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Simplified version of the "curious" designed to check the underground pipe network

Source 2012-8-20 9:01:46 City Express
  What is this? Yinzhou Urban Management Bureau engineer Mr. Mao said that this is a simplified version of "curiosity" probe "robot, able to image returns on our recording instrument, but no analysis capabilities."
  The robot carrying high-definition electronic camera, the deepest of up to 30 meters, one-time detection length of 1000 meters, underground pipe diameter in the inner wall of 40-2200 mm, silt thickness of pipe inclination and so can detect and pipeline point of failure to locate, detect the cause of the failure.
  "Anemones" new city Yinzhou stagnant water, poor drainage of the underground pipe network to become a major cause. The robot was invited to the detection of underground pipes.
  The robot carrying high-definition electronic camera, the deepest of up to 30 meters, one-time detection length of 1000 meters, underground pipe diameter in the inner wall of 40-2200 mm, silt thickness of pipe inclination, and so can be detected in CCTV imaging detection, the diameter of the pipe network, depth, nozzle distance, dark well location data to accurately measure, and made the tube network map.
  This robot is necessary to a nearly one million, the entire detection of nearly $ 140 million, which lasted more than three months, the detection area of 80 km long underground pipe network. After testing, Yinzhou urban management department the results made the electronic map of the underground pipe network, the future new city underground pipe network failure, this electronic map can come in handy.

National Day Chinese New Year holiday is intended to free seven days of high-speed

Source 2012-8-20 8:47:30 Southeast Business
  Program in accordance with State Council approval of the holidays, free high-speed, this year's National Day holiday, the highway is expected to implement the free passage. Yesterday, the reporter learned from the City Roads, the province has been initially developed implementation details, is expected to be introduced in September.
  According to the Highway pipeline department and highway owners of units in the forecast, free passage and after the implementation of the city during the National Day high-speed traffic will increase by more than 2 percent. For highway management department and the owners of units, will ensure that a large number of vehicles ordered road will be a major test; whether the civilization of literacy and to prepare in advance to ensure speedy passage of the premise for the driver's friends, because they preparation affect other people, but also a test and examination ...
  The reporter FAN Hong correspondent Chu Huijiang Yaolin Long
  High-speed city traffic or by 2% or more
  High-speed traffic free for some car owners, the first thought is to save money, followed by traffic flow will not be a substantial increase? City Highway Administration pointed out that It is estimated that more than 500 km long-distance traveling by car, such as Ningbo, Nanjing, traveling by car, tolls accounted for about 6 percent of the entire cost, but in the short-distance traveling by car

Read more: National Day Chinese New Year holiday...

Interview with the landing action to snatch reporters Jiang Xiaofeng: Ningbo

Source 2012-8-17 10:37:43 Evening
  Related News:

  16 day and night, Okinawa Naha Newport, Phoenix TV reporter Jiang Xiaofeng from the Japan Coast Guard patrol boat down.
  14 the Japanese side is illegal snatch the Diaoyu Islands, "who, two journalists: Phoenix TV reporter Jiang Xiaofeng and photographers LIANG Pei Jin. Jiang Xiaofeng is Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, graduated from the Hangzhou Foreign Language School. Zhejiang Jiang Xiaofeng called the veteran war correspondent, he served as the Xinhua News Agency in Baghdad, Iraq's chief reporter. Prior to joining Phoenix Satellite TV, his presence is always volatile and dangerous news site.
  In the summer of 2006, Jiang Xiaofeng from Iraq back to the motherland, received the newspaper reporters. From September 14, 2004 to 2006, May 2, 2010, Jiang Xiaofeng foreign reporter of the Permanent Mission to Baghdad after the Iraq war, the longest one. Recalled at any time this reporter in Iraq might be kidnapped, dangerous areas of work experience or even killed, Jiang Xiaofeng also lamented "the body to return home" is not easy. He said the completion of the interviews and reports to protect themselves is not easy. If you encounter unexpected danger need to act according to circumstances, in order not to pay the unnecessary sacrifice, Jiang Xiaofeng will be with the Branch colleagues first before going out for route planning, taking care to protect their lives and safety in the U.S. military and anti-US militants in the engagement process.
  In August 2011, the Libyan armed opposition containment and the capital Tripoli city center Rick Naxos Hotel and Jiang Xiaofeng the figure. He and three colleagues of the Phoenix TV trapped in the hotel a full four days and nights.
  This time, Jiang Xiaofeng boarded the Diaoyu Islands ship in Hong Kong "Kai Feng II end their civil and China Diaoyu Diaoyu Islands, Jiang Xiaofeng precious screen material sent back to Headquarters in difficult conditions. After nearly 80 hours of the voyage, to the moment of the Diaoyu landing declaration of sovereignty, Jiang Xiaofeng by telephone to the Chinese people around the world live coverage. From at 17:00 on the 15th four minutes, Jiang Xiaofeng and punctual news program connection sent back to the latest reports, according to the news from Phoenix TV, Phoenix Satellite Television headquarters has failed to Jiang Xiaofeng get in touch, have not received the latest reports.
  From Iraq to Tripoli, to the Diaoyu Islands, Jiang Xiaofeng said, "Every time sent when I travel, I treasure this opportunity is very, very, very treasure, are so far from the beginning of every trip, I will pay all the cents to retain the full. "
  Jiang Xiaofeng was born in Ningbo in 1972, graduated from Ningbo the Daqi gate Street Primary School in 1985 after entering schools of Hangzhou Foreign Language, 1992, admitted to Peking University, East Languages Farsi. Graduating from college to enter the Xinhua News Agency to work, she was appointed as the Xinhua News Agency reporter in Iran; served as the chief reporter of the Xinhua News Agency in Baghdad, is the only full witness Saddam's trial reporter in China.
  July 23, 2007, Jiang Xiaofeng joined Phoenix Satellite Television, senior reporters and international observers. His presence is always volatile and dangerous news site.
  In 2011, Jiang Xiaofeng several depth the Libyan interview. In August, the Libyan opposition armed containment of the capital Tripoli city center Rick Naxos Hotel, Jiang Xiaofeng, including three Phoenix reporter, a total of 37 media personnel trapped in the hotel, a full four days and nights.
  In May 2012, the Huangyan Island, the Philippines, the confrontation continued, Jiang Xiaofeng to the Philippines in an interview, and charter travel to Huangyan Island waters field observed confrontation.
  August 12, 2012, Jiang Xiaofeng boarded the Diaoyu Islands ship "Richland II" with the Chinese civil Diaoyu to ride over the Diaoyu Islands

On the 14th tropical storm "scales" forming little impact on Ningbo

Source 2012-8-20 8:50:32 Evening
  No. 14 tropical storms have been forming, the microblogging pass and the "sea anemone" path
Last week, the Typhoon busy.
  "Anemones" left, last Saturday, the 13th typhoon this year, "Kai Tak" and landing in Zhanjiang, Guangdong.
  8:00 yesterday morning, on the 14th tropical storm this year, "Libra" and can not wait to forming east of the Philippines over the ocean.
  As of 5:00 yesterday evening, "scales" is located 1416 kilometers south-southeast direction, Ningbo, the ocean, the center of the maximum wind speed of 23m / s, the central pressure 990 hPa.
  Yesterday, microblogging, news, similar to the path of "scales" and "sea anemone", may cause serious damage to Ningbo, coastal.
  This news is true? The reporter interviewed the Ningbo Meteorological Station chief forecaster Pang Baoxing.

Read more: On the 14th tropical storm "scales"...

Electricity supplier Wars Ningbo surge in orders in the industry have suggested that a cautious consumer

Source 2012-8-17 9:51:19 Ningbo Evening News
  August 15 the price war evolution has become the Chinese electricity supplier in the history of the busiest day. In this price war, many Ningbo citizens sit still, the click of a mouse under a lot of orders.
  This lively price war quickly pulled up in the short term for the needs of the consumer appliances market in Ningbo, but it seems a lot of people in the industry, whether the "real deal" and wait to observe the public is advised to prudent spending.
  Consumers: mouse fierce point list doubled
  Jingdong Mall, Suning Tesco, led by this power-price hard-fought "a lot of Ningbo people sit still, the click of a mouse under a lot of orders, since this year was cold Ningbo consumer appliances market August 15 performance.
  Reporter yesterday learned from Suning Ningbo branch on August 15, Suning Tesco received orders from Ningbo, 11,000 more than a single, in peacetime, Ningbo single-day orders are generally in the range of 1000-2000 single. "4:00 pm to August 16, Ningbo stores to assist Suning Tesco completed the distribution of nearly 4,000 single order. The remaining needs of the regional transfer goods orders are gradually arrival." Suning Ningbo Branch, who has been Surname official said.
  The internet store statistics show that on August 15, Ningbo people in the country the United States online mall to spend $ 150 million. In normal times, Ningbo single-day sales generally in the range of 20-30 million.
  The reporter then interviewed the Jingdong Ningbo branch of a person in charge, but the official said Jingdong Ningbo Branch is only responsible for the distribution of small appliances, 3C, department stores such goods does not involve a large home appliances, the recent distribution volume there is no significant incremental .
  It is worth noting that the local supplier for the electricity supplier price war does not seem enthusiastic. Jingdong Mall, Suning Tesco website to see many local appliance brands such as side too, Patio, both products in the sale, but the reporter learned from the supplier, these brands are not involved in the price war.

Read more: Electricity supplier Wars Ningbo surge...


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