector sent a work team to carry out anti-work guidance.
  August 1 catchable over 1600 boats dragging shrimp gill nets and crab cages, fishing, Xiangshan Ocean and Fishery Bureau in a timely manner all of their work, postpone the time at sea, to notify the maritime fishing vessels, particularly the return of long-distance fishing vessels, All fishing vessels must be within the specified time into the sheltered anchorage, and to strengthen the shelter vessel collision reinforcement work. Electricity, telecommunications, transportation, water supply and other departments to strengthen the management, implementation of measures and carry out emergency protection work of anti-Taiwan. (Xiangshan Reporter Station CHEN Guang-shu small Chinese reporters the amount of Di Wang)
  Ninghai: a comprehensive investigation of the 1500 ponds and reservoirs

Read more: Ningbo to prevent typhoon "Sura"...


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