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Yinxian bridge pier column was major Yun Shachuan impact

Source 2012-8-14 8:51:59 Ningbo Evening News
  The Yinxian Bridge just last month maintenance completed the day before yesterday suffered the impact of a Yunsha Chuan. Today, Yinzhou District Urban Management Bureau will organize and Bridges on the injured part of the bridge for testing.
  The day before yesterday morning, a the Yun Shachuan of kiloton along Fenghua River and north to south traffic traveling to Yinxian under the bridge and found the wrong fairway. At this point, the other a Yunsha Chuan is oncoming. In order to avoid a collision, the ship the kiloton Yun Shachuan anxious to change the direction of travel. A result, the bow hit the the Yinxian bridge piers 2 and 3 column, resulting in damage of the bridge column.
  To evade responsibility, fled the scene of the accident the vessel after the collision. Was the Yinxian Bridge municipal officers witnessed what has happened, immediately to the, Yinfeng Marine reported. Yin Feng Marine Department sent a maritime patrol boat to search after a morning of the search, finally found the accident vessel.
  Yinzhou District Urban Management Bureau Services Department has to contact the bridge inspection unit --- Shanghai Tongji Construction Project Quality Stations experts to the scene detection. Bridge the specific extent of the damage and subsequent remedial measures, according to the experts detection can be determined.

Read more: Yinxian bridge pier column was major...

During Thunder Storm

This reporter has learned, Ningbo is the thunderstorm-prone areas, as of the end of last month, thunderstorm days in the city this year, within the scope of the number of days has reached 67 days. August and September, thunderstorms hours. So, how lightning storm season? Mine experts said, the outdoor lightning, the car is an ideal protection facilities, but also pay attention to put away the car antenna, turn off the car radio, navigation, car phone, etc.. If you do not have a car, it should be as soon as possible to hide in the shelter a safe place, away from buildings exposed water pipes, gas pipes and other metal objects and power facilities, do not stand in the shelter under the trees, towers, billboards.
Indoor lightning, will have to shut doors and windows, do not stand on the terrace, and try not to take the elevator. Do not touch the antenna, water pipes, wire, metal doors and windows, external walls of buildings, away from the live wires and other equipment or other similar metal device. In addition, the appliance lightning, the most simple and effective way is to cut off all outdoor line, including electrical power lines, broadband networks, cable, digital TV set-top box signal line, fixed telephone line network signal line.

Jiang Ha Bridge, Bridge of Hope managing began to restore traffic on odd and even numbers

Source 2012-8-13 9:09:13 Oriental Hotline         The Oriental hotline on August 13 news release microblogging According to Ningbo Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Police: The roads of the central urban area because the water control to restore access Jiangxia Bridge, Bridge of Hope on August 13, 1998 (Monday) began to recover a single double number to pass.

Dog crossing the road caused three-car collision

Source 2012-8-14 8:51:46 Ningbo Evening News

The surveillance video recorded trouble process (red circle for the dog).
  Xu, Zhenhai District, Ning Town Road water pump station near the evening of August 11, 5:20 with three car crash, people were injured, including an Audi car scene on fire. Serious accidents come from? Intersection surveillance video showed the accident with a dog crossing the road.
  At that time, there is a coat of black and white puppy into the Ning Town Road, Gold River Road intersection, looks ready to cross the traffic flies the town of Ning Road, but hesitant. Suddenly, the dog may judge had to cross the street the opportunity, and ran rushing. An Audi sedan traveling in the middle lane to avoid puppy to the left lane to avoid the results with the left lane of a BYD car scratch.
  Incident the moment, the BYD car under the left rear of the Audi cars continue moving forward. Audi car out of control, over the central green belt, with a JMC sport utility vehicle to the lane, crashing stopped. Audi cars emitting thick white smoke, then burst into flames. A few minutes later, firefighters arrived to put the fire out, but Audi cars have been burnt beyond recognition.
  According to the introduction of the Zhenhai traffic police brigade Jiaochuan squadron, JMC off-road vehicle driver and two passengers were injured in the accident, is currently the hospital for further observation and treatment, the other two people in the car is no serious problem. The surveillance video shows the little dog with the Audi car collision, it is estimated that injuries are not serious, turn a few laps in place after crossing the road to continue the run, unable to confirm whether stray dogs.
  The accident, the traffic police department still further, to alert drivers of lessons learned, over the junction must slow down and observe the situation.

Flying piece of metal hit tourist bus

Source 2012-8-13 8:56:53 modern gold was quoted at
Yongjin Highway yesterday Jingxian the
risk of young female tour guide "Roderick Woo, happened  to be hit was seriously injured and lifeless

The front windshield smashed a big hole friends for Figure
  "Hangzhou Roderick Woo, today we have encountered, we take the tourist bus to Ningbo to play, the results coming Xikou suddenly flying at high speed on an iron wear come in from the front windshield and hit the front of the co-pilot seat of the guides, we hastened to alarm the hospital, do not know how she is, let us pray for her. "This is yesterday users @ Friends of nearly play the meow of a micro-Bo.
  May 29 this year, Shanghai Yi Expressway Yangshan segment, piece of metal before the breakdown of long-distance bus windshield, causing the heroes driver Roderick Woo, serious injury of death. Yesterday, users @ Friends of nearly play meow take the tourist bus also suffered a similar situation, was seriously injured and the car guide.
  Incident to encounter flying piece of metal after high-speed bus
  Yesterday afternoon, the reporter in high-speed traffic police detachment in Ningbo accident verified.
  The accident occurred at around 8:00 in the morning, Yongjin Highway to Ningbo direction less than the location of Xikou. The traffic police rushed to the scene, the bus pull over parked injured female tour guide was lying in the back seat, the face of traumatic bleeding.
  Break a hole for the front windshield of the bus co-pilot breakdown of glass hit the guided one was cylindrical-shaped piece of metal, probably coarse mineral water bottles, the general length of the ordinary pencil.
  The driver said he was overtaking, just more of a truck, this piece of metal from the right lane fly over. He hastened to the brakes, did not think the piece of metal just to penetrate the glass, hit the tour guide. Reflect, according to the passengers, then feel the car braking accompanied by a bang, and then you see the guides down in the car, we come to understand what afterwards, have exclaimed.
  The traffic police rushed the injured tour guide has been moaning that there will soon barely a straight sore piece of metal hit the possible position of the clavicle.

Read more: Flying piece of metal hit tourist bus


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