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"Anemones" to bring the average rainfall over the historical record

Source 2012-8-10 8:30:24 Ningbo Evening News
  Basic end of the "sea anemone" main impact on the city, but by its peripheral cloud system formed by the inverted trough of today and tomorrow, the city in some areas still have rainfall.
  The average rainfall over the historical record
  It is understood that, in addition to the No. 11 typhoon "sea anemone", after the liberation, there have been six typhoons landing in Ningbo, respectively, on the 12th strong typhoon landing Xiangshan 24 August 1, 1956; 23 July 1978 landing of Typhoon No. 5 in Ninghai day 8:00; August 1988, Typhoon No. 7 landed Xiangshan; 1989 landing of Typhoon No. 9 in Xiangshan; September 20, 1998 2 when landing Beilun Typhoon No. 6; 2008 8 10 20 No. 8 typhoon landing Xiangshan.
  The data show that the "sea anemone" is the strongest typhoon intensity in the 5612 numbers "August" Big Typhoon landing. On the 12th strong typhoon of 1956 (known as the "August" Big typhoons), landing in the city Xiangshan, near the center of the maximum average wind speed 70 m / s, the instantaneous wind speed 90 m / sec. When the city's average annual rainfall of 150 mm in some areas the maximum rainfall of 694 mm.
  As of yesterday, the "sea anemone" city is not completely over, but the city's average rainfall, 230 mm, more than visit the city typhoon brought average rainfall of the historical record. Among them, the Ninghai 12 hours and 24 hours of rainfall has broken a historical record of typhoons and storms. Tropical cyclone disaster criteria for the classification according to the meteorological department, "anemones" seriously affect the typhoon.
  Strong typhoon "sea anemone" characteristics of apparent
  Speed: "anemone" moving speed is not stable. Moving speed slowed down after the beginning of the "sea anemone" Generate moved west to 30 km / h fast, or even three times a standstill, unpredictable, remained until landing the forward speed was slightly faster, the 15 km / h speed.

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Beltway urban bus today and tomorrow for free

Source 2012-8-10 8:29:05
  Free notice
  To alleviate the traffic impact by the typhoon "sea anemone", reducing urban traffic pressure, to facilitate travel at 0:00 on August 10 to August 11, 24, Ningbo beltway across the board to implement the free passage and free travel on urban public transport , as follows:
  One out of the introduction of free passage in the Ring Expressway entrances and exits of the motor vehicle. Beltway highway entrances and exits, Chaoyang, Ningbo Xi, the side streets north of Ningbo, Paul Temple, Shahe, Dragon Lake, Riverside, Xiaogang, Ding Shan, East Lake, Yunlong, including Jiaochuan toll station.
  Second, Yinzhou, Haishu, Jiangdong, Jiangbei, Zhenhai, Beilun District, all buses free of charge to ride.
  Do not forget to take out of the toll lanes card
  ETC vehicles will be diverted to take the common driveway
  (1) to remind owners want to enjoy free lunch in the beltway, it is necessary to enter the beltway port to leave from the beltway mouth. From high-speed beltway entrance, and the choice of high-speed non-beltway mouth, or from non-beltway port high-speed, high-speed vehicles in the beltway mouth, according to the vehicle's actual mileage charges.
  The beltway free passage during the vehicle after a high-speed entrance, still bring the payment card, to the exit after you cross the cartoon to charge personnel in order to free release.
  Not installed parking system ETC electronic tag vehicles driving through the ETC lanes do not enjoy the discount, you need to take a common driveway.

Read more: Beltway urban bus today and tomorrow...

Yongjiang intrusion, water is difficult to row, Ningbo ocean a

too high, and the underground sewage water level as high, how are ranked can not afford to. 5:30, and before any change. "
  Days a little lit up the water to recede Debu fast. Master Chen, drainage, fear the river water level is high.
  Finally, to 7:00 in the morning, the water shallow.
  Eight or nine, in addition to buses, other vehicles can not enter. "Until 10:00, the traffic control was finally canceled. However, the drainage moment can not stop, if stopped, is likely the river howled.
  13:00, the wind and rain CP. Master Chen muttered: "really want to rain quickly stopped, home bath and sleep."
  16:00 yesterday, the reporter Jiangdong Kaiyuan Hotel near the Kuwata Road healthy opposite the city, Qiu Bi Village, found that water is still relatively deep. Qiu Bi, water diffuse through the adult knee.
  As of 19:00 yesterday, Hing Ning Road, a large area of water has not receded.
  Sewerage Corporation staff: mainly near the river was too high, the water intrusion. Drainage strong row of strong emission vehicle, deprived of the road rain water pipe in the water level is too high rain nearest discharged into the river trade. Rivers and the tide dropped, the strong emission effect will be noticeable, is expected within a short time water can be controlled.
  14:00 Venue: Haishu District, Yin Feng Road area
  "Water and bed and sent less than 1 cm
  "Do you really sleep? Water diffuse to the face." Yesterday afternoon, reporters walked into the South Yongning Lane, No. 38, next door to a rental.
  A "calm" embarrassed middle-aged man out of bed in the urging of his family. The bed had been moved to the door, the reporter noted that the stagnant water of the room from the bed had been less than 1 cm.
  Living room, the water has not seen his knee.
  Where, more than four children are fast asleep. Under the bed, filled with brick. "Last night, we moved several times, bricks, and full of water point, and then pad the brick if they did not pad the brick, the bed had already flooded." The mother of Ms. Lee said.
  Rental for 4 people, Yesterday, 1:30, Ms. Lee to get up on the toilet and found the room was flooded, and quickly shoot the door to shout everyone.
  Deeper water, stool ah, slippers, ah, can float floats. We use the bucket, the basin Wangwaimian splashing a bit useless. "Child dad booked the hotel, let the children sleep places.
  Go forward section of the road, turn into Feng Yin Road, stagnant water deeper.

Read more: Yongjiang intrusion, water is...

Koto modern mall water losses more than 90 households shop

Source 2012-8-10 8:26:35

  Anemones instant oriole New Village become the Venice of China! Turned into a sea view room, power outages from last night, stopped to water but not retreat saw the rise, residents out difficulties come. "Yesterday morning, a similar This help keep Sina microblogging. Yesterday morning, Ningbo Road water problem is still very severe, a Police Community rescue operations in an orderly and rapidly. □ correspondent Yie Bei
  Reporter Ye Meng Wu Yi Ying Chinese micro-Jane
  Koto modern mall flooded
  Yesterday morning, reporters rushed to the modern mall electromechanical Southern District, around the street housing the terrain is relatively high, and basically not to be flooded, and into the market which is a dark one, no electricity, there are deep water .
  Under the leadership of a shop owner, reporter splashed go into the sewage has been no small legs, garbage floating debris is everywhere. Most of the shops to pull up the shutter doors, a few shops open the door, the boss and laborer in the stack of goods, without a client.
  France Mr. open shops selling wire and cable. The reporter saw the two doors are flooded calf deep. Enormous volumes of fiber immersed in water. Law wife of Mr. led the reporter to see the back room, inside that terrain is lower, water is also deeper. Mr. France said, has been as much as possible upstairs to move, but with this market, shops and warehouses, so many things we are unable to transfer. Cable of flooding, destroyed and the loss of at least four or five hundred thousand, my wife and I worry all night, or not see the water back down. "A look of helpless law, Mr.
  Reporters to go in a circle found the terrain where the market was significantly lower than the surrounding road twenty or thirty centimeters, there is a export-oriented Wing-tat way the two pumps are operating, but the water is only able to get the road, a clerk said , so no effect.
  The reporter learned from Ningbo Mall Development Co., Ltd. Market Management Department learned that over 90 families of the the electromechanical Southern District of existing shops, market water things they already know, but they did not approach, because the low-lying.
  Oriole Village Danfeng New Village into a "water city"
  The same low-lying, located in Jiangdong District Oriole Village and Tan Fung Sun Chuen serious water streets of Sheung Shui has swept over most of the people of the lower leg, the water level in the deepest reaches the waist of the person's citizens are difficult to walk in the water, and many ride electric cars, bicycles people had to get off to push forward to walk.
  In the interview, the reporter also encountered the Baizhang police station in the water fishing license plate, police introduced, the lot of license plates in the typhoon "involved", picked up some license plate or a member of the public sent to the to. Currently, there are 11 license plates have been unclaimed by a variety of turn contact the owner, there are eight license plate.
  In the the Danfeng two villages, the district where a row of store room doors locked, shopkeepers shutter doors blocked with sandbags. The shopkeeper told reporters that the store has been a serious water can only water back in order to normal business.
  Urban multiple sections of serious water
  Around 8:00, the reporter drove to interview, Hing Ning Road and Century Avenue intersection, the scene fifty-six traffic police to divert traffic, maintain a vehicle order.
  The reporter saw the Century Avenue railway bridge entrance was blocked, all types of vehicles in the traffic police under the command of the diversion passage. According to traffic police on duty, the water the water level has reached 45 meters.
  Along the interview on the way reporters, where the junction of water has nearly 10 traffic police in directing traffic. The prevailing situation of the vehicle as a whole and orderly, the individual sections, like the intersection of Ring Road on the sea road, Hing Ning Road, the sea road, Zhongxing Road and other roads, water and serious, causing traffic congestion.
  Control traffic than from the morning until now has been from the time of the typhoon, police deployed additional, including the PUC authority to come out and support us. "Live traffic police on duty.

5.368 billion yuan of direct economic losses in the city. No tolls of casualties

source 2012-8-9 8:35:03 Ningbo Evening News
  Reporters learned yesterday from Shifang Zhi, affected by strong typhoon affected to varying degrees around the city, especially the southern region bear the brunt, Fenghua West Hollywood, Eguchi and Yin Southeast and other parts of severely flooded, suffered serious losses. Ended at 16 o'clock on the the 8th, the city tolls caused direct economic losses of 5.368 billion yuan, had not received the tolls of casualties, missing and major catastrophic events of the reservoir collapse, seawall, dike breach report.
  As of 16:00 yesterday, the city affected villages and towns up to 129, affected a total population of about 100 million, 34.2 million transfer of personnel; tolls caused direct economic loss of 5.368 billion yuan, of which agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery direct economic loss of 29 .43 billion (mariculture losses, wind big waves caused by damage to sea cages), industrial transportation industry direct economic loss of 1.028 billion yuan, water conservancy facilities, direct economic losses of 378 million yuan; the city of about 1933 houses collapsed and the city area of affected crops 82.8 thousand hectares, an area of 27.62 thousand hectares of aquaculture losses. During the typhoon serious impact on the city's discontinued industrial and mining enterprises 7083, roads interrupt 121, the power interruption 448, communications interrupt 107, 323 of the city's damaged embankment near 294.8 km 827, damage to irrigation facilities.


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