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Hing Ning Road, everyone wants of the river boats canoeing

Source 2012-8-10 10:28:51 Evening

  "Sea anemone" raging against the most serious typhoon in Ningbo in the past 20 years, bringing a series of several days of stormy weather, so that the entire Yongcheng are soaked in water.
  The city's process of cumulative rainfall of 200 to 400 mm 500 mm above the local cumulative rainfall over 400 millimeters in 12 towns (the largest Ninghai Hu Chen 538 mm), more than 300 mm, 26 townships, 63 of over 200 mm townships, 112 villages and towns of more than 100 mm.
  Yao River basin rainfall of 260 mm, 262 million cubic of water, Fenghua River and Yongjiang main stream rainfall of 267 mm, water of 701 million square Yongjiang basin rainfall of 221 mm, 963 million cubic of water.
  The rainfall caused the river water level to rise rapidly, the great flood discharge pressure, Ningbo City has suffered the pain of waterlogging.
  Crane street oriole New Village, Zijuan New Village were flooded, the most serious regional water almost one meter, two cells become almost "Water Venice, about 70,000 people travel trapped.

The first gold of Olympic women boxing runner-up decided at the Ningbo girl

source 2012-8-10 10:27:16 Ningbo Evening News

Silver medal in Ningbo will be the best Olympic results
11:30 GMT last night, boxing finals of the women's 51 kg class, Olympic history the first time in women's boxing gold medal battle. The site layout as professional boxing. "Xuan" Ren Cancan of the Chinese players as the first appearance of the red corner with a smile, Blue Corner host's Adams bounce Shan Hu tsunami of nearly ten thousand home crowd into the floor.
  An opening, and Adams, he rushed more fierce, proactive Adams at the end of the first round 4:2 points leader.
  The second round, backward Ren Cancan take the initiative, but the results are unsatisfactory, several attack succeeded. Disturbing in the middle of this turn, Ren Cancan at the foot of dodge when empty and fell to the ground.
  The third round, Adams continued to take the initiative to attack the footsteps of Ren Cancan not like the opening so flexible, the results and then lost 4:00 to 1:5.
  Of Ren Cancan of a big deficit in the final round launched a counterattack, but the conventional style of play has been unable to restore such a huge disadvantage, leading Adams also began to pay attention to the positive defense, let Ren Cancan easily score. This time, the two sides tied 2-2.
  The end of the full match, the host's Adams defeated a total score of 16:7 Ren Cancan, the audience broke out in huge cheers. Ren Cancan of performance is also very commendable --- her with a brilliant smile, hug his opponent, and coach of the referee and opponents bowed: "In fact, I beginning to enter the Olympics no pressure, whether it is gold, silver or bronze I feel very satisfied, for me, it is important that after this competition, I grew up, experienced a
  Ren Cancan is the winner of three World Championships this level, Adams wins more negative less. "Home factors did not say the referee factors. No fight Well ..." I've watched the disciples miss this "Olympics female boxing in the history of the first gold record, Ningbo Women's boxing team head coach the Tiandong obviously a bit can not believe Ren Cancan of mentality I was surprisingly good: in fact, participate in the Olympics I was very happy with the Adams played a lot of times, the strength should not have been so much like the points gap, but may experience some lack of it, the atmosphere of the Olympic Games really do not like this is also a help for my future. "
  Talking all the time, Ren Cancan smile has been in gorgeous bloom.

Maps marked point of water a serious public travel, please pass

Source 2012-8-10 8:52:58 Southeast Business

  Noon yesterday, the serious water Gaotang Village, one just a year old children in foam boxes for the ship, playing in the water, exposing innocent smile, a boy, he had no idea a lot of inconvenience brought about by the typhoon sea anemones. Reporter Zhu Shu sword photo

  Mr. Wang, one who lives in northern communities to the the Gaotang near the village of restaurants to eat lunch at noon, carrying his wife over the new Chi Road home. Reporter Bo photo

  Yesterday, the "sea anemone has been away from Ningbo, but its impact still exists: As of 12:00 yesterday, the anemones brought torrential rain to the city there are still 104 more serious point of water, some lots of the product water or even seriously affect the lives of the residents work. Yesterday municipal wisdom chased center based on real-time monitoring conditions, the production and release of Ningbo City, the case of strong storm drains slower Lot maps, guide the public to avoid these water points.
  Data analysis according to the relevant departments, such as this situation may continue for a few days, with the hope that the general public can Qi, to reduce unnecessary travel, to tide over the crisis. "Relevant person in charge of City flood control headquarters said they have also been Requests the member units to carry out their duties, to ensure that the city safe flood.

Read more: Maps marked point of water a serious...

The typhoon walk why so much water?

Source 2012-8-10 8:55:06 Southeast Business

  "Anemones" lopsided, but the flooding waterlogging has not followed abatement, Ningbo, there are many places water, Fenghua Eguchi, West Hollywood, Yin southeast and north cicheng and other parts of flooded gravity. Many people did not understand: that the typhoon is already in transit, the weather began to turn for the better, why so much water also? The person in charge of the municipal government of flood and drought control headquarters said that subjected to the 1956 "August typhoon after the strongest typhoon in Ningbo, coupled with the tidal range to water, location, and many other factors, making the city a number of regional flood water disaster, will take 5 to 7 days to basically drained.
  Correspondent reporter Zhang Hao Hu Zhang
  Rainfall to break the record
  The strongest typhoon in the case of 1956
  Reporters learned from the municipal flood and drought control headquarters, "anemones" 1956 "August Typhoon, landing the intensity of the strongest typhoon in the city. "Ill intent" strong typhoons bring stormy weather.
  Municipal Meteorological Bureau, Zhou Fu, a senior weather experts said in an interview, "anemone" with the August 1988 landing the Xiangshan 8807 Typhoon strikingly similar to the typhoon in coastal development, the process of wind, the city's area rainfall aspects of a record.
  City hydrological station data show that the eve of 20:00, the city's process of rainfall reached 237 mm, the maximum point in Ninghai Korea stand 568 mm, followed by 528 mm Mao Yang Station. There are three sites of more than 500 mm, accounting for 1% of the total, 32 sites more than 400 mm, accounting for 10% of the total, 104 sites of more than 300 mm, accounting for 31% of the total. From the township of view, the cumulative rainfall exceeding 400 mm in 12 townships (538 mm maximum Ninghai Hu Chen), over 300 mm of 26 townships, more than 200 mm, 63 townships, more than 100 mm in 112 townships .
  200 mm or even four or five hundred millimeters of rain, coming down in Ningbo, Ningbo floods "culprit".
   River water level forcing up
   Ningbo City spillway slow
  Caused by floods, in addition to heavy rainfall, as well as many other negative factors superimposed. "Person in charge of the municipal government of flood and drought control headquarters that.
  Zhang Tuo, the Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau, the original said, "'anemones' storm surge has brought much more than we expected, we had originally expected to be 1 to 1.5 meters, the actual increase in water 2 to 3 m tide of Sanjiangkou 'anemones' comes up to 3.12 meters, has a record second-highest on record, only about 10 cm lower than the 1997 on the 11th typhoon period.
  City Water Conservancy Bureau to provide reporters with a set of data: the Yaojiang basin rainfall of 260 mm, 262 million cubic meters of water, the Fenghua River and Yongjiang main stream rainfall of 267 mm, 701 million cubic meters of water, Yongjiang basin rainfall of 221 mm, 963 million cubic meters of water, the convergence of three rivers rapidly forcing up the water level, making the city spillway slow.
  Ningbo hydrological data show a higher tide, river water to inland, a large number of river water did not break out, resulting in some sections and low-lying land plot also appeared in stagnant water.
  The person in charge of the municipal government of flood and drought control headquarters said that the tidal range is also an important indicator of the affect area drainage capacity. The tidal range tidal cycle, the difference between the adjacent high tide and low tide, with the time and place. The city's coastal tidal range is small, with an average tidal range of only 0.60 meters, which is a direct result of the slow-down in the river flow rate and drainage capacity will be restricted.
Geographical impact
  Coastal plain and easy a long time flood
  As of August 9 at 2:00 pm, the central city is more serious in low-lying, water location 104, the third area 56. Among them, the water Haishu District, Liu Ting overpass under 21 in the Willow River under the bridge next to the pine trees near the road, the water has led to the roadside trash soaked in water.
  From the day before yesterday morning, the city urban waterlogging situation an emergency, the central urban area to a large area of stagnant water, and waterlogging spread to the chip from the point of waterlogging.
  The person in charge of the municipal government of flood and drought control headquarters said that the local floods more serious, as well as the geographical impact. The topography of the city from southwest to northeast tilt, eastern and northern coastal areas of less than 10 meters above sea level, the water network, rivers and lakes connected to the flat, Siming Mountains from southwest to northeast extension of, toward the basic and parallel to the coastline, every time a typhoon because of the terrain uplifting, and often heavy rains. Acute short-circuiting of the city's river source downstream tidal, whenever heavy rain, rivers upstream set flow, while the downstream drainage is poor, coupled with tidal backwater caused by prolonged floods, to the plains.
  The official said that the urban part of Lot low-lying even more likely to cause stagnant water, such as low-lying areas of the Oriole Village, the dawn of a Village, Century Avenue, Ningbo East Rail overpass, new Chi community, it is still in the water status .
  If there is no reservoirs storing flood consequences would be disastrous
  "Anemones" the winds of relying on rain, making Ningbo the reservoir water level has soared. Last night, the reporting of all large and medium-sized reservoirs is still mostly "rosy" --- 22 more than the flood limit water level in the 30 large and medium-sized reservoirs.
  30 large and medium-sized reservoir storage has been increased from 826 million cubic meters at 8 o'clock on the 7th, to 1.102 billion cubic meters in 20:00 the night before. 36 hours, 30 large and medium-sized reservoirs increased to build between 276 million cubic meters.
  Zhang Tuo of the original, these large and medium reservoirs greatly to play the role of storing flood if they flood washed downstream, the consequences could be disastrous. Reservoir operation, we grasp the peak shifting and scheduling, to seize the downstream river water level and tide of flood early lower favorable discharged opportunity, and the river range of peak shifting and discharging flood of 200 million cubic meters, effectively protect the safety of reservoirs, but also greatly reduced the peak flow peak downstream played a very good protective effect. "

Yesterday the central urban area is more serious water 104

Source 2012-8-10 8:31:23 Ningbo Evening News

Spillway slow because the Sanjiang water level high

The wisdom chased yesterday to map out the real-time monitoring urban case of a strong storm drains slower Lot maps.
  Reporter border town rain correspondent Yong-Jun Liu Wangjie Jin Zhu Binbin
  Since yesterday morning, the typhoon "sea anemone" and finally away from the Yongcheng. Many people out in the morning only to find that the road is filled with stagnant water, even in some places water into the river. More strange is that in some places the day before yesterday had no water, the water suddenly yesterday morning to take out. According to reports, has been since the day before yesterday, the city waterlogging situation frequently in an emergency, the central city the gradual emergence of a large area of water phenomenon, and waterlogging from the point to waterlogging spread to the chip. As of yesterday afternoon, the central city more serious water point 104. Why the city is there so much stagnant water it? Yesterday morning, the reporter interviewed on the matter of the relevant departments.
  Surface water is saturated
  According to reports, the city water did not break out the typhoon brought heavy rainfall to the surface water is saturated. Yesterday afternoon, according to the Municipal Meteorological Station chief forecaster Pang Baoxing, the 11th typhoon "sea anemone" brought to the urban area rainfall is about 236 mm, but Prior to this, the 10th typhoon "Sura" to bring greater precipitation, groundwater has been completely saturated.
  Sanjiang water level remains high
  "Sanjiang water level high lead to city spillway slow, another major factor is one." Urban flood control headquarters staff by the astronomical tide, Fenghua River, the Yaojiang upstream water level higher, the main city is located in Ningbo Sanjiang the converging point of the Sanjiang water level elevation. A large part of the city's drainage system through the inland routed to the Sanjiang Sanjiang water level high to hurt the urban poor drainage, coupled with the tide higher, the river water to inland, resulting in some sections and low-lying residential water .

Read more: Yesterday the central urban area is...


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