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Serious water of more than one cell

source 2012-8-9 8:52:04 Ningbo Evening News

  Yesterday, the dawn of a village the serious water the Jiangdong urban management department for organizing workers to drainage. Reporter Gong Guorong correspondent Young owned
  By Typhoon "sea anemones", and some of the residential area of the city's urban water. Reporter broken down into smaller separate ways, came the the Koto Hyphalosaurus community, Oriole Village, the dawn of a village to interview.
  10:00 yesterday, the reporter via Rainbow North Road Portman Hotel door ford, the water is not to just below the knee. Qianlong, a village 37 Yu aunt is on the first floor, her home into the water, water corridor has been swarmed by nearly 60 centimeters off the ground about 80 cm high on a bed board in the living room, with people walk spray splashed bed board from time to time. "Can not sleep tonight!" Yu aunt and family were busy scooping water, but not much use. "Entire Qianlong community, in addition to the Rainbow Bridge Lane, Qianlong Road, Qianlong Lane, such as several, the first floor of the rest of all the water, the most serious near Zhongshan East Road, Qianlong on the 15th, several floors of the 20th The water depth more than one meter. "community secretary of the American Haihong said.
  11:00 yesterday, the Qianlong community workers to elderly people living alone and the mobility of the elderly in the community one by one to call, ask if you need help.
  This year has more than 80-year-old grandmother, Shaw lived in Room 102, Qianlong two village her in the corridor where the water has not had the knee. Social Cao Xiaofeng call that Shaw grandmother can not go out at home the message of the food, immediately after a hot meal to the Shaw grandmother's home. 11:00 or so, Shaw grandmother eating hot meals, very pleased.
  Today, rain is relatively large, many of the children of the elderly old man picked up only a number of old people, regardless of the elderly have any needs, we all try to meet. "Community Fu Zhuren us the truth.
  Yesterday, the typhoon brought heavy rainfall result in Jiangdong District Oriole Village into a flood plain district of trunk roads and branch water surging deep knee. 91 residents on the first floor garage, all of the water level with the road on the first floor home, room depth of about 20 cm.
  Yesterday morning, the Oriole Village residents Mrs Yam newspaper news hotline for help, her 91 on the first floor of residential buildings, each household water. The same 91 residents Aunt Chen home was flooded when the door of the reporters, she and her daughter is standing water over the calf living room to eat. Aunt Chen told reporters that their home is moved into Oriole Village this house seven years ago, lived in the past, Taiwan storm rain, home door sporadic water. This time, the raging rain, pushed open the door into the room. First time home boating.
  Out of Aunt Chen family in front of water mixed with garbage surging flow, has not had knee. District the iron gate leading to the Phoenix New Village closed in front of the water is too deep.

Today, besides the other regions of the Fenghua, Ninghai Xiangshan outside the restoration of electricity

source 2012-8-9 8:58:57 Ningbo Evening News

  8:00 yesterday morning, check work area of Ningbo Electric Power Bureau, maintenance, distribution transport a group of squad leader Lin Weiguo jump on the yellow emergency rescue vehicles, once again starting.
  The destination is the Culture and Education Road, Jiangbei District, Fan Jiang lines were blown down in the evening of the 7th branch pressure off the work area of distribution transport seized for the first time taken by the power cuts, the vast majority of users to restore power, but still There are ten families power failure.
  Begin to run from the night before, which is 59th out of the bus check work area for distribution transport accident repair squad, Lin Weiguo also has a sleepless night. Not only the City to see the shadow of the power supply repair personnel, and other areas in the city, power supply repair at the repair site, is to repair the road.
  Reporter yesterday from Ningbo Electric Power Bureau was informed that the As of 20:00 yesterday, Ningbo grid of six 500-kV line trip, all coincide success; 220-kV line trip 10 times, repair there is still a 220 kV restore the power supply; 110 kV line trip 22 times, there is still a 110 kV line failed to restore power transmission; a total of 533 10-kV line fault power outage has been restored to 444 line-powered, there are 89 were not restored.
  According to reports, the Zhejiang Power Company has arranged for 200 of the Jinhua Power Supply Bureau, Wenzhou Power Supply Bureau 200 repair teams to go to Xiangshan County, Fenghua support the repair work. Fenghua, Ninghai, Xiangshan, Ningbo youngest, Zhenhai, Beilun, Cixi, Yuyao, Yinzhou no later than today to complete all fault repair, restoration of electricity.
  Repair power facilities
  Yesterday morning, the electricity sector in Zhenhai District of Typhoon "sea anemone" damage caused by power facilities, organizational maintenance personnel to carry out emergency repairs. 20 lines have been repaired power, 6 line is repair. In the afternoon, Zhenhai electricity sector has drawn more than 50 support hit the electricity sector in Ninghai repair power facilities. Correspondent Zhang Jing Discovery reporter Zhang Ke

Anemones" incoming Ningbo, one hundred pairs of new people yesterday braved the wind and rain registration of marriage

source 2012-8-9 9:12:26 Ningbo Evening News

  Yesterday, August 8, "anemones" raging Yongcheng, but the whole big city there are still hundreds of couples choose this day into the marriage hall. Many new people would joke to give a child the nickname "sea anemone", to commemorate this special one day. Yinzhou Marriage Registry, there are three couples braved wind and rain divorce. Southeast Business Daily reporter Wang Zengfang Lu Kexia photo
  Ningbo, China (Reuters) August 8 calendar to marriage registration a good day, but yesterday coincided with the Typhoon "sea anemone" landing Yongcheng, reporters learned that the new people "through thick and thin," the momentum has not been the raging "sea anemone" scared retreat, the city has more than 100 pairs of young lovers happily go picking a card.
  7 pm, Haishu District Marriage Registry posting on the microblogging said August 8 will be normal working. Yesterday morning, Haishu District Marriage Registration Office is just outside the new wait here. Public Sun and Ng is the first pair to register more than 6:00 am on departure, to take the wind the rain came, "because of the typhoon, so that this day is particularly worth remembering."
  August 8, are married to the peak of the registration. Yesterday, the city's registration amount to more than 100 pairs of the usual normal level is slightly higher, but compared to previous years, more than 1,000 registrations in the city on August 8, only 1/10.

Civil aviation and road passenger transport today is expected to return to normal

source 2012-8-9 8:59:41 Ningbo Evening News
  Part of the ferry is temporarily unable to resume operations
  Yesterday, the news from Ningbo City, PMB, terminal infrastructure, the terminal management space, ship and ferry and other serious damage. Xiangshan County car ferry Ltd Ferry Terminal badly damaged, the steam crosses the route of the Xiangshan Caesar - the Yinzhou Yokoyama pier yesterday to suspend operation until the damage to the pier assessed the repair is completed and then resume operation and restore the operating time to be determined.
  Ningbo 18 waterways continue suspended, is expected today, the wind weakened, will still be suspended. Some pier due to serious damage, to restore the operating time longer.
  EMU will be gradually restored
  Today, EMU will be gradually resumed operations, but still part of the EMU outage or change the running section, as follows: Cangnan - Hangzhou D5572 outage; Wenzhou South - Hefei D5466 changed by the Shanghai Hongqiao origin, Wenzhou South - Shanghai Hongqiao outage; Cangnan - Lu'an D5482 change originating from Shanghai Hongqiao Cangnan to Shanghai Hongqiao outage.
  Purchase the outage passenger train tickets, passengers, and can apply for a full price refund procedures within 72 hours after the car of the moment to the station. In particular, to remind the public, if it is to buy a train ticket in the Internet do not need to apply for the refund or Gaiqian procedures.
  Civil aviation is expected today to resume normal
  Yesterday 17 pm 41 hours, Eastern Airlines from Guangzhou to Ningbo MU524Z flight smoothly landed at Ningbo Airport, 18:25 Eastern Ningbo to Guangzhou MU5237 flight to take off smoothly, with a drop Ningbo Airport, the successful resumption of air .
  Yesterday, Ningbo Airport, 62 outbound flights, 40 canceled, not canceled flights basic delay take-off due to weather. 67 inbound flights canceled 40 sorties. The airport is expected to inbound and outbound flights will return to normal.
  Highway bus today, when most normal

Read more: Civil aviation and road passenger...

Squally showers landslides small fishing village to spend the Cry of the Night

source 2012-8-9 9:12:58 Ningbo Evening News

Zhang old man said dozens of fruit trees in his home was completely destroyed. Reporter Xu Jiawei photo
  ■ reporters Live "sea anemone" landing point: Cape Pu willow Hang Village
  The south of Willow pit, the Xiangshan crane Urashima, a remote seaside fishing village. If Typhoon "sea anemone" is not an option where the landing, the small fishing village of only 201 villagers, and perhaps will remain unknown.
  Yesterday, 3:20 Xu, strong typhoon "anemones" before and after the landing of the willow Hang Village, squally showers, billowing waves, the whole village was enveloped in a typhoon vortex, this moment, the housing into the dilapidated buildings, landslides aquaculture ponds were destroyed, and a fishing boat in the sheltered anchorage could not help but wind and waves ...
  Liang Jinshan, willow Hang Village Party branch secretary, said the typhoon Fortunately, we the prevention of early, people are all right.
  Home of the 67 families who become dangerous
  Willow Village, the house in the village are the mountains and built the house of the villagers in front of an open waves roiling sea. A one kilometer-long seawall dam blocking the sea outside the dam within the village over 40 fish and shrimp breeding ponds, more than 20 villagers braved the rain to blocking gap in aquaculture ponds with sandbags.
  Yesterday, 13:00 More than a crane pump island wind and rain has receded, the reporter and his party drove to the Willow Hang Village. The small seaside fishing village has been restored calm after the storm, however, typhoon "sea anemone" wounds still left to the small fishing village.
  In the winding village road near the intersection, the reporter first met a high of over 40 meters, width over 50 m slope, landslides. 67 villagers house, looked up on the edge of the landslide, the already precarious housing.

Read more: Squally showers landslides small...


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