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Street approaching a new taxi

Source 2012-8-15 8:49:22 Ningbo Evening News

A new dual-fuel taxi is waiting for the installed dome.
  Reporter Lin Shi boat / photo
  With the trial operation of three natural gas filling stations in the end of last month, Ningbo, a new batch of gasoline, natural gas dual-fuel taxi has officially put operations. Navy blue, medium yellow as the basic tone of the body, together with the spray curve patterns, driving in the streets is very eye-catching. In the next year, the city has more than 1,700 diesel taxis will become more replaced by this dual-fuel taxi.
  In the interview, the reporter learned that, according to the actual operating situation, the dual-fuel taxi energy saving and environmental protection, but the number less than filling stations allow some drivers to mind some apprehension.
  New taxi color is very rich
  Recently, many people found Ningbo street taxi in new forms, the newly released three body colors were navy blue, medium yellow, blue, silver, and blue-green, silver gray, together with the curve like spray pattern, not only the rich colors, structured, and also reflects the characteristics of Ningbo, coastal city. The models of these taxi Beijing Hyundai and Santana 4000 two kinds.
  From Ningbo City, China Everbright car service company driver Dong Renwei first driving his new taxi on the road "pull the wind" back. "I am but the city's first one Yeah, on the 7th day of the road." Dong Renwei tone of pride, "very good, many of the passengers got on the boast beautiful color the atmosphere of this car, the interior space is more spacious."
  Deng Yuhua, the person in charge of the China Everbright car service company, told reporters this update, the company and the driver came to support. "We chose a navy blue, the yellow kind, all the more dazzling. On the 20th there will be 20 new launch operations."
  It is understood that these new taxi is a dual-fuel, cost-effective, but cost accounting is still not completely rely on natural gas. "Rely on gasoline-powered vehicles, they rely on the process of moving natural gas, gasoline is only an auxiliary, plus a little will be able to use a long time." City Taxi Association Secretary-General Li Guofan told reporters, plus gas price of 4.3 yuan per cubic meter. traveling 210 km of view, to spend 80 yuan less than 4 cents, the cost of gas per kilometer than gasoline to save 34 cents.
  Will be the future Ningbo taxi the main
  So, this dual-fuel taxi will become the main force of the next taxi in Ningbo? Li Guofan gave an affirmative answer.
  Ningbo, a total of 3851 taxi Over 90% of diesel vehicles. Which more than 1,700 diesel taxi driving time has been more than seven years, faced with the update. At the same time, Shanghai Volkswagen in 2010 to stop production of the Jetta diesel vehicles, there is no longer new diesel taxi supply. In this case, the replacement of diesel taxi has become inevitable.
  "This month has been updated to put the operations of more than 20 new cars next year, more than 1,700 units of diesel vehicles will be replaced for the three colors of dual-fuel taxi There may also have about 500 new launch vehicles can be said that this new type of taxi represents the image of the Ningbo-taxi. Liguo Fan said, As for the specific choice of what color, what kind of models by the Ningbo various taxi company to decide.
  Drivers to worry about the inconvenience of refilling
  High oil prices, the dual-fuel taxi update delivery are generally welcomed. However, due to a series of questions related to the supply of natural gas, gas station construction site, some drivers I was still some apprehension.
  "At present, the city on three filling stations, we also only in one filling stations designated aerated." The feeling of filling stations site distribution is not reasonable. "Filling stations are open only six or seven points in the evening. late at night to be aerated how to do? "These are the drivers to reflect the problem.
  It is reported that in 2002, the city had 400 taxi, modification, installation of liquefied petroleum gas in a common type of Santana, but because it was only Renmin Road filling stations, fuel supply is often not less than six months, 400 The dual-fuel taxi all in name only. July last year the city updates 180 gasoline, natural gas dual-fuel taxi, also encountered the same gas problem. "Until last month, we added is gasoline." A lot of drivers say.
  It is understood that the original plan completed in April this year, Jiangbei People's Road stations and the Meixu filling stations, began trial operation until the end of July. Plus Tiantong Road, Chen Po crossing near a trial operation of filling stations, opening up natural gas filling stations in Ningbo, but 3. "Taking into account the taxi shift aerated during the peak period, each filling stations a day of capacity in the 250-300 or so." Liguo Fan told reporters, "the original 180 pairs fuel taxi plus early August update these new cars, plus gas for the time being there is no problem. but in the long run, if the wait for more than 1700 diesel vehicles to replace the dual fuel taxi, then at least need to add three filling stations. "
  Urban passenger transport management center is responsible for taxi management Yangning Hong section chief, said the dual-fuel taxi requirements designated aerated, three filling stations in the pilot phase, fixed-point gas can be balanced aerated taxi number. Wait for the formal operation of the filling stations, the situation will improve. But plans for the construction of filling stations, he is also not so sure. "The original plan, a total of five or six filling stations put into operation based on the current progress of the situation is less optimistic."



Yesterday, the users of the East Forum forest control the "a" is said to Ningbo taxi! Ugly burst! "Posts from friends made a picture point of view, this is a modern name Yu car the upper part is dark blue at the bottom of the khaki, in the middle interval of the light blue ripples.

  Forest control, "said that the car used, and the taxi, but also painting." Logo displayed on the car, this car emissions 1.8T, vehicle weight of 1.5 tons, the use of oil and gas dual fuel .

  East Forum on this post yesterday cause hot friends, posts more than 27,000 hits, over 100 comments.

  Users innocently Jun: It is not street already? Sat a very new taxi is modern! I feel very good, which seat space, Smelly old taxi taste very comfortable to sit inside, said even behind!

  Users' point of two smoke: Ningbo people, obviously do with Imperial Taxi appropriate.

  Users blankly at a loss ": The problem of filling stations in Ningbo where, previously, were closed.

  @ The beginning of summer 721: the bottom of the gold, it is soil.

  Sarah: @ Shin sitting comfortable internal and external security crash was the most important. Not a hit on the spontaneous combustion. Looks like it generous and tidy on the line.

  Two-year plan to update the 1600 taxi

  Passenger transportation management center of Ningbo City, assistant director of Gan Yong Song, Ningbo is being updated a number of taxi, "the original life of the old car is coming, plan the next two years to update about 1600 taxi. New cars are oil and gas, dual-use order to reduce pollution, more low-carbon environmental protection. Recently updated dozens of cars, quantity is not more.

  Updated taxi There are two models for the taxi driver to select. A modern Yu, a Santana 4000.

  In addition, it has four refueling stations for these taxi aerated. After the site will also increase.

  For some users different views on the new car color, dry loose Yong explained that, through a questionnaire survey, they provide the color of the three candidates, specifically which, by the taxi company to decide to update your vehicle is a taxi company voluntary.

  , Gan Yong Song explained that the new car to use a metal paint can scratch, wear, colorful paint things on the net posts.

  New car the appearance of three programs

  The new car alternative three color schemes.

  Option One: body overall blue-green and silver-gray tone, together with the curve-like spray pattern, color fresh and natural.

  Program: the body as a whole blue and silver-gray tone, together with the curve similar to the spray pattern, crisp and bright colors and rich layering.

  Program: the body as a whole in blue and yellow tone, together with the curve similar to the spray pattern, bright colors and rich.

  Three programs have emphasized that "reflect the characteristics of Ningbo, coastal city.

  Oil and gas car plus gas a little difficult

  Ningbo Friendship tour bus service, general manager of weeks Chung told reporters that their company has updated the seven oil and gas car, the car model is the modern name of Yu, the color with net posts. Next will continue to update.

  Drivers Tang Minjie March this year, changed the oil and gas dual-use of the modern name of Yu was no difference in body color and used cars, it has been unknown. Before the soup master has been added to gasoline, and later went to add natural gas filling stations somehow, "filling stations were too small and a bit far, this is too much trouble."

  Average class size is to run 200 km to 300 km soup master's car, "I forget about the original use of petrol per kilometer, about 7 hair, air conditioning, then about eight hair; use of natural gas per kilometer, about 4 hair is enough about 4 like air conditioning. "a group of down, you can save seventy to eighty dollars.

  With natural gas than with gasoline in the car driving force is slightly slower, but in the urban areas to open to open or is no different. "


Meteor shower is finished just "lunar occultations of Venus again

Source 2012-8-14 9:13:21 Evening

  8 o'clock on the evening of August 12, Ningbo astronomy hobby Association Deputy Secretary-General Chen Hao days early to come to East Lake scenic waiting. Hard work pays off, 11 pm, he saw the meteor shower, but also with their own camera to record under this romantic moment.
  Last night just watching a meteor shower this morning that there will be "lunar occultations of Venus". Lunar occultations of Venus is Venus and Earth in the middle of the moon happens to come in operation, three planets were celestial phenomena occur in a straight line, lunar occultations of Venus is the highest value of all occultation Sky appreciate.
  Then, after June 6, "the transit of Venus, Venus to the sun, the west side of tomorrow until the end of the year, before dawn, we can see bright Venus in the East.
  August is definitely a great month to enjoy astronomy gluttonous feast, because the August 22, we can also see Sanxinbanyue Sky. The reporter of Shao Qiaohong / Wen Chen Tianhao / photo

Reconstruction project of the South Station area all start levying

Source 2012-8-14 9:08:45 Southeast Business
  After following Ningbo Station Reconstruction Project (Additional land) and the airport expressway Yongda Road connector project, the remainder of the South Station area 6 Collection Items in yesterday to start signing. The six projects involving a total of 1376 were levied involved were levied housing construction area of about 125,000 square meters, the signing of the project, the relocation period is 90 days, the specific dates of August 13 to November 10. Under the plan, Haishu District will be completed before the end of this year the South Station area (in addition to South Bus Station) all the housing levy and demolished.
  Reporter Lin Wei correspondent Zhang Li l
  Yesterday morning, Mr. Chai, who lives in Yin Jiang Village become one of the South Station area reconstruction project --- three Street South Extension Project Phase I of road works contract farmers were levied.
  Chai choose monetary compensation. His house is an area of 52.82 square meters, the levy than the standard price of 14,875 yuan per square meter, net of related depreciation, coupled with the policy allows the award within the scope of, Chai to receive compensation of about 1.05 million yuan, equivalent to almost per square meter compensation of $ 20,000. This does not include one-time compensation for relocation and temporary resettlement compensation, the two together have more than 20,000 yuan.

Read more: Reconstruction project of the South...

Mountain crack the 200-meter-long hole

Source 2012-8-14 9:12:37 Evening
Yinzhou small village is now "the the Ningbo largest landslide danger,"
the villagers have been transferred, positive reinforcement of the mountain, to strengthen the warning
Yesterday the microblogging friends for help: Yinzhou Hengjie Zhu Min of villages of the mountain area of cracking, landslides, house cracks, tilt, extremely dangerous, we seek help from the Government ...
  Reporters rushed to the scene.
  Villagers Liu master:
  Wong Nai in the mountains burst into home
  Zhu Min village port legislation with an eye-catching brand: "in front of a geological disaster, Please vehicles and pedestrians."
  The path of the village has been cut off by a 200 m long cordon, every few meters hanging on the warning signs of the "geological hazard area", inscribed in Yinzhou District Government.
  Reporters, Hill cracked ... "
  Zhu Min village sports center, a reporter, leaned over the villagers. With a reporter to see the guard room of the sports center, arched facade wall, a 5 m long crack from the roof to the ground.
  Keep going along the mountain road home to six people, by the roadside Liu master home.
  Master Liu said, "anemones" before it made landfall on August 7, the road up the mountain suddenly landslides, mud blocked the drains of his house. In the afternoon, a family of five moved to relatives.
  Master Liu family house did not fall back until the 9th, but the walls are covered with small cracks all over the place Wong Nai.
  The villagers have been transferred, but the master Liu went home.
  "We can not live with relatives and old, a dozen people sleeping on hard floors, too crowded, but live at home, terrible ..." he said, two days, always feel the house moving.
  Villagers bamboo uncle:
  The mountain split hole

Read more: Mountain crack the 200-meter-long hole

Drunk driving electric bike in Ningbo was first sentenced

Source 2012-8-14 9:07:20 Southeast Business

Comic Ren Shanwei
  August 10th, Jiangxi man, Lee drunk driving Zhenhai the Court of dangerous driving offenses, sentenced to probation. The reason is that his electric tricycle was included in the scope of the motor vehicle, Ningbo Lee therefore became the first drunk driving into a sentence electric car owners.
  Reporter Hu Shan the intern Yan Zhe correspondent town of stone are the sword
  Drunk driving into the criminal "hot in this two years, Lee has never not thought would be something to do with their relationship, because his name only a tricycle.
  The Li Mouping when a living by helping people to pick up the goods. Late last year, in order to facilitate pick up the goods, he find someone modified a tricycle, removed the pedals, installed battery, became an electric tricycle.
  January 22nd Sino-Japanese lunch point, Lee drank 150 grams of white wine, did not wait for the sober, as usual, he rode a tricycle to go out looking for work.
  East shake West Akira to hit the road soon, traffic police on duty. A detection, his blood alcohol concentration 92mg/100ml belong to drunk driving.
  Lee was the prosecution to prosecute dangerous driving offenses. The behavior of drunken driving case hearing, Lee has no objection to, but he opened their own electric tricycle, a non-motor vehicles, and does not constitute the crime of dangerous driving.
  The court held that the identification results, Lee driving a tricycle foot riding with electric drive vehicle weight 380kg, speed up to 30km / h, in line with the definition of mopeds, so the car belonging to the electric drive three moped types, namely a motor vehicle areas.
  Lee violation of the traffic regulations, after getting drunk, still driving a motor vehicle to be driven on the road, his behavior constituted a crime of dangerous driving. Lee guilty of dangerous driving offenses, the court's final judgment, and sentenced to criminal detention two months, suspended for three months and fined 3000 yuan.

Read more: Drunk driving electric bike in Ningbo...


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