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he Jingdong advertisements Figure jump red South Korea's Hyundai Group's headquarters building moved to Ningbo?

Yesterday morning, Gome, Suning, and the Jingdong three home appliances supplier staged "Three killed, intense price war. Ningbo also has a lot of people sitting in the front of the computer, intended to find your chance to start the "spike".
  Friends "ben0123" after opening the Jingdong Mall website, his eyes on a modern (HYUNDAI) 5.2 kg fully automatic washing machine. Him to pull the pages down, washing machine brand: South Korea's Hyundai Group is one of South Korea's largest diversified consortium, founded in 1967, the company is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea ...
  But the picture of the headquarters building so that he shines! "Well familiar ... Is not that the Ningbo Bank Fortune Centre!
  South Korea's Hyundai Group's headquarters building
  Moved to Ningbo, a?
  Users "ben0123" surnamed Lu.
  9:00 in the morning, Mr. Lui saw that picture, the first reaction was: South Korea's Hyundai Bank Fortune Centre themselves, also the Bank of Communications replaced their logo too contemptible!
  His argument is that:
  "I work in the building of the Bank Fortune Centre. Moreover, the design of the building or our company, I could not even drawings are seen!
  "You see photo, left vague Ningbo Grand Theatre, the right is the north shore of Qin Sen. Even more exasperating is that they also replaced by the identity of the Bank of Communications Group HYUNDAI identity.
  "May I personally do not like Korean, see their fraud, the kind of exposure out of their sense of responsibility!"

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Cheon Il Guk shopping center in broad daylight robbed more than a pound gold necklace

Source 2012-8-16 9:03:46 City Express
  On the morning of April 22 this year, Oasis jewelry line in the center of Cheon Il Guk share ushered the uninvited guest.
  A young man asked to try them on the counter thick gold necklace, a salesperson loaded with counter key turn on the man suddenly jumped up, kick flew into the counter salesperson pushed into his glass case caught seven gold necklace to run. The mall security, cleaning, uncle and several customers hear the movement, before the man ran out, and put him pinned to the ground, the transfer of the police.
  Yesterday, Haishu court judgment on men.
  A man surnamed Liu, Jiangxi, 25 years old.
  The time of the incident, Liu has been working in Ningbo five years, because no schooling, only Dry manual labor, low levels of income. In April of this year, he had the idea to grab gold shop. "Because gold is worth a lot to grab sold, the money quickly."
  To this end, Liu Tianyi Square near several gold shop in advance to check out the location. On April 22, he began eyeing the "CTF" counter, but he found a gold necklace, there are light and delicate style, grab these "uneconomical". Later, he discovered Oasis jewelery counter crude necklace, this decided to look here to start.
  Identified, Liu grabbed the hands of seven necklaces weight of 567 grams, are the thousands of gold, worth over 240,000 yuan. In accordance with the Criminal Law of China, which already constitute a huge amount of snatch.
  The court eventually snatch crime (attempted) sentenced Liu to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of 50,000 yuan.

The two girls wash sleep the air conditioning inside the machine burst into flames

Source 2012-8-15 9:13:49 City Express
The the Jinyuan Lane thirty aNeighbourhood and dreams awakened by the smoke to escape

At this time, the seventh floor there are a couple crying for help in the north balcony, agitation.
  23 firefighters were divided into two groups, a group of organizations, fire, and another group to evacuate the residents of the upstairs.
  Was nearly 11:30, some people have been asleep, did not timely downstairs, want down, smoke too much, they turned back. "Participate in the rescue of fire fighters said.
  Fire fighters from the 3rd floor, knocking on doors, and to provide them with anti-smog masks, rapid withdrawal.
  About half an hour, the entire corridor of more than 30 households were evacuated to a downstairs.
  The Forest aunt lived in Room 503 in the Gu Niangjia top two floors. Day of the incident is the first day she and her grandson to stay at the new house.
  "The flames whirring coming out, along with the smoke, very scary, we almost get down, Fortunately, the firefighters arrived in time to help us down the stairs!" Auntie Lindo said.
  Yesterday, the reporter saw at the scene of the fire, the entire 303-room, bedroom and living room is a mess of charred cotton, coir rope everywhere, and the air was filled with strong burning smell, the upstairs balcony of Room 403 of the external walls have been smoked dark.
  The Jiangdong fire brigade fire investigators at the scene. According to their preliminary investigation, the cause of the fire may be the long power of the air-conditioned indoor fire, there may be air-conditioning load is too large, leading to short circuit fire. Needs to be done further investigation to confirm.
  Summer anti-air-conditioned self-ignition
  Reporters learned from the fire department, air conditioning outdoor unit "spontaneous" event has occurred since the beginning of summer this year from:
  To prevent air conditioning outdoor unit is on fire, we should note the following.
  First of all, air conditioning installation location should have good thermal conditions should be noted that to maintain a safe distance from curtains, curtain and other combustible, in order to avoid these things involved in the motor cause a fire;
  Second, air conditioning, high-power electrical appliances, sockets, wires and have higher requirements. Air conditioning do not share a single power outlet with other appliances, because the line overload can cause wire overheating and fire. The same time, the plug must be seated, plug contacts untrue play the spark caused by air conditioning fire spread along the line;
  In addition, the air conditioning continuous running time is preferably not more than 10 hours, try to avoid frequent switching air conditioning. The air conditioning is turned off, not shut down three minutes to start, likely to cause the compressor load and current surge, resulting in motor fire.
  In case of fire, encountered in the corridor smoke and intensity and other emergency situations, the best way is to wet a towel over his mouth, quickly evacuated along the stair railing, not to take the elevator.
  Trainee reporter Zhang Mingming correspondent Chen Yibo
  More than 11 points the night before, the Jiangdong Jinyuan Lane, Unit 3, the two little girls had just showered asleep.
  Suddenly, the air conditioning bang girls to awakened. "Burning up the air conditioning, and burst open, plastic debris fall with Mars."
  Before going to sleep the air conditioning suddenly fire
  A girl a little nervous and ran out of the room, immediately pulled out his cellphone alarm. Roommate took a basin, and get a little water to the fire, but no effect quickly growing fire, the smoke is very strong.
  Such as her roommate called out, the room is smoke, fire not see. The fire quickly spread to curtains and sofas, they feel basin splash Regardless, the decision to get out.
  Two side panting down the stairs, shouting "fire, fire."
  Soon, the fire rushed to the scene.
  At this point, they are south-facing balcony has also been burning fire, black smoke enveloped the whole building.

Drunk driving electric cars into the criminal controversial.

Source 2012-8-16 8:56:29 Southeast Business
Into the criminal standard is reasonable? The focus should be punished to the driver or standardize electric vehicle standards?  
  August 10th, Jiangxi man Lee for drunk driving a motorized tricycle, has become into the punishment for drunk driving in Ningbo, the first electric car owners. Information disclosed by the judgment, even power-driven vehicles, there may be excessive and have been identified as a motor vehicle, bear the criminal liability of drunk driving.
  1.1 million electric vehicles registered in Ningbo last year, many of which are excessive car. The judgment contains information led to the concerns of many battery car owners of their own criminal risk. Drunk driving electric cars into the sentence in accordance with what is? Is this reasonable? Yesterday, the reporter interviewed the people in the industry.
  Reporter Hu Shan correspondent of the town of stone are sword
  Why such a sentence?
  The judgment of the first drunk driving electric cars into the criminal case is a judge of the Criminal Division of the Court in Zhenhai, he told reporters, "crime of dangerous driving" is implemented on May 1 last year, the Criminal Law Amendment (h) "the new increasing a count of the text: "driving a motor vehicle chase competing driving on the road to a flagrant, or drunken driving motor vehicles on the road, at the detention and a fine. the preceding acts, at the same time constitute other crimes convicted and punished in accordance with the provisions of punishment heavier. "
  According to the provisions in the crime only to motor vehicle owners. Penalized around the electric car drivers, not electric vehicles exceeded while being included in the scope of the motor vehicle.

Read more: Drunk driving electric cars into the...

ao River hydrological station employees suspected of killing colleague

Source 2012-8-15 8:58:42 Evening
Yao River hydrological station
  The Yaojiang hydrological measuring station staff Jeong and Xiemou missing!
  Missing before the only clues from the measuring station opposite the monitoring probes. That monitor belongs to Ningbo Construction Group can monitor the door of the hydrological stations.
  The surveillance video showed 6:35 on the evening of August 8, Xiemou wearing a raincoat left. After a security booth, he also rushed pavilion nodded, smiling.
  Since then, Xiemou no trace, until August 11.
  At 3:00 on the August 11th, Ninghai, Sanmen County at the junction of the 314 National Road paved road sections, a man riding a car from Ninghai direction over, causing the the three Zhuao police station, two police attention.
  Police stopped the bike, and asked the man so late out what the man did not speak. The police became suspicious and bring it back to the police station.
  Asked the man's name, he said a few, they are all false.
  Man have an HTC phone, the phone card. The police look at his cell phone in a folder to see the number of dense, says Yao River hydrological station test data.
  The police asked the sentence: "This is something."
  Middle-aged man: "My name is Xie, I kill people."
  Xiemou said Yao River hydrological station owners, he killed his colleagues. Surnamed Zheng, the former Ningbo hydrological station party secretary. Xie think, Zheng usually everywhere against him in the leadership there to report on his and also his daughter, the trainee the opportunity to engage in yellow. Night of the incident due to the problem of measuring the water level, the leadership of Ningbo hydrological station phone curse thanks, he was very depressed, and then look at the Jeong easily look around, it was very angry, he picked up the root pipes Bash Jeong, but also postmortem the Yaojiang hydrological measuring stations near the septic tank.

Read more: ao River hydrological station...


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