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Ningbo refined oil wholesale prices soaring gas station promotional offer will "shrink"

Source 2012-8-17 9:50:32 Ningbo Evening News

Reporter Xu everlasting yesterday afternoon was taken in a gas station
  Despite the short week away from the August 10 price adjustment only in the past, the recent "rising" is expected to be underway. At the same time, with nearly a week since the high and volatile international crude oil prices, Ningbo, the wholesale price of refined oil has also ushered in a surge in the private part of the gas prices the margin of preference is facing shrinking.
  Ningbo refined oil wholesale prices soared
  August, the international crude oil prices has been to maintain the shock of rising prices.
  At the same time, Ningbo wholesale price of refined oil usher in a soaring, Ningbo Main gasoline and diesel wholesale prices are already close to or even break through the "ceiling".
  Inquiries from reporters Zhuochuang Oration data to see, Ningbo Main unit 93 gasoline wholesale price 9340 yuan / ton, 9890 yuan / ton, 97 gasoline, diesel, 8150 yuan / ton. Zhejiang Province, the highest wholesale price of gasoline and diesel respectively to 9346 yuan / ton, 93 gasoline, 9892 yuan / ton, 97 gasoline, diesel, 7990 yuan / ton.
  Gas station promotional efforts facing "shrink"
  Preferential wholesale price soared all the way also makes some of the social gas stations facing a "shrink".

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The Yongcheng mosquito density decrease of four percent from the previous month

Source 2012-8-17 9:02:57
  City CDC informed the media yesterday, this month, the density of adult mosquitoes down nearly forty percent, down nearly eight percent over the same period last year.
  Is Typhoon "sea anemone" blown away and a large outdoor habitat of mosquitoes? Yesterday, the City Branch of CDC biological media experts explained that, because the wind and rain and other inclement weather led to the relevant proportion of adult mosquitoes kill. In addition, the large-scale post-disaster environmental clean-up of mosquito breeding places caused massive destruction, leading to their breeding decline. According to monitoring, in August 2012, adult mosquito density of 1.62 / 2.56 / h, the mosquito density in July decreased by 36.72%; compared with 7.11 in August 2011 to / h, a decrease of 77.22%.
  However, experts have warned that if we pay attention to the mosquito will rapidly increase. The typhoon, the various types of containers, pits, depression within the stagnant water increased, resulting in increased breeding ground for mosquitoes young, 1-2 weeks after the mosquito-density will be increased. Therefore, to strengthen the breeding ground of mosquitoes young clean-up is still half of the main work.
  Home all kinds of inside and outside the tank, urns, pots, cans, altar, bottles and containers water mosquito breeding places, shall promptly clean up, keep dry, avoid water born mosquito. Must be used when cleaning brush to scrub the container inner wall of force, in order to Aedes egg wash. Drinking water tank should be stamped mosquito control, frequently changes the water. Indoor and outdoor cultivation of aquatic plants must be 3-5 days to change the water. To strengthen the other mosquito breeding sites such as sewers, cellar well, gutters, gutter put on anti-mosquito immature release agent, discarded tires to be stacked outdoors to fill the block and cover processing.
  Another focus of anti-mosquito prevention JE, malaria, dengue fever and other mosquito-borne spread of infectious diseases. In recent years, migrant workers, business, tourism, population, such as the frequent movement of imported malaria cases in the city is rising. The experts have warned that the recent travel of malaria infected areas of the public should pay attention to the prevention of infection. Travelers to endemic areas of Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, the Caribbean, Central and South America, attention should be paid to take protective measures.

Ningbo good air quality rate will decline

Source 2012-8-16 10:43:23

Recently Ningbo air quality is good, especially in the evening, the sky blue as a sapphire reporter Zhang Peijian photo
  Recently, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Urban Development and Environment Institute released the 2012 Urban Blue Book "China Urban Development Report (2012). According to reports, in accordance with the new standards, 2/3 of urban air quality standards; national urban water quality monitoring points for the poor class and poor class accounted for 57.2%. That the status quo in Ningbo do? Yesterday, the reporter interviewed the Environmental Monitoring Center of Ningbo City and Ningbo City Water Company.
  □ reporter Pan Huimin
  The implementation of new standards Hou Ningbo good air quality rate will drop
  According to Ningbo Municipal Environmental Monitoring Center report in the first half of this year, Ningbo air quality better than last year to the first half of grade Ⅲ and above pollution days only nine days, excellent rate of 95.1 percent, an increase of 10.6 percent over the same period in 2011. However, this data is in Ningbo, has not yet implemented the revised ambient air quality standards the measured data.
  Environmental Monitoring Center of Ningbo City, the official said, is expected on December 31 this year, Ningbo city will officially adopt a new ambient air quality standards. To the monitoring of the new standard of good air quality rate of Ningbo how the current is hard to say. "But certainly, the fine rate would drop.
  Drinking water has to implement the new standard pass rate of 99.98%
  Ningbo Water is a very high quality compared to air. According to the National Urban water quality monitoring network released the report of the first half of this year, Ningbo Urban water quality pass rate of 99.98%. Implemented from July 1 this year, the new "drinking water health standards. New standards with international standards, water quality indicators increased from 35 to 106. 6 Water Corporation under the jurisdiction of Ningbo City water plant in water samples detected as early as last July, show all meet the new standards, and has made the water quality standard certificate issued by the China Water Industry Association, also reached residents can drink directly with the standard.
  Yesterday, the reporter learned from the Ningbo Municipal Water Corporation, Ningbo 350-line automatic monitoring, 24-hour real-time monitoring of water quality of 100% compliance. Typhoons before and after the normal production of the five large-scale waterworks deal with strong, Ningbo, water quality and quantity did affected the water supply volume has been about 1.25 million tons.

Reservoir green residents panic panic

Source 2012-8-16 10:43:54
  The water company: alternate reservoir, is useless to do water

Cicheng hero reservoirs, reservoir water, generally as the "green paint"
  Tsz town hero reservoir being the source of drinking water, friends reflect yesterday, said the reservoir water green, floating a lot of dirt, sent bursts of odor, residents worry about drinking water, for which, the reporter yesterday afternoon. rushed to the reservoir.
  □ reporter Zheng Zhenguo intern Zhang Beilei photographer lofty
  【Status】 drinking water sources, Shuilv risk "oil"
  The edge of the hero reservoir, hung a sign that wrote the words of the source of drinking water.
  Along the dam walking the green water in the reservoir, the green is very unnatural. At the reservoir tail, Shuilv more float to the surface layers of oily, floating above the sorts of things. Faint smell Unit nausea odor. Reporters along the highway of heroes reservoir bypass the circle, the water green almost everywhere, the periphery is more serious.
  [Asked where the water would turn into water?
  Told reporters that the reservoir of water pollution is very serious, and can not drink any of the public village master, who lives near the reservoir.
  Around several villages have long been without water reservoir, but he built towers in the mountains. "Any master said that their village is still a reservoir of water, but with the reservoir 67 meters below water, rather than surface water.
  Before the typhoon's impact from the heavy rain, muddy mountains and rivers have been flowing into the reservoir, the public villagers pumped water can not eat, can only go to the mountains to pick spring water to drink. Much better now, water, not mixed, clear of any master.
  As a source of drinking water, the hero reservoir supply where? Any master, reservoirs and pipes leading to cicheng.
  Subsequently, the reporter came to the hero Reservoir Management Office.

Read more: Reservoir green residents panic panic

12th Five-Year" period of the the Yongjin Railway and Shanghai-Ningbo railway operating unlikely

Source 2012-8-16 10:42:58
  The reason: the need for more than 400 billion, too much financial pressure
  Speaking of Ningbo railway, it makes some "entangled".
  Externally, Xiao Yong Railway alone for many years, the Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou railway opened in 2009, the Hangzhou-Ningbo Passenger lane scheme operating by the end of this year. But in fact, Ningbo has been thinking about the other two railways: a cross Hangzhou Bay, Shanghai Yong Railway, one is Yongjin railway.
  These two days, the network upload a sad reminder of the message: this two is concerned about the high degree of railway, is difficult to achieve in the "12th Five-Year" period started. Hangzhou Bay, in order to ride the train, may have to wait a very long time.
  Is it true? Confirmation to the railway sector.
  □ reporter Xue Caosheng
  The Yongjin Railway and Shanghai-Ningbo railway, Ningbo years of dreams
  Accelerate the launch of the the Yongjin railway construction, this statement calling for many years. According to the plan, the Ningbo-Jinhua railway starting from Jinhua West Railway Station, along the Zhejiang-Jiangxi to Yiwu, Yiwu station the Hangzhou end amiss, Dongyang Changle, Shengzhou, Xinchang, Xikou in Fenghua, connected to the coastal railway, along the coastal railway to Ningbo East Railway Station, the line length of 232 kilometers, 52 kilometers from Jinhua to Yiwu with the Zhejiang-Jiangxi line, Ningbo, east Fenghua 30 km and Ningbo-Wenzhou Railway Line, the new length of 150 km. The Yongjin railway, once completed, Shaoxing City, under the jurisdiction of cities and counties through the rail, bid farewell to the days of no railway.

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