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In the film Association, said Zhejiang, the court trying to network judicial auction is illegal

source 2012-8-7 11:46:10 The Beijing News
  Zhejiang court system to try to network judicial auction on Taobao, lead to two different interpretations. Supporters argue that the traditional judicial auction commission is too high, the network auction, and the commission is zero, a way for the reform of judicial auction.
  Auction industry practitioners, the film co-expressed opposition, that the law requires judicial auction must be conducted by the auction company, the Court of online auction behavior is to take the lead offense.
  July 9, the first Taobao network judicial auction so far, its rise to the controversy continues.
  August 3 and 6, the the Taobao judicial auction channel sub-two hung out four cars.
  Following since July 9 for the first time the network judicial auction, the second network judicial Zhejiang Court held in Taobao auction, no auction companies to participate. Before and after the two auctions is Ningbo Beilun district court and Yinzhou District Court.
  See the auction announcement, the Secretary-General of the auction industry associations in Zhejiang Province Wang Litian mood heavy. Nearly a month ago, Zhejiang Province, beat Association sent a letter to the Zhejiang Provincial High Court, and failed to resist the network judicial auction.
  Judicial sale online
  Been established since the 1998 judicial auction system and specifically commissioned the auction principle has been maintained so far. Now, Zhejiang local court to try to break this situation
  At 10 o'clock on July 9th, Zhejiang Court auction held on Taobao for the first time.
  Ningbo Beilun court auction "Baby" is a black the BMW WBAHN730 car, license plate number for the Zhejiang B8M189. After qualification Taobao users can participate in the auction.
  Usually on the Internet "Amoy baby", the judicial auction need to pay deposit. The Beilun court auction BMW assess the price of 250,800 yuan, a starting price of 199,900 yuan, 50,000 yuan deposit. Taobao set the rate of increase for at least $ 1,000.
  The online auction began 10 seconds after someone bids 200 900.
  9 seconds after the fare increase of 2000 yuan.
  8 seconds after the fare increase.

Read more: In the film Association, said...

Derailed boss of the old lover to reclaim 2.4 million yuan to support the charges be dismissed

source 2012-8-7 11:15:26 South East Business News

Comic Ren Shanwei
  Ningbo, a boss of a successful career for a period not forget old friends and former lovers, both derailed, they support fee of 2.4 million yuan, in court.
  The money whether it is a marriage dowry, or wishful thinking of a gift? Recently, Haishu court after trial, dismissed the man's request.
  Both reignite unexpectedly person financial
  Man named Kim, 35, is a company boss.
  16 years ago, Kim met a girl Lin, but in the end due to the objections of both parents without hospice. Three years later, both men have their own marriage and the family will no longer have contact with.
  Nine years later, in a friend's party, the two accidents meet exceptionally pleasant surprise. Kim has been a successful career, and the woman did not work, the husband is low income.
  Lin still cherish the old friends of Kim put her to recruit companies within any cashier --- Lin has no financial management related qualification.
  Later, they reignite feelings of rapid warming. Kim said, when both sides were even deliberations, each with their spouses divorce, and then the formation of new families continued leading edge.
  Kim said that five years from 2005 to 2009, he gave Lin 20 million annually as the cost of living, Lin money to buy a car, but also bought a single apartment.
  Since 2010, he successively to Lin 142 million yuan, Lin bought a house in Jiangbei. "This house, I originally was intended as both the future of the marriage room."
  In February of this year, he abandoned in accordance with the deliberations of the first wife and son, and asked Lin to fulfill his promise, and the current husband divorce. Surprisingly, Lin refused. The next month, Lin resigned and left his company.
  Seeing both life and wealth gold a angry under at the end of May this year, Lin reported to the court Haishu and asked her to put a few years to come and collect the money totaling more than 240 foolproof to come back.
  Painstakingly built up accused of "wishful thinking"
  The same experience, Lin mouth to speak out, but it is another version.
  Lin recognition of his work in a company of gold, and that had Kim recruiting her, when there is bad intentions. Later she and her husband do exist improper "The Lover".
  Lin said, but she has a daughter, never thought to divorce her husband, never promised marriage and Kim. Together to form a new family, but Kim's wishful thinking, "I did not think he actually will write for me a divorce petition and asked me to go to divorce."
  $ 200,000 per year for living expenses, Lin denied having received. "He really big spenders, I bought a watch, LV bags, mink coat, digital products, but also to accompany me to the Hong Kong Tourism, and indeed called me several times the money, but only party at hand tension between the two the other funds provided by lending the funds is not a one-way, I have played several times the money to give him the number 200000-400000, bank transfer certificate as evidence. "
  Lin admitted that the round trip is offset, in general, or gold to her more than "but this is his voluntary gift, how can they have to go back to the truth?"
  Kim mentioned a single apartment and the marriage room, Lin is so explained: "single apartment of my own to raise money to buy, prices rose to make a profit, to raise money to buy a house, the so-called ' marriage room ', but he was wishful thinking. "
  Speaking of Kim for their own things and wife divorce, Lin dismissive, "I heard a month later the two remarried.

Fenghua Xikou two tourists Yongjiu drowning woman rescue migrant

source 2012-8-7 11:12:37 South East Business News
  Yesterday noon, Fenghua Xikou Wuling in front of a breathtaking scene: a woman fall into the quiet river, was swept away by the river. In times of crisis, the two male tourists nearby play into the river will be people rescued.
  Yesterday, reporters learned that the two tourists involved in the rescue of migrant workers from Guizhou Li instruments and Lee can be a blessing.
  "I save her, she desperately to pull my hand." Instruments Lee recalled that the river rapids They jumped into the river, drowning woman has been out of about 30 meters from the ups and downs in the body, mouth shout the "help."
  Two people struggling to swim to the woman, after 10 minutes of effort to get the woman back to shore. Women's physique fat than they with the woman to push ashore, has been exhausted.
  The crowd promptly call 120 first aid, and the drowning woman rescued after a moment has been sober sense.
  5 minutes later, the husband of the woman came to the scene, the reaction is relatively cool, and only on the sidelines. According to witnesses reflect the incident before the couple quarreled with him, may cause the woman to commit suicide.
  Save lives instruments, Lee and Lee Nengfu own money to buy new clothes and quietly left. Are small, will save the people who can swim. "Can fu Lee said.
  It is reported that villagers in Guizhou instruments in Li Jiang Town, Xin Zhang Yu village farming, Li Fu in Hengshan Reservoir side of the Xu family quarry workers.
  Southeast Chinese Commercial News reporters Xue Zhiyi and Shi Xisheng Yan Zhe correspondent Zhu Weijun

Ningbo, a "super nanny" breastfeeding the baby more than 800 days

ource 2012-8-7 11:13:48
  August 1 to 7 is World Breastfeeding Week.
  The reporter interviewed found around us, so a group of "super nanny", a birth from the baby, they would insist on breastfeeding until the baby two years of age or even longer. Long-term breastfeeding is being more and more accepted by the mother and insisted. "This is the return of motherhood." City child protection experts are pleased to say, "Breast milk is the mother to the baby the best gift your baby the best food."
  "Super nanny" breastfeeding baby more than 800 days
  Yesterday evening, Rui-Rui, who lives in, Yinzhou Orchid Park Core mother with two years of age son play in the community park. Suddenly, Rui-Rui threw herself into her arms and, Dia Dia said: "baby hungry, hungry baby." Core mother leaned over the child, to unlock the clothes and buttons, Rui-Rui immediately eager to suck up. After a while, Rui-Rui contentedly raised his head again and went off to play.
  Core mother 32-year-old, she is extra baggage. She smiled and said, children are still infants, and can only eat more, but also gave their own image. Pinch that just count, Rui-Rui 26 months, that is, she insisted on breast-feeding for more than 800 days. "Child day not to eat, do not feed. Professional statement, called natural weaning.
  So long to stick with it? "Really big difficulties." Core mom during the day, she first squeeze the milk is kept in the fridge with. Night, the baby should also eat a few bites, she had to wake up several times, always sleep well. 1 year old baby, she at noon to go home milk delivery.
  "However, all the hard work is worth. Breast milk is the best baby food, breastfeeding the baby's body Bang Bang." Mom, the Rui Rui-Rui rarely get sick, have a little cold, to rest for a few days without medicine will be able to.

Read more: Ningbo, a "super nanny" breastfeeding...

Ningbo Service Depot to suspend the sale of train tickets on the 8th Shaoxing to Cangnan EMU

ource 2012-8-6 12:58:12
      Oriental hotline, August 6 by typhoon "sea anemone" impact, then the superior notice Ningbo Service Depot to suspend the sale of origin on the 8th, and finally to and through the tube Shaoxing Station - Cangnan station EMU train tickets, the traveling public understanding with the For ticketing and train operation in Ningbo Train Service Depot, the railway sector will be the first time dissemination of information. The large number of travelers that the station announcement or concerned about the on Sina thin @ Iron Ningbo Service Depot. 
According to sources, Xiaoyong line of ordinary normal passenger train tickets on sale.


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